
Here’s a free collection of resources about eczema- Eczema blogs, videos, support groups, first-hand experiences and advice from people who have Eczema, etc.

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Eczema Blogs

Here’s a list of eczema blogs- blogs written by people with eczema, or about eczema.

*Email to submit your blog to this list.

Eczema Living 2019
Prime Physique Nutrition 2017
Gilly’s Eczema Skim Balm 2017
Itchy Little World 2017
Everything for Eczema 2017
Diary of an Eczema Sufferer 2017
Eczema Blog 2017
Battle Eczema 2017
Eczema Blues 2017
Eczemacism 2017
I Have Eczema 2017
Beyond the Itch 2017
Ditch the Itch 2017


Eczema Support Groups

Eczema Support Groups On Facebook

  1. Dr. Aron Eczema Treatment Discussion Group (22426 members)
  2. Healing Tribe: Resolving Allergies, Eczema and More (10902 members)
  3. Eczema Parents (9752 members)
  4. Eczema Support Group (8148 members)
  5. Eczema & Allergies Champions Support Group (6584 members)
  6. Skin Disease Support (5255 members)
  7. Dermatologist Acne/Rosacea/Psoraisis/Eczema Treatments
  8. Eczema UK (4930 members)
  9. Kids with Allergies, Eczema and Asthma (3913 members)
  10. Parents of Children Suffering with Eczema (3862 members)
  11. Baby Eczema Support Group (2555 members)
  12. Eczema, Contact Dermatitis and Patch Testing Alliance (2062 members)
  13. Dyshidrotic Eczema (1906 members)
  14. Parents of Children with out of Control Eczema Support Group (1745 members)
  15. Eczema Diet Support (1616 members)
  16. Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema (1506 members)
  17. Children Living with Eczema, Urtacaria, Asthma, and Allergies (1288 members)
  18. Gateway Food Allergy, Eczema, and Asthma Support Team (1217 members)
  19. Global Parents for Eczema Research (981 members)
  20. Eczema Babies – Support for Parents (926 members)
  21. Eczema Support Group New Zealand (921 members)
  22. UK Eczema Support (884 members)
  23. I Suffer from Pompholyx Eczema Group (724 members)
  24. Eczema Caused by Nickel Allergy (485 members)
  25. Eczema Outreach Scotland Support for Parents (374 members)
  26. Eczema Support Group – Prime Physique Nutrition (351 members)
  27. Natural Eczema Support Group – NZ Australia (337 members)
  28. Eczema Support for Parents UK (220 members)
  29. Eczema Philippines (174 members)
  30. Eczema Group (15o members)

Other Eczema Support Groups And Forums

  1. Daily Strength Eczema Support Group (306 members, 990 posts)


Eczema Survey

We’re surveying people about their experiences with eczema. Here will be a collection of their responses.

*This information is not meant to replace medical advice, and the information gathered via surveys may or may not be correct. Hopefully it will be helpful to you!

*Response format = Answer (Name, Age)

**Click here to share your experience with eczema**

 Eczema Symptoms

What symptoms have you experienced?

  • Itchy eczema all over body – especially on cheeks, diaper area, behind knees and in elbow fold. Also on limbs and even on scalp as a very young baby (had eczema since three months). (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • Itchy and red flare up rash. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • All over redness, bone deep itch, whole body flaking, dryness, adrenal suppression, “pins and needles”, growth delay, excessive skin shedding, warts, broken skin, body temperature hot/cold, oozing, lack of sweat, excessive ear wax. (EB, 11 years old)
  • I have itchy skin, feel really itchy at night, my skin turns red and flares up. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • Itchy, dry, flaky skin, bleeding, cracking, soreness. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Itching, bleeding. (Jaclyn, 19 years old)
  • Redness, itchiness, and thickened skin. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • Itching, bleeding and most of all irritating. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • Dry/cracked skin, red/inflamed, weeping. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Itchiness, rashes, dryness, flakiness, bumps, bleeding, peeling or redness. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • Typical eczema rash, insomnia due to itch, anxiety and depression exacerbated by appearance. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • Itch, dryness, flaking, sores, and oozing. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Itching, redness, weeping, and sores. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • Full body eczema since 14 years old. (Aaron, 24 years old)
  • Dry, itch, raised patches. Oozing. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • Dryness, redness, and pus. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • Severe eczema since I was 2 weeks old , the worst place I get it now is on my hands, they bleed, they crack, they wheep, they burn, they itch so so bad , and they mess with me emotionally, I feel like a monster. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Rash, bleeding, scratching, overheating, and not been able to get dressed. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • Itching, allergies, infections, swelling, inflammation and redness, sores, open cuts, and dryness. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • Itching, redness, swelling, bleeding, weeping, cracking, and crusting. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • Red skin syndrome, weeping, extreme flakiness on face and back, sensitivity to facial products and environment. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • Dry, weeping, bleeding wounds. (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Eczema all over my body. My arms, legs, hands, feet, forehead, and scalp. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • Itching, bleeding, pain. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Itching, burning, and soreness. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • Redness and itching. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Intense itching, dry peeling skin, eczema herpeticum, staph infections, allergies, tiredness, low morale. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • Dry skin, redness and intense itching. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • Hives, red itchy skin, and scaly skin. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • Digestive issues. Allergies. Eczema. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Facts

