Vernal, Utah

Life in Vernal, Utah, explained by people who’ve lived in Vernal:

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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Vernal)

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Vernal Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Vernal?

  • The mountains. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Country small town feel. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • The outdoor activities. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • My sister in law is closer. (Noel, 6 years)
  • Soda shack. (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • It’s small and peaceful. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Small town. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Close to hunting, fishing and camping. (Mike, 34 years)
  • I like to go from desert to mountain in a 30 minute drive, not to mention river, reservoirs and lakes. (Clinton, 35 years)
  • Great outdoors. (Mary, 50 years)

Vernal Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Vernal?

  • The cold. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Distance from larger towns or cities. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • The lack of good shopping/restaurants. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • Vernal City Corp. (Noel, 6 years)
  • There’s nothing to do!!! (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • There literally nothing to do. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Nothing to really do. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Don’t know. (Mike, 34 years)
  • How dependant we are on the oil field, and how oil field wages inflate costs. (Clinton, 35 years)
  • The prejudices people have against non-LDS people. (Mary, 50 years)

Vernal Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Vernal?

  • 4 wheelers, hiking. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Museums restaurants. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • Hiking, camping, fishing. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • Paddle fest. (Noel, 6 years)
  • Go to the lake. (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • Outdoor stuff. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Go to the lake in the summer. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Hunt, fish, camp, river rafting, hiking. (Mike, 34 years)
  • Camping, fishing and hunting, my family loves the rec center. (Clinton, 35 years)
  • Rec center, hiking, fishing. (Mary, 50 years)

Vernal’s Reputation

What’s Vernal known for?

  • Beautiful town. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Dinosaur history museum. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • Dinosaurs. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • Vernal City City council Stealing from public. (Noel, 6 years)
  • Dinosaur bones, I guess. (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • Dinosaurs and oilfield. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Oil and gas. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Dinosaurs. (Mike, 34 years)
  • Dinosaurs. (Clinton, 35 years)
  • Dinosaurs. (Mary, 50 years)

Vernal Crime

What’s the crime like in Vernal? (hot spot areas, etc.)

  • None that I’m aware of. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Low. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • Some drugs, small crimes. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • It is high but not as bad a big city there is gang violence and high theft and Drugs. (Noel, 6 years)
  • Pretty low other than drugs. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Used to be bad in drugs but don’t know really anymore. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Not really bad. (Mike, 34 years)
  • Not too bad if you lock car doors in big parking lots. (Clinton, 35 years)

Vernal Advice

Any advice for people moving to Vernal?

  • You will love it. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Slow down relax and enjoy the country. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • It takes time to make friends, but you will love the area. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • Stay away no jobs. (Noel, 6 years)
  • Don’t! (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • Be ready to be bored a lot. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Nothing to do. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Oilfield is boom or bust. (Mike, 34 years)
  • Don’t expect anything to cost as little as it does on the Wasatch Front. (Clinton, 35 years)
  • Be ready to not be accepted for a while if you’re not LDS. (Mary, 50 years)

Vernal Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Vernal (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • Camping in the mountains. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • Red Fleet is one of our family’s favorite spots to play. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • Please, there isn’t any. (Noel, 6 years)
  • Cliff jumping at the lakes. (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • It used to be a pretty quit town now you hear cops and fire trucks like if we was in a big city. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Born here. (Mike, 34 years)

Vernal’s Future

How do you think Vernal will change over the next 10 years?

  • I hope not. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • It will expand and have an influx od people and businesses. (Nickie, 2 years)
  • Vernal will grow. (Hillary, 5 years)
  • It will not too much corrupted government and politics. (Noel, 6 years)
  • I think it may get better, but you never know. (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • It will get bigger. (Kevin, 22 years)
  • Not for the best. (Anthony, 23 years)
  • Grow. (Mike, 34 years)
  • It will grow faster than its resources, especially water. The piping of canals will kill of many of the trees, although the fields with water rights will be greener. I don’t anticipate any increase in the number of water shares, even though so much less will be wasted in abandoned areas. If the weather continues to get hotter and drier there will be water rationing in the summers, more efficient ground cover will be needed. (Clinton, 35 years)

Vernal Facts

Any other interesting facts about Vernal?

  • The people here are very hospitable. (Kelle, 1 year)
  • People are not willing to fight for what is right. Except 1000000.00 tax increase by City Manager Quinn Bennion no one fought it. (Noel, 6 years)
  • It’s super boring. (Dreyton, 16 years)
  • Vernal means spring. Our high school drama program needs some sort of oversight, since each participant is expected to sell over $400 in tickets, or make up the difference. Where does this money go? Stage crew has had to work over 12 hours in a single day before, there are no policies to prevent this. We now have a live theater on main street that I patronize instead. That makes $30 a show the high school is missing out on. I’m not the only one… (Clinton, 35 years)