Life in Tremonton, Utah, explained by people who’ve lived in Tremonton:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Tremonton)
Tremonton Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Tremonton?
- Small town values. (Dave, 6 months)
- Friendly people. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- Small town community feel, not too far from big city conveniences. (Naomi, 4 years)
- Open spaces. (Gena, 5 years)
- Small community, it is quiet. (Sareena, 9 years)
- Close to grocery stores. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- Lack of traffic. (Harry, 16 years)
- Good people. (Alan, 22 years)
- Small town feel. (Tangi, 35 years)
- Small town. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Tremonton?
- The train horns. (Dave, 6 months)
- Poor snow plowing on non-main streets. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- Scary things I hear about what goes on at the high school. (Naomi, 4 years)
- Tight knit. As a new person, it’s harder to fit in than in other areas we’ve moved to. (Gena, 5 years)
- Not much activity for our youth that isn’t expensive. (Sareena, 9 years)
- Small-town judgment and cliques. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- Small-minded people. (Harry, 16 years)
- Often drive to bigger cities for shopping. (Alan, 22 years)
- Lack of shopping (Target/Walmart type). (Tangi, 35 years)
- Allowing builders to build in areas know in the past for having problems. Flood control. Allowing building in known flood areas without addressing problems. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Tremonton?
- Shopping the small stores. (Dave, 6 months)
- The fair. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- Pizza plus arcade, rodeos, the fair, bowling, ice cream. (Naomi, 4 years)
- County Fair. (Gena, 5 years)
- Bowling. (Sareena, 9 years)
- Bowling, splash pad, golf, skaters’ park, lots of city parks. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- Star gazing. (Harry, 16 years)
- Fishing on the Bear River. (Alan, 22 years)
- Splash pad, parks, and going to high school sports. (Tangi, 35 years)
- Fair, fireworks, parade, rodeo, yard and garden show, yard sales, Christmas light show, craft fairs, etc. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton’s Reputation
What’s Tremonton known for?
- Quiet, peaceful and friendly. (Dave, 6 months)
- Agriculture, Box Elder County Fair. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- The Box Elder County Fair. (Naomi, 4 years)
- Country Fair. (Gena, 5 years)
- Malt-O-Meal/Post Cereals. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- Small-minded people. (Harry, 16 years)
- Box Elder County Fair. (Alan, 22 years)
- Golden spike. (Tangi, 35 years)
- Fair and rodeo. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton Crime
What’s the crime like in Tremonton? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- I haven’t seen or heard any. (Dave, 6 months)
- I think it’s similar to most cities. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- I hear a lot about car and home thefts… Luckily I haven’t been a victim myself yet. (Naomi, 4 years)
- Cowboys, country. (Gena, 5 years)
- Mild more drug related I feel. (Sareena, 9 years)
- Some gang activity, juvenile mischief. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- Heavy at times when the druggies are active. (Harry, 16 years)
- Low. There is some shoplifting and burglary. (Alan, 22 years)
- None that I know. (Tangi, 35 years)
- Normal for a small town, it seems to be kept in control as much as possible. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton Advice
Any advice for people moving to Tremonton?
- Be respectful and you will fit right in. (Dave, 6 months)
- Don’t expect to find shopping the same as in bigger cities. (It’s a good thing). (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- Eat and shop local. (Naomi, 4 years)
- You will love it. Shop Kent’s for produce and cheese. (Sareena, 9 years)
- Lots of people take a lot of warming up to, and some never do. But there are plenty of “outsiders” to get along with. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- Smile and be ready for people to say “Hi”. (Harry, 16 years)
- Get involved in the community and get to know your neighbors. (Alan, 22 years)
- You’ll feel like everyone knows everyone, but really we don’t. (Tangi, 35 years)
- Check the past problems in the area you are looking at. Flooding, etc. be sure to have a sump pump in home. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Tremonton (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Meeting the fine people. (Dave, 6 months)
- The bike race. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- During the Fair parade I was stuck on the West side of town and couldn’t get around the parade on Tremont St. to get to the grocery store for a few hours. (Naomi, 4 years)
- I love the Box Elder County Fair and parade each August. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- When the bad guys steal the cop car. (Harry, 16 years)
- As a Kiwanis Club member I help with community service projects like the Tremonton Easter Egg hunt for the children. (Alan, 22 years)
- High school sports are always a great time. (Tangi, 35 years)
Tremonton’s Future
How do you think Tremonton will change over the next 10 years?
- Hopefully stay quiet, small and peaceful. (Dave, 6 months)
- I hope that we don’t start getting big box stores or restaurants. Although, I think others want them. Let’s keep Tremonton a small town. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- Hopefully get cleaner and add a few more restaurant options. (Naomi, 4 years)
- Hopefully no more auto part stores in Langley actually did something like a theater or a nice dining place for adults to go eat. (Sareena, 9 years)
- It will get more populated and have some job-growth. (Kimberly, 11.5 years)
- More growth with more commercial stuff. (Harry, 16 years)
- Population growth and more shopping. (Alan, 22 years)
- Grow in population. Hopefully bringing more stores and food. (Tangi, 35 years)
- Growth will increase, causing us to loose that small town appeal. (LeAnna, 38 years)
Tremonton Facts
Any other interesting facts about Tremonton?
- Great restaurants and shopping. (Dave, 6 months)
- People know you. (Jayne, 2.5 years)
- Beats the heck out of Brigham. (Harry, 16 years)
- Many generous people who will help others in need. (Alan, 22 years)
- Everyone seems to be related to someone. (Tangi, 35 years)