What are some interesting facts you’ve learned about eczema?

  • It’s an autoimmune disorder and often related to food allergies and contact allergies. Skin has a poor barrier function and lacks fillagrin, and t-cells overreact to irritants. (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • It controls your life. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • Not to use steroids. (EB, 11 years old)
  • It’s different for everyone and you have to find the treatment that works for you, whether that’s creams, or eliminating things from your diet/lifestyle. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Do a proper diet, don’t eat so much junk food, or you’re eczema will be triggered. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • It isn’t obvious what causes it. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • The root of eczema is usually connected to the gut. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Anything I try (creams, oils, etc.) are only effective for about six months. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • Eczema pushes you to find what food suits you, the right Diet is important. Since eczema gets triggered easy from what you eat. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • We may have “leaky gut”, it’s an autoimmune disease. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • That it is a gut issue. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Steroids are worse in the long run. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • It doesn’t discriminate. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • My eczema goes away with laser treatment. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • It’s very hard to manage even with steroids, and not enough people are aware of this. Why ? (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Logging the foods you eaten and finding the causes. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • There is no cure!! Everybody who suffers from eczema has a different trigger I.e food trigger or stress trigger and eczema is very much over looked. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • It’s related to a lot of different factors, it’s incurable. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • That there are many unsuspecting reasons as a cause. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • The correlation of stress and anxiety and eczema. (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Can’t be cured. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • That mine is triggered by my immune system. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Using natural products. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • There’s a lot of confusion as to whether going vegan is the answer. There are a lot more people suffering with this than I imagined. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Allergic to wheat. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • That it reacts to stress. Food sensitive. Wet wrapping works to diminish symptoms. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • What works for others doesn’t necessarily work for all. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Itch Relief

What are effective ways to relieve your itches?

  • Baking soda, sit in a bath for a few minutes. Rinse off and then a second bath with diluted apple cider vinegar. Blackseed oil (taken internally) and on itchy spots to reduce inflammation. La Roche Posay Lipikar Ap+ lotion. Diluted apple cider vinegar throughout the day on itchy spots. Scratch sleeves clothing to prevent making things worse. (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • My mummy puts my cream on. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • Cold, ice packs. (EB, 11 years old)
  • Sometimes I try to wrap my itchy skin with saran wrap, take a lotion, avoiding eating dairy products, chicken, eggs, etc. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • I haven’t found a way yet, I’ve tried putting moisturizer on or having a bath with Dead Sea salt/emollient but neither have worked for me. Antihistamines have also not worked. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Wrapping affected area with gauze. (Jaclyn, 19 years old)
  • Keeping cool, and wet clothes. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • I have numular eczema, and I use petroleum jelly with some steroid creams. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • Cream, or cool my body temp. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • Natural creams/moisturizers. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Anti histamine and relaxation. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • Moisturizer/oatmeal bath provides temporary relief. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • Antihistamines, and waiting it out. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Oatmeal baths. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • Topical and oral steroids. (Aaron, 24 years old)
  • Scolding with hot water. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • Benadryl. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • Turning on boiling hot water from the tap and burning the itch out. I know this is so bad, but it feels so good. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Steroid ointment. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • Anti histamines and creams. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • There really are none for me. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • Epsom salt baths, keeping cool, drying brushing away dead skin and moisturizing with a good balm. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • Haven’t found one yet! (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Haven’t found any. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • Bath. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Epson salts and oats and coconut oil. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • Topical steroids but now I’m going through TSW because I don’t want ti use then anymore so I’m miserable. I also just learned Im allergic to phenoxyethanol which is I. the cerave lotion I’ve been using for years and I’m having an impossible time finding any soothing lotion i can use. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Hot water, scratching, creams, antihistamine, emollients, alcohol, cold air from air conditioner in car. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • Nothing. I wish I knew. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • Ice and air-conditioning. Amber colored product from acupuncturist and Huing Luin Shui. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • Derm Aid. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Difficulties

