Mexico Guadalajara Mission

Misión México Guadalajara

Free resources about the Mexico Guadalajara Mission:

Aquí están algunos recursos gratuitos sobre la Misión México Guadalajara:

*Other Mission Pages: Mexico LDS Missions.

Guadalajara Mission Address

Here’s a recent address for the Mexico Guadalajara Mission. We try to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.

Mexico Guadalajara Mission

Apartado Postal 51-74
Colonia Las Aguilas
45081 Zapopan, Jalisco


Phone Number: 52-333-125-2278
Mission President: President Robert J. Clayton

Mexico Guadalajara Mission Map

Here’s a link to the mission map for the Mexico Guadalajara Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date map for the Guadalajara Mission:

  1. Log into your LDS account here.
  2. Click here.

Videos with Guadalajara RMs

Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Mexico Guadalajara Mission.  We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.

mission interview

LDS-Friendly Videos about Mexico

Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Mexico. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Mexico, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.

weather  places  history  food  nature  language  mission calls  time lapses  Spanish Hymns  LDS Church

Mexico Guadalajara Missionary Blogs

Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Mexico Guadalajara Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.

*Send your missionary a gift (mission-specific shirts, ties, Christmas stockings/ornaments, pillowcases, etc.)

Mission Alumni 2017
President & Sister Clayton 2017
Elder Davis Koenig 2017
Sister Payton Acor 2017
Elder Jackson Cluff 2017
Elder Mitchell Vaifanua 2016
President & Sister Wagner 2015
Sister Kylie Searle 2015
Elder Holden Budge 2015
Elder Lincoln Goodman 2015
Sister Rodriguez 2014
Elder Ben Jarvis 2014
Elder Yancy Knight 2014
Elder Eric Brighton 2014
Elder Taran Pew 2014
Elder Joseph Brinkerhoff 2013
Elder Mason Sanders 2013
Elder Dallas Aguilar 2012
Elder Nate Kennedy 2012
Elder Chris Hall 2012
Elder Tyler Roberts 2012
Elder Joseph Newell 2011
Elder Nicholas Young 2011

Mexico Guadalajara Mission Groups

Here are Mexico Guadalajara Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Guadalajara Mission.

  1. Mision Guadalajara Group (279 members)
  2. Mision Guadalajara- Pres. M. Moreno Robins Group (195 members)
  3. Mexico Guadalajara Mision 2012-2015 Group (185 members)
  4. Mision Mexico Guadalajara – 1987-1990 Group (182 members)
  5. Ex-Mision Mexico Guadalajara 1999-2002 Group (176 members)
  6. Mission Guadalajara Moreno Robins 1984- 87 Group (174 members)
  7. Mision Mexico Guadalajara (1993-1996) Group (68 members)
  8. Mission Guadalajara Gutierrez, Whetten 1976-79 Group (28 members)
  9. Mexico Guadalajara Mission Moms (LDS) Group (15 members)
  10. Mision Mexico Guadalajara 2006-2009 Group (3 members)

Guadalajara Mission T-Shirts

Here are T-shirts for the Mexico Guadalajara Mission!

Shirt designs include Mexico Guadalajara Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL.  The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.

*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Mexico Guadalajara missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.

*Click here to browse Guadalajara Mission gifts

Guadalajara Mission Presidents

Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Guadalajara LDS Mission.

  1. 2015-2018, Robert J. Clayton
  2. 2012-2015, Gary Wesley Wagner
  3. 2009-2012, Lazaro Saucedo
  4. 2007-2010, Robert J. Watkins
  5. 2005-2007, Gary L. Heaton
  6. 2002-2005, Wilford W. Andersen
  7. 1999-2002, Ruben d. Torres
  8. 1996-1999, Salvador Aquirre
  9. 1993-1996, William J. Bollard
  10. 1990-1993, Francisco Pineda
  11. 1987-1990, Alfredo Mirón
  12. 1984- 1987, M. Moreno Robins
  13. 1981-1984, Jorge Rojas
  14. 1978-1981, Jose Gonzalez
  15. 1977-1978, Lester B. Whetten
  16. 1975-1977, Isauro Gutierrez

Mexico LDS Statistics (2015)

  • Church Membership: 1,368,475
  • Missions: 34
  • Temples: 12
  • Congregations: 1,998
  • Family History Centers: 268

Helpful Articles about Mexico

Coming soon..

