Oro Valley, Arizona

Life in Oro Valley, Arizona, explained by people who’ve lived in Oro Valley:

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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Oro Valley)

Oro Valley Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Oro Valley?

  • Safe. (Ron, 2 years)
  • The location and the aesthetic. (Elise, 2.5 years)
  • The dedication to outdoor living: parks, paths, hiking, etc. (Mandy, 2.5 years)
  • The schools. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • The family feel of the community. (Krista, 4 years)
  • It’s not Tucson. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • How nice it is, mountain views. (Jackie, 6 years)
  • Laid back pace of life. (Anonymous, 10 years)
  • Nice neighborhoods and good schools. (Jeff, 10 years)

Oro Valley Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Oro Valley?

  • Traffic. (Ron, 2 years)
  • Housing prices. (Elise, 2.5 years)
  • The politics. (Mandy, 2.5 years)
  • The lack of family event business IN Oro Valley. You have to drive into Tucson or Phoenix for any family venues. Pump it Up, AZ Air Time, Bowling, skating, etc… there is nothing here! (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • Not enough going out to eat options. (Krista, 4 years)
  • HOAs. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • Traffic, lack of diversity. (Jackie, 6 years)
  • Town council that doesn’t listen to constituents. (Anonymous, 10 years)
  • James Kreigh Park not being well maintained. (Jeff, 10 years)

Oro Valley Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Oro Valley?

  • Parks, hiking. (Ron, 2 years)
  • Hike, bike. (Elise, 2.5 years)
  • We love the parks and the festivals held down at the Marketplace. (Mandy, 2.5 years)
  • Nothing for kids but adults can eat out or watch movies. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • Parks, shopping. (Krista, 4 years)
  • Listen to the politics of “life” here; hiking, bike trails, people outside doing things, open space, three cop cars giving a ticket. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • Parks, aquatic center, parks and rec programs. (Jackie, 6 years)
  • Hike/bike. (Anonymous, 10 years)
  • Parks, bike riding. (Jeff, 10 years)

Oro Valley’s Reputation

What’s Oro Valley known for?

  • Old people. (Elise, 2.5 years)
  • Being a quiet (and perhaps wealthy) community. (Mandy, 2.5 years)
  • Being 55+ friendly but oddly best schools. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • Their good family feeling. (Krista, 4 years)
  • Recall elections, no property taxes, good roads, open space, HOAs. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • Retirees and golf. (Jackie, 6 years)
  • Getting speeding tickets ;). (Anonymous, 10 years)

Oro Valley Crime

What’s the crime like in Oro Valley? (hot spot areas, etc.)

  • Low. (Ron, 2 years)
  • Very little compared to the rest of Tucson. (Elise, 2.5 years)
  • Mostly non-violent crimes without a definite hot spot. (Mandy, 2.5 years)
  • Minimal to none. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • I’ve never had/noticed any crime. (Krista, 4 years)
  • Apparently not much with three cruisers engaged in auto stops: HIVEs. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • Property crime, a few sex offenders. (Jackie, 6 years)
  • I feel that it is very low overall. (Anonymous, 10 years)
  • None that I have noticed. (Jeff, 10 years)

Oro Valley Advice

Any advice for people moving to Oro Valley?

  • If you have kids expect to alway drive into Tucson or west side Tucson for activities and birthday parties. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • You’ll love it. Great community, great schools. (Krista, 4 years)
  • It IS what it IS. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • Don’t expect green space to stay green. (Anonymous, 10 years)
  • Great place to have a family! Great schools! (Jeff, 10 years)

Oro Valley Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Oro Valley (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • 4th of July Celebration was nice but over crowded. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • We built our home four years ago and since I’ve become best friends with two other moms in our neighborhood. (Krista, 4 years)

Oro Valley’s Future

How do you think Oro Valley will change over the next 10 years?

  • I think it will continue to fill in its empty spaces (building houses). There’s quite a bit of debate whether it’s good or bad and whether it’s actually wanted. (Mandy, 2.5 years)
  • I’m sure more home builders will clear out the natural desert scape. More food and shopping locations will come in to entertain the 55+. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • It will become bigger with more homes and schools. (Krista, 4 years)
  • Infill of open spaces, levying of property taxes, more retail vacancies, increase in water base rate to cover fixed costs, importation of water from joint agreement with Metro Water. (Kyle, 5 years)
  • It will be over developed and in debt. (Anonymous, 10 years)

Oro Valley Facts

Any other interesting facts about Oro Valley?

  • Great community library. (Corrissa, 4 years)
  • I currently LOVE living in OV but that is likely to change if things keep on the same path that we seem to be on now. (Anonymous, 10 years)