What are the hardest aspects of living with eczema?

  • Being itchy all the time. Having to avoid common food like wheat, dairy, eggs and nuts! (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • I get itchy every day and night and it make me upset. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • Eczema was manageable, but topical steroid withdrawal was hell. (EB, 11 years old)
  • I can’t live my life like I used to before having eczema, like wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and because of that I have to wear a jacket every day. I have to avoid dairy products and chicken, which are my favorite food. Sometimes people in my school don’t know my condition, and make fun of me. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • Mine is worst on my hands so I can’t hide it and people often ask me what is wrong with my hands. Also being so itchy that it keeps you awake at night. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Cosmetic issues, discomfort. (Jaclyn, 19 years old)
  • Even when you sleep it’s really itchy, and when you wake up in the morning, they bleed. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • Self consciousness, and not sleeping from the itch. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • The pain and irritation. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • Not being able to sleep/withstand the itching, being embarrassed of how it looks (not being able to wear the clothes I want due to the irritation or exposing my eczema). (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Itching in public very often you lose your charm and body image. Dirty nails. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • Every aspect of life is impacted, and made more difficult. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • The itch, dryness and how I look. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Constant bandages. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • Constant pain and itch. (Aaron, 24 years old)
  • Peers. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • The scarring. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • I can’t do what most people do, petting cats and dogs. I can’t just go and clean my bathroom, I have to suffer with sever burning. I can’t just wash my hands after loo break without severe pain. I can’t open my hands properly due to the splits and being stiff. Most of all, the hardest thing is paying for stuff and people looking at my hands like they might catch it. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Working with a flare up. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • Constant itch, pain from open wounds and infections and hating myself for the way I look. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • The pain, scarring, embarrassment, and exhaustion. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • Doing normal activities, just waking up, and ‘getting ready’ is an ordeal. Having people understand how much pain you’re suffering. (Lori, 33 years old)
  • The stress it causes, and effect it has on my marriage. (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Itching. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • How it looks. The pain and itch. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Itching. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • I feel embarrassed by how it looks and annoyed that it’s so hard to control. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Itching, sore raw skin, rashes, itching, and ITCHING. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • The itching. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • It never goes away. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • The vast amount of food I have had to stop eating. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Advice

What words of encouragement/advice can you share with others who have eczema?

  • Treat the staph. Heal the gut. Don’t eat too much chocolate, dairy or nuts! (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • Do not use topical steroids. I wish I never put them on my son. (EB, 11 years old)
  • If someone bullies you because of your skin, don’t let it affect your life in a negative way, take it to be a motivation for you, that I have to stay healthy, so I can have a flawless skin again, so no one can make fun of me again. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • Other people don’t think it’s as bad as you perceive it yourself. And from what I’ve seen, most people can eventually find a way to keep it at bay by either experimenting with different creams, having an allergy test, or trying an elimination diet. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Don’t lose hope, God will find way to cure us. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • Just know that your skin doesn’t define you and often you view it as worse than it really is. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • Find what works for you. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • You can heal! (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Cold showers is the best for fragile skin. Change dermatologist when his medicine doesn’t work on you. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • You are not alone. There are plenty of people out there willing to help, and share their regimen. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • You are not alone. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • You are not alone! (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • Ignore everyone. They don’t know your situation. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • Who cares about the scars? If anyone is taking the time to judge your scars, how pathetic their life be. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • That you’re not the only one. You’re not alone. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Find the right doctor for help and support, they are out there. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • There are people out there who understand what your going through, your not on your own. If your having a bad day, trust me, it helps to talk. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • It could be worse. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • There will be a day when you will feel normal. This pain will one day pass. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • Keep trying new things. (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Reduce your stress level because stress makes it worse. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • You’re not alone. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • You will eventually find something that works for you. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • Keep looking for what works best for you and talk to others to share what you find and encourage others and yourself. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Keep fighting, and you can cope. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • Focus on the positives. Since I no longer eat wheat, my eczema has improved dramatically. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • Don’t turn your back on it. Don’t ever itch. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • No cure but there is hope. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Diet and Exercise