Guadalajara Missionary Survey

Here are survey responses from Mexico Guadalajara RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.

When did you serve?

  • 2006-2008 (Benjamin)
  • 1979-1981 (Indra)
  • 1981-1982 (Beatriz)
  • 1986-1988 (Alfredo)
  • 1982-1984 (Paulo)
  • 1976-1978 (Enrique)
  • 1975-1977 (Joel)
  • 1975-1977 (Allen)

What areas did you serve in?

  • Aguascalientes, Puerto Vallarta, Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara, Mazatlan. (Beatriz)
  • Guadalajara, San Antonio, Zamora, Mazatlan, and Tepic Nayarit. (Alfredo)
  • Guadalajara, Nayarit, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Zamora Michoacán. (Paulo)
  • Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Colima, Cd. Guzman, San Luis Potosi y Mazatlán. (Enrique)
  • Guadalajara,Cd, Guzman,Jalisco,Salamanca Guanajuato, Morelia Michoacan,Aguascalientes,San Luis Potosi. (Joel)
  • Guadalajara, Leon, Fresnillo, Mazatlán, Celaya, Guanajuato. (Allen)

What were some favorite foods?

  • Tacos al pastor; tortas ahogadas. (Benjamin)
  • Frijoles con elote, crepas dulces y saladas, tacos de chile con queso y crema, caldo de pollo, tortillas hechas a mano. (Indra)
  • Fresh fruit from Puerto Vallarta, taquitos from Tlaquepaque, Dulce de leche from Tonala. (Beatriz)
  • Mariscos. (Alfredo)
  • Tacos al pastor. Lasaña. (Paulo)
  • Tacos al pastor. Tortas ahogadas. Carne asada del Restaurant El Tirol. (Enrique)
  • Carnitas de puerco en Aguascalientes,quezo fundido en Guadalajara,corundas en Michoacan,tortas ahogadas en San Luis Potosi,momias de dulce en Guanajuato,pescado frito en Mazatlan. (Joel)
  • Tacos al pastor, pozole. (Allen)

What was a funny experience?

  • My companion and I spent 3 days straight trying to catch a rat in our house. (Benjamin)
  • Eating a really hot dish and getting sick…my companion and I were separated and the investigators she went with knew about it and asked her to bring me over to their place later at night to check if I was ok with the food I had earlier!!! They later got baptized (the whole family). They really do care about missionaries when they found out what we can and cannot eat!! (Indra)
  • The Elders busted in our dorm while we were teaching and ate our food, including some very tart bananas that needed cooking, their mouths were numb for the rest of the day. (Beatriz)
  • When it was raining in Mazatlan, and my partner Elder de la Rosa fell in a drainage. (Alfredo)
  • Al llegar a Aguascalientes por un cambio, me fui en taxi a la dirección que me dieron y cual seria mi sorpresa que era una Iglesia pentecostés y al llegar vinieron a recibirme saludándome y diciéndome hola Elder y yo no entendía que estaba sucediendo y ya antes le había dicho al chofer del taxi si no había un error respecto a la dirección y me dijo no esta es la dirección que usted me dio, ya después entendí que los Elderes vivían en un departamento arriba de este lugar de reunión de esta iglesia pentecostes. (Enrique)
  • La ocasion en que brincamos un canal para no tener que ir a rodear hasta el puente en la Cd. de Salamanca Gto. y mi companero se cayo en el canal….tuvimos que regresar a casa para que se cambiara. (Joel)
  • Threw up on Mexico on my first day there. (Allen)

What was a crazy/dangerous experience?

