Santa Fe, New Mexico

Life in Santa Fe, New Mexico, explained by people who’ve lived in Santa Fe:

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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Santa Fe)

Santa Fe Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Santa Fe?

  • The sky. (Tia, 5 months)
  • The people here are very friendly. (Blake, 1 year)
  • The manageable size. (Amy, 3 years)
  • Winter downtown. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Small town. Easy access to store. (Ana, 15 years)
  • Art. (Jeri, 35 years)
  • Location. (Betty, 38 years)
  • Weather. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • The weather. (Lewanna, 40 years)
  • Family. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Santa Fe?

  • The drivers. (Tia, 5 months)
  • There’s not much housing that’s walking-distance from stores/restaurants. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Tough to meet friends my age. (Amy, 3 years)
  • Drugs, the homeless. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Work and DWIs. (Ana, 15 years)
  • Prejudice. (Jeri, 35 years)
  • The displacement of local families who can no longer afford to live here. (Betty, 38 years)
  • The parking. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • Nothing for our children or youth. (Lewanna, 40 years)
  • Lack of things to do as a family. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Santa Fe?

  • The Plaza, hike, museums, art, and music. (Tia, 5 months)
  • Hiking, walking tours, museums. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Site Santa Fe, hiking, biking, skiing, snowboarding, eating, drinking, movies. (Amy, 3 years)
  • There isn’t anything, eat new Mexican food. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Go to the mall in the park. Santa Fe really doesn’t have many excitements. (Ana, 15 years)
  • Tours, hikes, downtown and Meow Wolf! (Jeri, 35 years)
  • Too many to name. (Betty, 38 years)
  • Dine. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • Museums, movies, bike rides, sports. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe’s Reputation

What’s Santa Fe known for?

  • The Plaza. (Tia, 5 months)
  • Art and food. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Art. (Amy, 3 years)
  • The plaza I guess. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Chili. (Ana, 15 years)
  • History. (Jeri, 35 years)
  • Culture. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • Tourist attraction of culture. (Lewanna, 40 years)
  • Art, Chile, tourists, state government. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe Crime

What’s the crime like in Santa Fe? (hot spot areas, etc.)

  • Iffy, New Mexico in general is bad. (Tia, 5 months)
  • I haven’t experienced any, but airport road and St Michaels have bad reputations. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Totally safe. (Amy, 3 years)
  • Drug addicts break into houses a lot. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Bad. (Ana, 15 years)
  • There seems to be no particular “Hot Spot!” Apparently, all classes are fair game! (Jeri, 35 years)
  • It pays better than most jobs around here. (Betty, 38 years)
  • Bad. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • Medium. (Lewanna, 40 years)
  • Relatively low. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe Advice

Any advice for people moving to Santa Fe?

  • It’s going to take a while to find a full time job. (Tia, 5 months)
  • Just go out a lot and you will meet new people. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Don’t. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Small town. A lot of gossip. A lot of drug addicts. Schools have bad learning system. (Ana, 15 years)
  • We are a diverse, loving people but we also have diverse opinions! (Jeri, 35 years)
  • Please don’t. (Betty, 38 years)
  • Have lots of money. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • If you’re in to the tourist attraction you will love it. (Lewanna, 40 years)
  • Don’t. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Santa Fe (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • My wife has lived here for ages. (Tia, 5 months)
  • I met a couple from Turkey who invited me over for dinner. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Fun nights at the plaza. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Had my four kids here. That’s about it. (Ana, 15 years)
  • Too many to say. (Betty, 38 years)
  • Fiestas 1989, broke out in hives walking to Zozobra. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • Working as a background actor on numerous film and TV projects. (John, 42 years)

Santa Fe’s Future

How do you think Santa Fe will change over the next 10 years?

  • More development. (Tia, 5 months)
  • The demographics are shifting. I’m hoping to see more development and hopefully more young professionals. (Blake, 1 year)
  • I hope it won’t fall prey to urban sprawl. (Amy, 3 years)
  • Worsen in drugs. (Ashley, 12 years)
  • Probably get worse. (Ana, 15 years)
  • Unattainable, except for the very wealthy. (Betty, 38 years)
  • More crowded and locals will be living elsewhere. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • More businesses more protesting projects that will be beneficial to Santa Fe. (Lewanna, 40 years)

Santa Fe Facts

Any other interesting facts about Santa Fe?

  • It’s a really old capitol. I believe the oldest in America. (Tia, 5 months)
  • Santa Fe has the oldest church in the US. (Blake, 1 year)
  • Go to the Plaza and buy original, handmade jewelry at the Palace of the Governors from local, certified Native American tribes. (Jeri, 35 years)
  • State Capitol. (Audrey, 40 years)
  • Too many galleries, not enough great art. (John, 42 years)