What’s been your experience with diet and exercise?

  • The baby runs around a lot, so she gets plenty of exercise. And mommy puts her on a special eczema diet. It helps to avoid her food allergies (nuts, eggs, dairy), but no significant difference is seen when avoiding things that are recommended to avoid. (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • My mummy has changed my food and I’m ok with it. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • He did not change diet. He could not exercise. (EB, 11 years old)
  • I started a diet without dairy products, chicken and eggs for about one month now. The first time it’s so hard to do it, because they’re my favorite foods. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • I have tried a gluten and dairy free diet but this did not seem to make my skin any better. Exercise can make mine worse as sweat irritates it, and showers also make it worse (which is necessary after exercising). (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • It’s good, but it’s hard. You can’t eat the food you really want to, or else you’re eczema will be triggered. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • I’ve tried gluten free which did not help and exercise is difficult because sweat makes my eczema flare. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • Non-effective. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • Changing my diet has helped me to heal my eczema more than anything else. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Hard to get healthy appropriate food because of the cost. Seldom exercise (depression problem). (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • I’m now on GAPS diet. My skin was best with veganism and frequent exercise. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • I tried the elimination diet and it did not seem to help. Exercise is great as it keeps you occupied. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Hasn’t made a difference with myself so far. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • It stopped me from exercising, and restricted my diet. (Aaron, 24 years old)
  • Doesn’t help. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • I haven’t changed my diet because of eczema though I have noticed dairy causes my face to flare. I tend to exercise less in fear of a flare. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • Not very good. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Exercise flares me up and diets help to find out what caused the flares. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • Personally, changing my diet does not help my eczema at all but I know it helps others. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • Exercise seems to flare it worse because of sweat. Diet helps and drinking water helps. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • No exercise. Not a priority, and I would feel it would make me feel worse (getting hot and sweaty). Diet is frustrating when you read all the lists of foods to avoid, and you get your best to eat cleaner, and skin is not improving. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • Have tried gluten free, dairy free and sugar free, none helped. (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Has not helped. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • No matter how I’ve ate, my skin stays the same. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Healthy eating and regular exercise are essential to healthy sleep patterns and dealing with stress. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Leave out sugar, use skimmed milk, exercise. Playing football helps. but affects breathing. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • No wheat. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • I am gluten free, sugar free, dairy free and eat organic and grass fed meats. I do yoga 3x a week. I still have flares. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • Exercise is not a problem but diet has been very hard. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Treatments

What’s been your experience with treatments (lotions, etc.)?