  • I left my backpack on the bus we rode into town on, so I chased it on foot for 4 blocks until a cab driver saw me and honked the bus down; I got my backpack and collapsed on the sidewalk from exhaustion. (Benjamin)
  • Staying late with either members or investigators…I mean late after the hour we are supposed to be home. No matter what the excuse is we must go and head home at the indicated time. No excuses because it is too dangerous!!!!!! (Indra)
  • One afternoon walking to a brand new area, we were surrounded by a group of guys who didn’t appear to have good intentions. I held onto my companion and told her to not let go not matter what she saw or felt, that we needed to keep walking. One of the men reached into his jacket for what appeared to be a bright sharp object, just to stop mid act, I talked to my companion to calm both of us down until we reached the end of the block, we then turned to check what was going on, and saw those men just standing and staring at something we couldn’t see. In the middle of the street as if paralyzed. We had just been the recipients of a miracle. (Beatriz)
  • A brother threatened to kill us with a gun on the mountain where we were preaching. (Alfredo)
  • Una vez iba en el auto volks wagen con elder Molar de Villa Hidalgo Nayarit a San Blas a una entrevista, éramos líderes de zona, eran como las 4 pm cuando de repente salió de entre los arbustos un caballo a galope y lo golpeamos en las patas, el caballo cayó en cofre del auto, luego cayó en el camino, se levantó y se fue corriendo. El auto quedó muy dañado y nosotros muy asustados, fue algo que paso muy rápido. (Paulo)
  • Viajando de Mazatlán a Tepic al rebasar nos topamos con otro vehiculo que venia en una zona de montaña y milagrosamente logramos pasar los tres vehículos sobre una carretera que era para dos vehículos…(Enrique)
  • La ocasion en que yo iba manejando de Aguascalientes hacia San Luis Potosi como a las 11 de la noche y tuvimos un accidente , nos volteamos en la combie mi compa y yo. (Joel)
  • While living in Fresnillo, Zac, I had a gun pulled on me. (Allen)

What was a spiritual experience?

  • My first week in the mission we went to visit an investigator I had never met before; my companion asked me to bear my testimony about the Book of Mormon, my Spanish was still pretty bad and I was nervous to the bone, but I tried my best and spoke from the heart. A year and a half later before my companion went home he told me that the family I bore that testimony to was entering the temple in a couple days to be sealed for eternity. (Benjamin)
  • Praying to have the spirit guide us to the place the Lord has prepared for us to go…….. it works!! We were able to know even which door to knock on!! (Indra)
  • We had a sister ready to be baptized on a cold winter afternoon. The water heater had broken that same day and the fountain was filled with ice cold water. Her friend tried to discourage her, but the Elder who was performing the baptism asked her to have faith and extended his hand towards her, she later told us that as she entered the water, it started to warm up around her. She became a strong member of the church. (Beatriz)
  • A relative of the Sister Socorro Blanco that we knew on the bus route, wanted to be like us, and gave us the address to preach him, and his relatives.  We preached them, him decided not to get baptized, but several of his relatives were baptized. (Alfredo)
  • Recibimos una referencia de Salt Lake City y no nos dabamos tiempo de checarla, era en una ranchería cerca de Santiago Ixcuintla en Nayarit pero nadie sabía con certeza donde era, dos meses después de haberla recibido alguien nos dijo como llegar, planeamos que día iríamos a visitar a la familia y cuando llegamos nos recibió un joven diciéndonos “elderes pensé que nunca vendrían” era el miembro que había dado la referencia en EU y tenía dos días de haber llegado a México a visitar a la familia, él nos apoyo mucho durante las lecciones y dos semanas después bautizamos a 17 de esa familia. (Paulo)
  • La reededicacion del área de Guadalajara para la predicación del evangelio en el cerro de las águilas, nos reunimos todos los lideres misionales y el Presidente Whetten efectuó la oración dedicatoria toda una gran experiencia espiritual. (Enrique)
  • La ocasion en que un companero de mi distrito se queria regresar a su casa y le pedi que trabajara conmigo ese dia…tuvimos una platica con unos investigadores y fue tan especial la charla que mi companero recibio un testimonio al terminar la charla. (Joel)
  • Finding, teaching and baptizing a family in Mazatlán by the name of Leal. (Allen)

What are some interesting facts about the Guadalajara Mission?

