Life in Virginia Beach, Virginia, explained by people who’ve lived in Virginia Beach:
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Virginia Beach Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Virginia Beach?
- Tons of things to do and close proximity to the beach. (Nicole, 5 years)
- Variety of activities to do. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- Lots of things to do here (state parks, beach, museums, etc.). (Sara, 11 years)
- My family lives here. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Lots of fun activities to do all year round and the schools. (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Safe city/school system. (Gloria, 26 years)
- The diversity. (Lauren, 28 years)
- So many different things to do. (Georgian, 37 years)
- My family and friends are close to me. (Tiffany, 37 years)
- The bay and ocean. (Colin, 66 years)
Virginia Beach Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Virginia Beach?
- Traffic. (Nicole, 5 years)
- The traffic. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- Traffic due to tourism. (Sara, 11 years)
- Cost of living. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Traffic. (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Cost of living/expensive. (Gloria, 26 years)
- Tourists. (Lauren, 28 years)
- Traffic. (Georgian, 37 years)
- Can be boring. We need more things to do. (Tiffany, 37 years)
- Low pay wages. (Colin, 66 years)
Virginia Beach Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Virginia Beach?
- Beach, aquarium, Green Flash Brewery, Pungo Wine Festival. (Nicole, 5 years)
- All the festivals and music at the Oceanfront, Mt. Trashmore, Town Center at night. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- All of the things mentioned above. (Sara, 11 years)
- Beach, movies, outdoor activities. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Sea shore State Park, Ocean front, Mt. Trashmoore (park). (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Going to the bay. (Gloria, 26 years)
- Top golf, aquarium, zoo, concerts, go to restaurants, breweries, fishing, go to the beach (Sandbridge & Chicks). (Lauren, 28 years)
- Ocean Breeze Park, Boardwalk. (Georgian, 37 years)
- Concerts, shopping, beach. (Tiffany, 37 years)
- Beach, theater, comedy and music concerts. (Colin, 66 years)
Virginia Beach’s Reputation
What’s Virginia Beach known for?
- Beach. (Nicole, 5 years)
- The beach and the Navy. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- The oceanfront. (Sara, 11 years)
- Beach. Military. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Ocean front. (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Beach. (Gloria, 26 years)
- The oceanfront. (Lauren, 28 years)
- Tourism. (Georgian, 37 years)
- Beach. (Tiffany, 37 years)
- Probably beaches. (Colin, 66 years)
Virginia Beach Crime
What’s the crime like in Virginia Beach? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Higher in certain areas. (Nicole, 5 years)
- It is perceived to be safe, but it is not as safe as it used to be. I worry for my kids going out now. I used to worry when they were going to Norfolk. Now I worry if they are going to the Oceanfront. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- Not the worst…honestly depends on the area. Oceanfront is bad, Green Run is bad, Newton is bad. Lots of not-ok areas in VB. (Sara, 11 years)
- Drugs, robberies..not too bad compared to other cities. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Not too bad, if I had to guess I would say 6 if it’s a scale 1 (no crime) to 10 (tons of crime). (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Not much. (Gloria, 26 years)
- Not bad, fairly tolerable, only very certain areas that are bad (Green Run, Kempsville lakes, Rosemont, Newtown, etc). (Lauren, 28 years)
- Newtown Rd/Baker Rd area College Park Level Green area. (Georgian, 37 years)
- Better than surrounding cities I think. (Tiffany, 37 years)
Virginia Beach Advice
Any advice for people moving to Virginia Beach?
- Do your research on the various areas of VB. Make sure you’re comfortable with the safety, schools, and “feel” of the neighborhood you’re considering. (Nicole, 5 years)
- Which school you are zoned for matters greatly. Otherwise, friendly place to raise a family. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- Research the area a LOT before committing to a home. Look up schools, crimes, etc. (Sara, 11 years)
- Be prepared for high rent/cost of housing. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Research where you want to live, different areas have different things to offer. Like Chix beach vs town center. (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Very expensive and boring for young kids. (Gloria, 26 years)
- There are many great areas to check out if moving here (Kempsville, Strawbridge, Redmill, Pungo, North End, etc). School system is great. Be prepared for shut down if it snows. (Lauren, 28 years)
- Check out crime rates in areas before you move. (Georgian, 37 years)
- Ask people that live here first!! There are neighborhoods to avoid. (Tiffany, 37 years)
Virginia Beach Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Virginia Beach (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Seeing Lynyrd Skynyrd live on the beach, meeting the Blue Angel pilots at the evening event for the airshow at the 31st Street stage, meeting the artists of Jones studio in Town Center and hearing firsthand how the Dad did the artwork for Grisham’s “A Painted House”, participating in the Suicide Awareness Walk at Mt. Trashmore, watching the Navy jets train every day, seeing the dolphins from the boardwalk, watching a rocket launching from Wallops Island at night from the 24th Street beach – these are all memorable and unique to VB. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- Kayaking in the ocean with dolphins! (Ashley, 14 years)
- If you go by Lesner bridge in the morning you can see dolphins passing by. A couple of time I was out on the jet ski and was able to pet them. (Anonymous, 19 years)
- My entire life has been an experience in Virginia Beach. I was lucky enough to be born and raised here. I’ve experienced it all and have seen the way the city has changed over the years. At the end of the day, living in a place that is considered a vacation spot for many is the best. (Lauren, 28 years)
- Met some great friends for life. (Georgian, 37 years)
- I used to love the festivals around here. (Tiffany, 37 years)
Virginia Beach’s Future
How do you think Virginia Beach will change over the next 10 years?
- More infighting on the City Council as small business owners go up against major development owners, more traffic, better school security, millennials will move out due to lack of decent paying jobs. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- Hopefully they will tear down a lot of the eye sores at the oceanfront, hopefully lots of road repairs. (Sara, 11 years)
- More housing to accommodate more residents. (Ashley, 14 years)
- I think it will continue to build and expand. (Anonymous, 19 years)
- Not much. (Gloria, 26 years)
- I think there will and already has been a lot of good development. I hope they keep the rural parts of the city rural, but continue to grow and improve the existing developments. (Lauren, 28 years)
- Too much traffic. (Georgian, 37 years)
- Get more and more crowded. (Tiffany, 37 years)
Virginia Beach Facts
Any other interesting facts about Virginia Beach?
- The academy programs at our local high schools are innovative and a great asset for our students preparing for college and/or gainful employment. (Cynthia, 9.5 years)
- History of the area. (Ashley, 14 years)
- Love all the parks and trails. (Georgian, 37 years)