Life in Tempe, Arizona, explained by people who’ve lived in Tempe:
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Tempe Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Tempe?
- Downtown has one of the best restaurants and entertainment for all ages. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Diversity, location to every highway to everything, community involvement. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Tempe?
- Not everything is walking distance. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Ugly dark politics in our local and state governments. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Tempe?
- Visit Tempe town lake, Mill Ave., eat out, marquee theater. (Valeria, 1 year)
- All the parks, marathons, biking, walking, hiking, anything in nature, music festivals, cheap movies. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe’s Reputation
What’s Tempe known for?
- Mill Ave. and Tempe town lake. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Methamphetamine capital of the US. Overbuilding our city and giving it away to developers for personal enrichment of those who did this. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe Crime
What’s the crime like in Tempe? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Around ASU campus is where I hear the most vandalism. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Assaults, opioid/methamphetamine making and selling, sex trafficking. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe Advice
Any advice for people moving to Tempe?
- Check the schools available in each community, if the ones are moving have a family. Not all high schools are good, many have a very low academic rating. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Be prepared to spend, spend, spend. Make the City accountable for their actions. Get involved in everything and don’t become apathetic. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Tempe (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Tempe town lake is super fun! My fiance proposed to me on the bridge after we went to Mill Ave. For some slickables ice cream. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Gathering donations and creating incentive bags for the homeless to be ready for the PIT count with donors, volunteers, providers, faith organizations, businesses.. The generosity of people, the kindness of volunteers, the compassion, the intelligence and sharing of ideas for others and for our city is enrichment beyond many places I have known. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe’s Future
How do you think Tempe will change over the next 10 years?
- Since ASU campus is there, a lot of new dorms or apartments will be built. (Valeria, 1 year)
- At the rate we’re going, we will be broke from partying hardy with our ASU students out of control. SB bills will make living in Tempe intolerable for the general homeowner, seniors, people with families, and people will leave it to developers who create AirBnbs and hotels in residential neighborhoods. (Mariam, 8 years)
Tempe Facts
Any other interesting facts about Tempe?
- Food! There are great hidden places for local business foods. (Valeria, 1 year)
- Diverse ethnicities, faiths, politics, ideals. Most folks love dogs. Greatest and most generous volunteers anywhere. (Mariam, 8 years)