  • The Mexico, Guadalajara mission consists of just the northern area of the city and the neighboring state above it, Nayarit; the largest outdoor market in the world, San Juan de Dios, is located in this mission. (Benjamin)
  • Ooohhhhh! At that time our mission was huge!! Now there are several missions!!! Puerto Vallarta, Colima, Tepic, Mazatlan (I was not in that area) Leon, Tepic. There is an interesting river, by Santiago Ixcuintla…Lerma…a huge one! The other ones…well…nice places and even nicer people! (Indra)
  • People in those areas are very family oriented, and also very strong tradition holders of their religions and heritage. They love learning new things. Even when it’s hard to change, they seem to be waiting for something that will help them become better people. (Beatriz)
  • The zone of Mazatlan was for six months the highest baptizing, the leader of zone was Elder Popoca. (Alfredo)
  • Que era una área muy católica y ademas la ciudad de Guadalajara era y es la sede de la Iglesia la Luz del Mundo y tienen unas creencias que son un remedo de nuestras creencias. (Enrique)
  • Una mision que al inicio en Junio de 1975 era muy extensa, contaba con muchas areas. Queretaro, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes,San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas,Michoacan, Colima, Puerto Vallarta,Guadalajara,Nayarit,Mazatlan. (Joel)
  • Some months, as a mission we would baptize only 150-200 people. This while other missions in Mexico were baptizing 600-1,000 people. (Allen)

What was the weather like?

  • Monsoon-like rain, 45-50 degrees during the winter, 80-90 degrees with humidity during the summer. (Benjamin)
  • Great…fantastic and in December there is no cold at all!! (Indra)
  • Beautiful warm weather. (Beatriz)
  • The weather was wonderful except in the hot weather on Mazatlan. We did take a shower three times a day because we were completely sweating. (Alfredo)
  • El clima tropical y caluroso de Nayarit. (Paulo)
  • El clima templado era muy agradable y en las noches siempre algo fresco. (Joel)
  • El clima siempre fue excelente. (Joel)
  • That depended on where in the mission you lived. Hot and humid, cool and snowy or in between. (Allen)

What do you like about the place/people you served?

  • They are religious people, a little superstitious, willing to feed you on short notice, caring people that lend support when you’re depressed, and the children love to laugh and play games with you. (Benjamin)
  • Nicest people around….oohhhh I love them all. (Indra)
  • They are a very warm, loving people. Members and non members were always ready to offer what they had. (Beatriz)
  • The people we served were kind, and helpful. (Alfredo)
  • La vegetación y los paisajes costeños de la región de Nayarit. (Paulo)
  • Es gente trabajadora, amable y sencilla ademas de atenta, conservan un toque provinciano aunque es Guadalajara una de las terceras ciudades mas grandes de México. (Enrique)
  • El gran amor y respeto por la obra misional, el apoyo que recibi para tener exito como misionero. (Joel)
  • That people were willing to help you, feed you and make a great impression on you, they did me. Love the people. (Allen)

Any packing/clothing advice?

  • Short-sleeved white shirts, ties that you’re willing to give away, no fancy shoes, bring tough/walking shoes, mesh garments are probably the best choice, plenty of socks. (Benjamin)
  • It is hot…so light clothing. No cold at all anytime. (Indra)
  • There’s no need for extremely cold weather clothes. The Guadalajara Mission is warm and doesn’t get lower than the 60s in the areas I served in (Puerto Vallarta, Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara, Mazatlan, Aguascalientes). (Beatriz)
  • You must bring umbrellas because the areas where you will serve are zones where it rains frequently. (Alfredo)
  • Lo de siempre no llevar mas que solo lo recomendado por las incomodidades que un equipaje voluminoso ocasiona. (Enrique)
  • Take more than you think you will need. (Allen)

What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?

  • Strong friendships, a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Benjamin)
  • I still am receiving blessings for serving on a mission!!! I have been able to get in touch with some of our converts…one of them is no longer active at church, but even so I love that person and love to keep in touch. Still being blessed by having such wonderful friends for this time and all eternity!!! (Indra)
  • A stronger testimony of the Gospel, and the desire to share it with my non-member family. (Beatriz)
  • I received a strongest testimony of Jesus Christ. (Alfredo)
  • Gane un testimonio de la Iglesia, del Libro de Mormob y mucho conocimiento de las escrituras. (Paulo)
  • Fortaleci mi testimonio compartiendolo con la gente y aprendi a ser paciente y tolerante ademas de que pude estudiar mucho el evangelio y leer muchos libros de la Iglesia. (Enrique)
  • Un testimonio de Jose Smith y de mi Salvador Jesucristo y la gran bendicion que es tener el Sacerdocio para bendecir a mis semejantes. (Joel)
  • Learning a new language, understanding the gospel and how the church works. (Allen)

What are some skills you gained on your mission?

