Life in Syracuse, New York, explained by people who’ve lived in Syracuse:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Syracuse)
Syracuse Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Syracuse?
- Easy to get places via 81 690. (Paul, 15 years)
- Carrier Dome. (Dan, 30 years)
- All the events you get to do. Just get out there. (Beverly, 45 years)
- History. (Tracey, 50 years)
- Family, lots to do, weather. (Mike, 52 years)
- Nothing, but I made a great living. (Joseph, 73 years)
Syracuse Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Syracuse?
- Negative people. (Paul, 15 years)
- Potholes. (Dan, 30 years)
- 6 months of winter. (Beverly, 45 years)
- Drug problem. (Tracey, 50 years)
- People who whine about the weather. (Mike, 52 years)
- The cold weather. (Joseph, 73 years)
- Snow/cold. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Syracuse?
- Golf. (Paul, 15 years)
- Nothing. (Dan, 30 years)
- Taste of Syracuse. All the outdoor walking trails. (Beverly, 45 years)
- NYS fair. (Tracey, 50 years)
- SU sports, summer festivals, parks, restaurants. (Mike, 52 years)
- Going to the fair because I was in the business for 10 years. (Joseph, 73 years)
- Lots to do, if if you look. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse’s Reputation
What’s Syracuse known for?
- SNOW. (Paul, 15 years)
- Carrier Dome. (Dan, 30 years)
- Basketball. (Beverly, 45 years)
- SU. (Tracey, 50 years)
- SU sports, weather. (Mike, 52 years)
- Syracuse University basketball, also I remember 1959 with Jim Brown is Ernie Davis. (Joseph, 73 years)
- Snow. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse Crime
What’s the crime like in Syracuse? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- No worse than other cities in NY. (Paul, 15 years)
- Really horrible. (Dan, 30 years)
- About average. (Beverly, 45 years)
- Wouldn’t go downtown at night. (Tracey, 50 years)
- Drugs, gangs. (Mike, 52 years)v
- Take any unread Siri. (Joseph, 73 years)
- Out of hand, North, South, East or West sides. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse Advice
Any advice for people moving to Syracuse?
- Travel around on your days off…explore our unique neighborhoods. (Paul, 15 years)
- I don’t recommend it. (Dan, 30 years)
- Be prepared for cold weather. Be prepared for high taxes. (Beverly, 45 years)
- Check areas first, some are not that great. (Tracey, 50 years)
- Don’t move to Fayetteville, Manlius, Janesville, Skaneateles or Cazenovia. Don’t be a snob. (Mike, 52 years)
- Don’t do it. Unless very very wealthy, no jobs. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Syracuse (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Great concerts and shows. (Paul, 15 years)
- Go to the Carrier Dome watching Syracuse vs Duke when we first joined the ACC. (Dan, 30 years)
- I was born and raised in Cuse. The blizzard of 66. (Beverly, 45 years)
- Love the St. Patrick’s Day parade. (Tracey, 50 years)
- You can always find someone you are connected to. (Mike, 52 years)
- Teenage job delivering pizza, robbed at gunpoint. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse’s Future
How do you think Syracuse will change over the next 10 years?
- Center city rebirth, Southside deterioration of housing. (Paul, 15 years)
- Hopefully for the best. (Dan, 30 years)
- Unfortunately I don’t see anything good happening. (Beverly, 45 years)
- Hopefully the roads. (Tracey, 50 years)
- With increase in downtown population, more stores. (Mike, 52 years)
- More taxes, more libs, more illegals. (Kevin, too long)
Syracuse Facts
Any other interesting facts about Syracuse?
- Its history. (Paul, 15 years)
- Downtown is sometimes clean and nice. (Dan, 30 years)
- Everyone should visit at least once. (Beverly, 45 years)
- Snowiest big city in America. (Kevin, 50 years)
- Was so important to manufacturing. (Mike, 52 years)