Free resources about the Nebraska Omaha Mission:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Video interviews with returned missionaries
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
Nebraska Omaha Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Nebraska Omaha Mission. We try to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Nebraska Omaha Mission
11027 Martha Street
Omaha, NE 68144-3107
Phone Number: 1-402-691-0882
Mission President: President Chad Barry Gardner
Nebraska Omaha Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Nebraska Omaha Mission (LDS). To access the official map for the Omaha Mission:
Videos with Nebraska Omaha RMs
Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Omaha Mission. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.
LDS-Friendly Videos about Nebraska
Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Nebraska. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Nebraska, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.
Nebraska Omaha Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Nebraska Omaha Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
Nebraska Omaha Mission Groups
Here are Nebraska Omaha Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Omaha Mission.
- NOM – Nebraska Omaha Mission Facebook Group (887 members)
- Omaha Mission Presidents Rowe and Galland Group (283 members)
- Omaha Mission – Pres. Bangerter 1994-97 Group (105 members)
- Omaha Mission- President Rowe 2000-03 Group (1 member)
Nebraska Omaha Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Nebraska Omaha Mission!
Shirt designs include Nebraska Omaha Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Omaha missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Omaha Mission gifts
Nebraska Omaha Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Omaha Mission.
- 2015-2018, Chad Barry Gardner
- 2012-2015, Michael D. Weston
- 2009-2012, Milan F. Kunz
- 2003-2006, Rodger Delynn Galland
- 2000-2003, Mark J. Rowe
- 1997-2000, Gary Lloyd Pocock
- 1994-1997, Jack M. Bangerter
- 1993-1994, Ralph B. Maw
Omaha Mission LDS Statistics (2015)
- Church Membership: 24,357 (Nebraska), 27,131 (Iowa), 10,875 (South Dakota), 32,030 (Minnesota), 36,377 (Kansas)
- Missions: 1 (Nebraska), 1 (Iowa), 1 (South Dakota), 1 (Minnesota), 1 (Kansas)
- Temples: 1 (Nebraska), 1 (Minnesota)
- Congregations: 60 (Nebraska), 69 (Iowa), 34 (South Dakota), 76 (Minnesota), 78 (Kansas)
- Family History Centers: 18 (Nebraska), 30 (Iowa), 11 (South Dakota), 24 (Minnesota), 25 (Kansas)
Helpful Articles about Nebraska
Nebraska Omaha Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Nebraska Omaha RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
When did you serve?
- October 2013 – April 2015 (Shanna)
- 2010-2012 (Jonathan)
- January 2009 – July 2010 (Sara)
- November 2013 – May 2015 (Lorin)
- 2011-2013 (Nick)
- 2000-2002 (Brady)
- 2006-2008 (Danielle)
- 2014-2015 (Britt)
- 2014 2015 (Kaycee)
- 2005-2006 (Melody)
- 2013-2014 (Barbara)
- 2014-2015 (Michaella)
What areas did you serve in?
- Omaha, York, Ogallala, Lincoln, and O’Niell. (Jonathan)
- Sioux City, IA; North Omaha, NE; Holdrege, NE; York, NE; Spencer, IA. (Nick)
- Lincoln, Omaha, Fremont, Bellevue, Council Bluffs. (Brady)
- Grand Island, Grand Island Spanish, Janesville Iowa, Plattsmouth, Fair View, Fremont, Papillon. (Kaycee)
- 13 areas. (Melody)
- I served in Elmwood, Skyline (now Elkhorn), Papillion, and Sioux City 2nd. (Barbara)
- Lincoln, Plattsmouth/Fairview, Fremont, Kearney. (Michaella)
What were some favorite foods?