  • The ability to serve, the ability to study the scriptures, speaking another language, self-reliance. (Benjamin)
  • Besides walking faster!!! Leadership, teaching, working on a team, preparing for the day ahead, being ready for an alternative,  organization, discipline to study and do exercise every day…wow…patience. (Indra)
  • Discipline. Guidance of the Spirit. Responsibility. Humility. Trust. (Alfredo)
  • Liderazgo, dominio de las escrituras. (Paulo)
  • A manejar muy bien ya casi pase la mitad de mi misión en posiciones de liderismo asi como ampliar mi conocimiento del ingles y de la cultura americana al convivir todos estos dos años con misioneros norte americanos. (Enrique)
  • Ensenar por el espiritu, motivar a las personas a buscar un testimonio personal sobre la Iglesia y saber que Jose Smith es un Profeta.La habilidad para ayudar a otros a arrepentirse y buscar a Jesucristo en sus vidas. (Joel)
  • Learning not to be afraid to talk to people. (Allen)

What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?

  • I wish I knew how to teach the principles of the gospel with simplicity, I wish I knew scriptures that I could use at a moment’s notice; I wish I had the courage to contact more people than I actually did at the beginning. (Benjamin)
  • Not all the time is for teaching…there were times we needed to help members to go back to Church, support them and help them understand that we as humans are not perfect and make mistakes. (Indra)
  • A better understanding of the gospel. (Alfredo)
  • Más. (Paulo)
  • Hubiera querido haber estudiado mas las escrituras antes de ir a la misión y estar mas y mejor preparado para ser un mejor misionero. (Enrique)
  • Conocer las charlas de memoria a fin de poder ensenar desde un principio, saber que hacer al desarrollar una conversacion con alquien desconocido. (Joel)
  • The language, customs and what not to eat. (Allen)

Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Guadalajara?

  • Listen and obey: listen to your mission president and obey the mission rules. Listen to your senior companion and offer support. During your prayers, pray your heart out to the Lord, ask for the courage to act go forth. Stay away from immoral and dangerous situations (Genesis 39: 11-12). (Benjamin)
  • This is the Lord’s time…not ours. Please prepare as much as you can before going on a mission. We don’t have too much time for preparation. If we are not better prepared, then we certainly will learn that we have wasted some time by not being ready to already know how to depend on the Spirit to guide us to do His work. Take time not only to study but to work with the missionaries to learn some. Also take time learning to have faith on the Lord to help us learn to listen to the still small voice. (Indra)
  • The mission is not a time to play- it is hard work, but it’s very rewarding. (Beatriz)
  • Read the scriptures daily, and reflect about it. Make your prayers daily. Go to Seminary. Go to Institute. Make your visits. (Alfredo)
  • Yo era un recién converso así que gané mi propio testimonio. El converso más importar fui yo. (Paulo)
  • Que sean muy dedicados en sus unidades y apoyen mucho a los misioneros acompañándoles en sus charlas y estudiando mejor y mas las escrituras. (Enrique)
  • La gente esta preparada y solamente debemos ensenar por el espiritu. Amen a sus investigadores. (Joel)
  • Go with no preconceived ideas about the people or the country. Go with open eyes, mind, and heart. The Lord will take of the rest. (Allen)

What was a funny language mistake your or another missionary made? (if applicable)

  • The language wasn’t that hard to get, it was the accent that separated us. (Benjamin)
  • Oohhhh not applicable!! Obviously we tend to speak in Spanish the way it is in English. Sometimes is the other way around. Hot chili…it is chile picante and it’s the most common. Read as much as you can the scriptures in Spanish and it will help a lot!! (Indra)
  • Ya que yo soy nativo de México solo algunas palabras que en mi región donde vivía significaban una cosa y en el área de la misión tenia otra aplicación o significado. (Enrique)
  • Mi primer companero llego de California USA y al presentar un folleto le dijo al investigador esta literatura que le compartimos es grita, queriendo decir es gratis. (Joel)
  • I used the verb tener to ask for milk instead of saying hey leche. (Allen)