  • We rotate through various ones so that we can see which ones help. Cerave baby lotion is nice, aquaphor ointment, and la roche posay lipikar ap +. Blackseed (cumin) oil helps to reduce inflammation. Not currently using steroids or tracolimus – eczema is under enough control with just the moisturizers and special baths. HUGE difference with probiotic supplementation (lactobacillus rhamnosus GG)- we just switched over to Phage Complete (Gut Health protocol) which has l. rhamnosus in it. Also a huge improvement when we switched to cod liver oil (Carlson’s brand) instead of fish oil. Cod liver oil has vitamins A and D, and they really help the skin. Also take a half teaspoon of Blackseed oil each day. Also take a multivitamin which doesn’t contain synthetic folic acid but folate instead. (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • I have the cream and grease because I hate the feel of it and it makes my clothes feel funny. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • Tried everything from lotions to steroids under occlusive wrappings…found out he had Red Skin Syndrome/Topical Steroid addiction. (EB, 11 years old)
  • I think for me lotions or anything from outside didn’t really do much for me, because it always comes back and comes back, but inside (what you eat) decides what’s going on with your eczema. (Sorry for my really bad English). (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • I try to moisturize as much as possible but they seem to just soak in straight away and not make much difference. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Itchy at first application, but after a few hours it’s gone . (Liam, 20 years old)
  • I use epaderm every day which is good for dry skin, as well as atopiclair. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • Partially effective. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • I stopped using steroid/doctor-prescribed creams and switched to all-natural skincare. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Avocado oil, Steroid cream, and Anti histamine. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • Spent thousands on over the counter medicines that haven’t helped. Prescriptions- more of the same. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • Some lotions work and then do not work after awhile. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Steroids, moo goo, and hemp creams. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • Topical and oral steroids. Injections. Cerave cetaphil, shea butter, apple cider vinegar. Antibiotics. Tsw. (Aaron, 24 years old)
  • Waste of money. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • Laser is the best. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • Not great, I feel like why bother dad really. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Steroid creams are rubbish. Steroid ointment is amazing. Thick creams block the skin and make me itch. Bath oils are amazing and stops dryness. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • Steroid creams are very good but after 30 years of use it takes it’s toll on your skin. A thick moisturizer, such as Aveeno is great as well as an emulsifying wax. As I mentioned before, everyone is different so no one treatment works for everyone. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • None of them work. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • Minimize products. I still don’t ‘wash’ my face with water. I clean my face with alcohol-free witch hazel, then apply a good balm and shea butter. I put zinc on weeping areas. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • I’ve literally tried everything, you name it, I’ve tried it! (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Works for the time being then comes back again. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • Tried every cream and ointment available. Tried light treatment. Wet wraps about hospitalization. None have been successful. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • They make it worse. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • It’s extremely challenging to find something I can use. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Use Elacon cream, Aveno Shea butter, emulsifying ointment, Oilatum plus, cetirizine. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • I’ve tried everything throughout my life. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • No steroids or prescription creams, I use vanicream. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • I spent thousands with prescriptions and over the counter and finally found what works best thankfully. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Recommendations

Anything you’d recommend for someone with eczema?

  • Get food and environmental allergy testing!!! Fix leaky gut. Probiotics (histamine degrading like Phage Complete), cod liver oil, quercetin, l-glutamine. Get patch tested for chemical allergies ( (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • Don’t scratch too much. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • Use all natural things. Avoid immunizations/spread them out if you must. No steroids. (EB, 11 years old)
  • Take apple vinegar- for me it’s working so well. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • Don’t stop trying just because a cream doesn’t work. Keep going back to your doctor until you find something that works for you. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Don’t eat eggs, chicken or junk food, and eat more fruits . (Liam, 20 years old)
  • Dead Sea salt baths, epaderm. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • Live as naturally and healthily as you can. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Steroid cream, Anti histamine, and of course a good diet. At least 8 hours of sleep and cold showers. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • Eucerin healing creme, regular bleach/acv/Dead Sea salt/oatmeal baths. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • Try supplements not steroids. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Ice packs! (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • Medical marijuana. (Holly, 24 years old)
  • Laser treatments. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • If you have money you may be able to get the medical help needed. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • Epaderm. (Rachel, 28 years old)
  • Moisturize at least 3-4 times a day. Seek help from a dermatologist as your GP doesn’t have the experience needed to help you and talk to other people in the same situation. De-stressing is a major help for eczema sufferers. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • Bag balm. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • Find out your triggers (food/environment). Don’t listen to traditional MDs pushing steroids. Use cleaner health, body, cleaning products. Have a good support system who understands when you can’t get out of bed, and do normal activities. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • Patience. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • If it’s severe try an immunosuppressant. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Epson salts and coconut oil. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • Talk about it. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • Wet skin lotion is wonderful. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • Wet wrapping EFT. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • Stay away from nightshades. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Resources

What specific resources have you found most helpful?

