Mexico Mazatlán Mission

Misión México Mazatlán

Here are free resources about the Mexico Mazatlan Mission:

Aquí están algunos recursos gratuitos sobre la Misión México Mazatlán:

*Other Mission Pages: Mexico LDS Missions.

Mexico Mazatlan Mission Address

Here’s a recent address for the Mexico Mazatlan Mission. We try to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the mission address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.

This mission does not currently exist.

Phone Number: N/A
Mission President: N/A

Mexico Mazatlan Mission Map

Here’s a link to the mission map for the Mexico Mazatlan Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date map for the Mazatlan Mission

*Mission does not currently exist. (Browse mission maps)

Videos with Mexico Mazatlan RMs

Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Mexico Mazatlan Mission.  We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews. Coming soon..

LDS-Friendly Videos about Mexico

Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Mexico. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Mexico, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.

weather  places  history  food  nature  language  mission calls  time lapses  Spanish Hymns  LDS Church

Mexico Mazatlan Missionary Blogs

Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Mexico Mazatlan Mission. This blog list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their mission blog was updated.

*Send your missionary a gift (mission-specific shirts, ties, Christmas stockings/ornaments, pillowcases, etc.)

none found yet

Mexico Mazatlan Mission Groups

Here are Mazatlan Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the mission.

  1. Misión México Mazatlan Group (566 members)
  2. COMPAÑEROS DE LA MISION MEXICO MAZATLAN 90-92 Group (186 members)
  3. Mision Mexico Mazatlan 1987-1990 Group (148 members)

Mexico Mazatlan Mission T-Shirts

Here are T-shirts for the Mexico Mazatlan Mission!

Shirt designs include Mexico Mazatlan Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL.  The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.

*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Mazatlan missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.

*Click here to browse Mexico Mission gifts

Mexico Mazatlan Mission Presidents

Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Mexico Mazatlan LDS Mission.

  1. 1987-1990, Samuel Lara Del Moral

Mexico LDS Statistics (2016)

  • Church Membership: 1,394,708
  • Missions: 34
  • Temples: 13
  • Congregations: 2,015
  • Family History Centers: 274

Helpful Articles about Mexico

Coming soon..

Mexico Mazatlan Missionary Survey

Here are survey responses from Mexico Mazatlan RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.

*Click here to take a survey to help pre-missionaries going to your mission.

When did you serve?

  • 1989-1991 (Marco)
  • 1988-1990 (Lizardo)
  • 1988-1990 (Robert)
  • 1966-1968 (Bryan)

What areas did you serve in?

  • Tepic Nayarit, Los Mochis Sinaloa, Guasave Sinaloa, Esuinapa Sinaloa. (Marco)
  • Cabo San Luces, San Blas. (Lizardo)
  • Santiago Ixcuintla, Culiacan and Los Mochis. (Robert)
  • Empalme, Nogales, San Luis Rio Colorado, Caborca, Sonora y Mazatlan y Mexicali. It was the West Mexico Mission at the time and comprised Baja Calif. Norte y Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, y Nayarit . (Bryan)

What were some favorite foods?

  • No teníamos algún alimento favorito, nos teníamos que adaptar a los que las familias del barrio nos dieran de comer. (Marco)
  • Tortillas de harina con machaca. (Lizardo)
  • Carne asada and tacos. (Robert)
  • Coyotas. Sangria refresco. Hot Fresh made flour tortillas w/ butter & honey. Carne en su jugo. Pozole. Birria. And most important, Tacos de Carne Asada from street vendors. (Bryan)

What was a funny experience?

  • Mas que experiencia divertida es el potencial que tenemos en predicar el evangelio. Visitábamos un ejido a 15 kilómetros de la cd de los Mochis Sinaloa, y la mayoría de la gente viajaba en bicicleta, mi compañero y un servidor tuvimos la impresión de predicar el evangelio en bicicleta y créanme fue una experiencia increíble. terminamos entregando un Libro de Mormón. (Marco)
  • Eating chicken soup and playing with the tendons on the chicken foot before finding that most people ate the skin off the foot. (Robert)

What was a crazy experience?

  • No hicimos nada en contra del reglamento misional. (Marco)
  • Eating a bigote pizza. (Lizardo)
  • Held up by knife to get money (which I had very little of). (Robert)

What was a spiritual experience?

