Sunset, Utah

Life in Sunset, Utah, explained by people who’ve lived in Sunset:

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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Sunset)

Sunset Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Sunset?

  • Small community feel amongst some cities. (Craig, 3 years)
  • Smaller town, but not too far from the big cities. (Rick, 8 years this time, but I grew up in Sunset. And my parents still live here.)
  • Small. (Mike, 12 years)
  • Community. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Sunset?

  • Low budget for the city as commercial row is taken up by a canal. (Craig, 3 years)
  • We have to share our zip code with Clearfield, so 90% of my mail lists my town as Clearfield, not Sunset. (Rick, 8 years)
  • People not taking care of their yards. Parking on the grass. (Mike, 12 years)
  • Community. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Sunset?

  • Sunset days and winter fest. (Craig, 3 years)
  • Laser tag, Sunset Pizzeria has some of best pizza around, skate park, jogging track, Circle Inn if you want a bar. (Rick, 8 years)
  • Parks. (Mike, 12 years)
  • Parks, laser zone, Sunset Fun Days. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset’s Reputation

What’s Sunset known for?

  • Large yards, big trees. (Craig, 3 years)
  • Police. They love to write tickets, so speeders beware. A food majority of the police departments budget is recuperate from traffic tickets. Also Sunset Sam. (Rick, 8 years)
  • Being old. (Mike, 12 years)
  • Being an orchard. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset Crime

What’s the crime like in Sunset? (hot spot areas, etc.)

  • A lot better than Sandy Utah, were we came from. Police within three minutes to anywhere in the city helps. (Craig, 3 years)
  • We have our share of troubles, but for the most part not much crime. (Rick, 8 years)
  • Drugs and theft around the skate park. (Mike, 12 years)
  • Gang fights, etc. at parks/schools. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset Advice

Any advice for people moving to Sunset?

  • They have a rather communistic approach to parking on the street and I’m not just saying during winter storms or inures that need no parking signs because of street widths but year round no parking. (Craig, 3 years)
  • Welcome and you will find most people friendly and helpful. (Rick, 8 years)
  • It’s a nice quiet place. (Mike, 12 years)
  • It’s a great place to live, but it takes some getting used too- plus your house will most likely be old and need repairs at one point or another. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Sunset (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • Chili cook off at winter fest and the fire works at Sunset Days. (Craig, 3 years)
  • I remember as a kid we used to build forts and play in the trees just up the street from my parents’ house in Sunset. There was a creek that ran through the middle of the field which helped keep it cool in the summer. That area now is Smith’s parking lot. (Rick, 8 years)
  • Having a quiet place for my kids. (Mike, 12 years)
  • Playing night games with my homies in the neighborhood and at the park. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset’s Future

How do you think Sunset will change over the next 10 years?

  • Hopefully new water lines, a high dollar renter will invest in the old Sierra Rv place and streets repaved but with lack of funds who knows. (Craig, 3 years)
  • Like all towns we will grow and change with the environment around us. 1800 north I expect will become a five lane highway, but there will still be the people. (Rick, 8 years)
  • It seems like the ordinance enforcement is going down hill. (Mike, 12 years)
  • The city will probably get runned down, but the people will always be the same. (Lezlee, 14 years)

Sunset Facts

Any other interesting facts about Sunset?

  • Named for the beautiful sunsets over the lake that we can no longer see for the trees and buildings. Would love to see a raise platform built to return our namesake views. Does anyone out there know of a location without and impeded view? (Craig, 3 years)
  • Sunset used to be part of Clinton. After the split when the town’s founders were searching for a new name for the new town, someone mentioned what a pretty sunset he could see and they decided on the name we have. (Rick, 8 years)
  • Kids who go to Sunset Jr High refer to it as the ghetto. (Lezlee, 14 years)