Life in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, explained by people who’ve lived in Sioux Falls:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Sioux Falls)
Sioux Falls Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Sioux Falls?
- Falls park. (Jan, 20 years)
- Easy to get around and the beauty of nature. (Connie, 25 years)
- It takes approximately 15 minutes to get anywhere in town. (Cecelia, 28 years)
- Parks. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Sioux Falls?
- Not a lot of activities for teens. (Jan, 20 years)
- Getting too big. (Connie, 25 years)
- Lack of entertainment options. (Cecelia, 28 years)
- Not enough places for kids to hang out. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Sioux Falls?
- Snowboarding, tubing, kayaking, boating. (Jan, 20 years)
- Watch grandkids, play sports, shopping, crafts. (Connie, 25 years)
- Burnside BINGO, go out to eat, visit the parks when the weather is nice. (Cecelia, 28 years)
- Pools. Parks. Bike trails. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls’s Reputation
What’s Sioux Falls known for?
- Falls park. (Jan, 20 years)
- The SF falls. (Connie, 25 years)
- Falls Park. (Cecelia, 28 years)
- Falls Park. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls Crime
What’s the crime like in Sioux Falls? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Downtown is the worst crime. (Jan, 20 years)
- Don’t know. (Connie, 25 years)
- The area just west of Downtown Sioux Falls is an area to avoid. (Cecelia, 28 years)
- Mostly downtown, but happens all over the city. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls Advice
Any advice for people moving to Sioux Falls?
- Stay out of downtown at night. (Jan, 20 years)
- Friendly and a lot of nature. (Connie, 25 years)
- We are a growing city and the real estate market is on fire, it’s a seller’s market for sure! If you are looking for a great local realtor, check out Aaron Rietsema at Hegg Realtors and Kevin Unzen at Frost Mortgage for your mortgage needs! (Cecelia, 28 years)
- Stay away from downtown at night. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Sioux Falls (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Paintball. (Jan, 20 years)
- Christmas time lanes and nature. (Connie, 25 years)
- Don’t have many. Places and areas get too packed to have any fun. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls’s Future
How do you think Sioux Falls will change over the next 10 years?
- Amazon center. (Jan, 20 years)
- Big. (Connie, 25 years)
- Sioux Falls will grow a lot over the next 10 years. Soon there will be no distance between where Sioux Falls ends and the “suburbs” (Tea, Harrisburg, Brandon, etc.) begin. (Cecelia, 28 years)
- More crime and too many people. (Pam, 36 years)
Sioux Falls Facts
Any other interesting facts about Sioux Falls?
- Not really good family living. (Connie, 25 years)