  • Una de las mas gratas fue el aprender a orar con sinceridad, mi compañero un un servidor oramos al padre por que nos diera la oportunidad de encontrar y bautizar a sacerdocio y nuestra oración fue contestada y bautizamos ese mes a hermanos varones mayores de 18 años, al mes siguiente pedimos encontrar a familias completas y bautizamos en ese mes a familias completas, PEDID Y RECIBIRES. (Marco)
  • Giving a priesthood blessing. (Lizardo)
  • Lots of them, but the blessing to the Mother of a family we were teaching promising her example would lead her husband to be baptized as well (which happened). (Robert)
  • When teaching the Badillo family in Caborca, they had so much interest and questions that we were totally exhausted from ensuring we had the Spirit to be able to give the full truth because they were believing every word that were told them. (Bryan)

What are some interesting facts about the Mexico Mazatlan Mission?

  • Nuestro presidente de Misión tenia un entusiasmos increíble en la misión cada reunión de zona que participábamos salimos con la fe necesaria de cumplir con lo que se nos requería. El espíritu misional era grande casi la mayoría de los compañerismos bautizaba 10 conversos por mes. Un mes como zona alcanzamos a bautizar a 89 conversos con 5 compañerismos. (Marco)
  • Ser presidente de rama durante 11 meses. (Lizardo)
  • When we arrived, Culiacan was 1 stake, it was 6 when we left. Lots of growth in Culiacan. (Robert)
  • In 1966, there were 4 missiones in Mexico, 2 or 3 Stakes, 30-40,000 members. 80% of Elders from USA & about 50% of Sisters. Mision Mexicana del Occidente (Western Mexican) comprised Baja Calif. Norte y Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa, y Nayarit. It was the smallest of the 4 missiones. The Presidents of Mission with approximate years: Harold Turley 1961-64 Col. Dublan, Chi George Turley 1964-67. Col. Dublan, Chihuahua Eugene Olsen 1967-71 San Diego, Calif. Pte. Miera 1971-(Bryan)

What was the weather like?

  • Muy caluroso me tocaron temperaturas de 42 grados bajo sombra, mucho calor. (Marco)
  • Muy caluroso. (Lizardo)
  • Hot, gets up to around 58 C for highs. (Robert)
  • Empalme in June-September was so hot and humid that sometimes we changed clothes at noon. San Luis (La playa sin el Mar) in September up 117 degrees then in January had to break ice to do a baptism (nearly), smokey, oily heaters, Mexicali was nice weather in March-April but got up to 120 degrees in June. Nogales had wonderful weather in the summer by comparison. Mazatlan also had wonderful weather September-February. Caborca, my favorite place on Earth had Camalot weather because I won’t remember it any other way! (Bryan)

Any things you really like about the area/people?

  • Las personas de Sinaloa muy nobles y muy preparadas para recibir el evangelio. (Marco)
  • Muy amables. (Lizardo)
  • Humble and awesome people giving all they had (which if they served something extravagant I made them eat it with us). (Robert)
  • The best people on Earth and I guess that is the reason why I lived in or worked in Mexico for the last 25 years. After I was widowed, I married my dear Rosario in Puebla, Puebla. Some of my dearest friends come from all over Mexico, well every where I’ve been I have dear friends. I always wonder if the stork didn’t get lost and fly 100 miles too far north in Arizona instead of leaving me in Agua Prieta or Nogales or ven Caborca. (Bryan)

Any packing/clothing advice?

  • Ser mas practicos con la cosas que se llevan a la mision. No llevar muchas cosas. (Marco)
  • Llevar solo lo necesario. (Lizardo)
  • I liked long sleeve shirts to avoid the sun. Definitely thin breathable shirts preferred. (Robert)

What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?

  • Considero que la Misión es una bendición en mi vida, actualmente soy obispo de un barrio, tengo una excelente esposa, casado en el templo , tres maravillosos hijos que amo mucho , uno de ellos ya es ex misionero y otro sale este año a la misión. Que mas puedo decir si no estar agradecido por estas grandes bendiciones que me ha dado Nuestro Padre Celestial. (Marco)
  • Ser misionero toda mi vida. (Lizardo)
  • Got to have a glimpse of how much Heavenly Father loves each and every one of his children. (Robert)
  • It opened my eyes to life, started building a confidence in me and in the Lord. I learned that I little ole me can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. (Bryan)

What are some skills you gained?