  • Eczema is triggered by staph bacteria, and heat and sweat make it worse. Eczema people have a skin dysbosis and too much bad bacteria on the skin. Learning how staph works and how to kill them. How biofilms work (they protect the bacteria and are why your eczema comes back when you stop the steroid too soon). Learning about leaky gut, and how to fix it. It’s so important. Avoiding potential sensitizers and common contact dermatitis ingredients (nickel, neomycin, methylisothiazolinone, formaldahyde, etc.). (Zoe, 19 months old)
  • My mummy has taken me to doctors and they try to help. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  •, educating myself on the effects of TS & vaccinations. (EB, 11 years old)
  • Staying away from dairy products, and trying to take a spoon of apple vinegar every morning are the most helpful things for my eczema. (Joshua L., 16 years old)
  • Support groups. (Gemma, 19 years old)
  • Natural/organic creams. (Kierra, 20 years old)
  • Eczema Facebook groups. (Michaela, 20 years old)
  • Facebook support groups, various articles/books. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Dermatologist. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • Eczema support groups. (Miranda, 22 years old)
  • Itsan. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Support groups on facebook. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • My dermatologist. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • Steroids and even then it’s not perfect. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • My dermatologist is amazing and totally understands how I feel, both physically and emotionally. Aside from that, social media eczema groups are fantastic to meet people going through the same issues as well as the eczema society if you’re in the UK. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • Facebook support groups. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • Abby Tai’s website. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • The Facebook group is helpful if only to know that I’m not alone! (Jessica, 34 years old)
  • Google. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • Eczema Society. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • My Facebook group. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • Facebook groups with others to share with and learn from. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • National Eczema Society. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • Try new things to find what works for you. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • Eczema Facebook group , acupuncturist, and EFT too. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • Google. (Jo, 63 years old)

Eczema Stories

Share an experience you’ve had related to living with eczema.

  • I was having a lovely day at nursery doing painting when my eczema started and I got very upset. My teacher had to call mummy to collect me. (Ryan, 4 years old)
  • The worse…watching my son suffer through TSW. The best thing…figuring out what made it worse, TS. (EB, 11 years old)
  • So irritating, they healed, and after a week or month, they came back, I hoped they were gone forever. (Liam, 20 years old)
  • People questioning my eczema. (Emilie, 20 years old)
  • Mostly depressing experiences, I wake up from itches and scratch till my nails are full of dead skin and blood. (Laurene, 21 years old)
  • Being stared at. (Miranda 22, years old)
  • Being bullied about my appearance when I was young. (Nicole, 22 years old)
  • Not wearing a dress just because you don’t want people to see it. (Hayley, 23 years old)
  • My hands went from covered in bubbles and sores to looking like a completely normal hand. (Elle, 24 years old)
  • I want to be able to hold my partners hand and touch him without feeling like I’m repulsing him, even though he’s supportive and loves me etc. it’s how I feel and how it affects me, we need awareness and we need help. (Kristen, 26 years old)
  • I spent more than half of my childhood in the hospital with eczema and now I am 30 years of age and still struggle daily to control it. As a child I was also in newspapers due to the severity of my condition. (Kirsty, 30 years old)
  • Everything can be a task and it’s hard to have fun and be comfortable and confident. (Nicole, 31 years old)
  • You feel so ugly and not yourself. You lower your standards of normal appearance. Simple things- showering and going to work, doing chores- takes so much effort. (Lorin, 33 years old)
  • It’s kept me from going to work. (Barbara, 35 years old)
  • I’ve had relationships break down, and I’ve suffered prejudice. (Rachel M., 38 years old)
  • Depression. (Tracy, 45 years old)
  • It freakin sucks, but there are many other things we could have to deal with. (Gina, 45 years old)
  • Tired most of the time mentally (combined with job). I look OK at the moment, though red complexion with wrinkled hands. I can cover it up, but people don’t realize the constant itching is sometimes almost unbearable. The best release is hot water, and then cooling air. Holidays in hot dry countries and use of the sea does wonders. (Nigel L., 51 years old)
  • I was diagnosed at 1 year old. I don’t know what it is like to live without eczema. (Cindy, 52 years old)
  • I just cancelled a trip because of my Eczema. (Carol, 54 years old)
  • I only got eczema when I was 59 and it has changed me. I lost a lot of self confidence and self esteem. I am grateful that through the internet I have learned a lot and that there is a light in all the darkness.I also learned that doctors (GP) don’t have any answers and no idea how to treat eczema. (Jo, 63 years old)