  • Las mas importantes desarrollar dones espirituales, solo por medio de la dedicación obediencia, estos dones se desarrollan y se encuentran otros que no conocíamos que los teníamos. (Marco)
  • Ser maestro de Ingles. (Lizardo)
  • Language, leadership, etc… (Robert)
  • A love for the people, a sense of The Work that must roll forth in all the world, ability to address members from the pulpit (I was extremely shy before mission). (Bryan)

What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?

  • Mi deseo mayor era dar la oportunidad de enseñar el evangelio como a un servidor le habían enseñado dos valientes misioneros. por otro lado tener el privilegio de representar a Jesucristo. (Marco)
  • Como predicar. (Lizardo)
  • Not to try, and send packages back home with stuff you didn’t want to put in your suitcase. (Robert)
  • That I was who I was for all the life’s experiences up to that point but that didn’t make me correct and all the hangups or incorrect opinions could be changed through the Atonement by asking to get it right. Really, what I wished I had known is that my independent nature would be a major stumbling block the rest of my life and that simple humility would allow full access to Christ’s help and perfecting changes. The conflict we experience comes when our minds are convinced through what we see and hear from our leaders but it is our personal nature that is controlled by our heart that causes the conflict with our minds. That is the “change of heart Alma talks about that is required by all to “Come unto Him” and be saved and perfected. I couldn’t get myself to do all that was required of a true representative of our Lord and Savior in the total sense. And it is just not that difficult to do but you have to get it first in order to ask in order to receive. The gospel is simple but we make it complicated and we want to do it “our way” and not His way. (Bryan)

Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Mazatlan?

  • Que en la misión conocerán verdaderamente al padre y a su hijo Jesucristo todos los valientes que tomen la decisión de ir a una misión, Obtendrá un testimonio firme del evangelio pero a demás aprenderán a ser un instrumento en las manos del señor para engrandecer el reino de dios en esta tierra. Conocerán su potencial divino y harán milagros en las vidas de personas que nunca habían conocido, aprederan a conocer el impacto eterno del evangelio de Jesucristo. (Marco)
  • Ser humildes, muy trabajadores y guardar las reglas misional es. (Lizardo)
  • Love the people and work hard. Time is really short. The days are long, but the 2 years/18 months go quick. (Robert)
  • Know that this is His work AND he will direct you but only to the degree you recognize you are nothing and can’t do His work without His help, which He will freely give only as you seek it humbly. A lack of confidence in one’s self (supposed) is really just a hidden pride that says I have to do it all by myself or it isn’t true growth, that asking for help is a sign of weakness. We get the peace in our heart from trusting our Savior completely which others see in us and say we have self confidence! I didn’t trust the Lord because I didn’t trust myself. I didn’t know how to let go and jump into His arms completely trusting Him. If I had done that, my next 45 years would have been totally different and more wonderful with untold opportunities to serve others more fully and be an instrument in His hands. (Bryan)

What was a funny language mistake?

  • El idioma no fue un problema por que serví en mi país , pero admire a los misioneros que no conocían nuestra lengua con ese gran don divido del don de lenguas se desarrollaban en mis compañeros y en pocos meses apredian el idioma donde servían. (Marco)
  • Mi compañero después de caminar dos horas me dijo tengo ampollas. (Lizardo)
  • A sister in our MTC tried to say she was embarrassed and instead informed us she was pregnant. Laughed and still laughing! (Robert)
  • Out tracting early one morning, the brand new greenie knocked and introduced himself to a young lady just out of the shower. “We are representatives of the Mutual Improvement Association and have come hundreds of miles just to give you a special massage! The senior companion fell off the porch laughing and couldn’t rescue his companion! In those days, the Church still wasn’t granted permission to operate in Mexico as a church as was the situation with all other churches so we were the MIA Sociedad de Mejoramiento Mutuo. In 1968, the new chapel in Mexicali was the very first chapel in all of Mexico to have the name of the church on the building at completion and dedication. The rest were operating as schools and meeting houses of the Mutual Improvement Association. The Church had the blessings of the Presidents of Mexico and its congress but the law or constitution had to be changed in order for legal registration of a religion. This dates back to the revolution separating the government from the Catholic Church who controlled the government then. (Bryan)