- Pizza, lasagna, chili with cinnamon rolls, Runza ice cream. (Shanna)
- BEEEEEEEEEEEEEF! There’s just SO much good beef that I got to eat on my mission. Seriously every little farming town has their own steakhouse where you can get a 5 star steak for $10 cooked to perfection! (Jonathan)
- Tapioca pudding, tomatoes, corn, Chinese food. (Sara)
- We got lots of casseroles. They were my favorite. (Lorin)
- Steak, Corn, Potatoes, Mexican food and Italian food. (Nick)
- Runza, it’s like a beef hot pocket. (Brady)
- Meatballs and spaghetti at the Zendejas house. Anything from Ivannacone in Lincoln. (Danielle)
- Steak, Potatos….so many good people here can cook
- Corn!! Cheesecake! Chili and cinnamon rolls! Taco johns! (Kaycee)
- The meals not made by me. (Melody)
- Real Hispanic food and Indian tacos. (Barbara)
- Cinnamon rolls and chili. Chicken pillows. Breakfast foods. (Michaella)
What was a funny experience?
- We were teaching the Law of Chastity to a guy and his girlfriend. The girlfriend was an active member. With it being such a big topic we got a team up from the priesthood and to our surprise it was an ex-boyfriend of the member. As the lesson began it was okay- bumpy, but was working. In the middle of the lesson the girlfriend pulls a butter knife out of the couch cushion (she does have six boys). Well for some reason myself and my other two companions thought that could be your chastity knife. Well two of us kept our mouth shut and then were sitting in silence as we are looking at this knife she just pulled out and sure enough our middle companion goes that could be your chastity knife needless to say we couldn’t stop laughing for a good five minutes. (Shanna)
- The transfers in Kerney where everyone around Grand Island would come in a night early and sleep at the Hasting’s Elder’s apartment. Where about 16 missionaries would cram into their apartment for the night, with us all staying up for most if it chatting and relieving a LOT of steam that had built up over the previous transfer. (Jonathan)
- We had just gone to bed and I had a hunch to check out the 2nd story apartment window to make sure I had locked the car doors. There were Nate and Carrie, one of our investigators and a less-active. They were putting Oreos on the car in the middle of a prank. I called my companion over to come watch and we pushed the car alarm on our keys. Nate nearly jumped three feet in the air and they both dashed away faster than rabbits. We were laughing for a long time after that. (Sara)
- There was this old man in my last area that loved feeding us. The first time I met him he told me to not get out of the car and threw a bag of Taffy at me. Then he took us to Runzza. (Lorin)
- Tracting with a brand new missionary, we knock on this door and a shirtless man peeks around the open door. After giving our usual opening, he replies “We’re naked in here.” We thank him for his time and walk away. Still unsure why he opened the door in the first place, and why he said “we”… (Nick)
- Going to a member for dinner and being told we were having prime rib, to find out all they cooked for us was corn. (Brady)
- Watching my greenies from Utah experience what pot smells like for the first time. Eating a greenie meal at the ward mission leaders home. (Danielle)
- Me and my comp were walking down a street in Lincoln when a lady calls out to us, “Gentlemen excuse me, are you thirsty of not. I’m selling Queen Jucie.” When asked what was in it she said, “I just threw some stuff together.” We laughed and found out she likes to be call Ma’am mama afreaka wanna. She was nice. (Britt)
- You have no idea how many old men told me it was a sin to be single. Also people are prone to answer their doors in less than their skimmies. (Kaycee)
- Being mistaken for “ladies of the street” because we were in skirts. I asked the guy if he wanted to know about Jesus Christ. His wheels spun out and he drove his BMW outta there as fast as possible. (Melody)
- I didn’t realize it was so windy in Nebraska and therefore packed light weight, flowy like skirts and as we were talking to a potential investigator on their doorstep, my skirt flew up in the middle of our discussion. (Barbara)
- When my companion decided to tackle me on a daily basis in the snow. (Michaella)
What was a crazy experience?
- In my first area we went up to knock on a less active member’s door. We were opening the area so we had no information for the first few days on anyone. Well we went up knocked and she tried to only let my companion in and wanted to leave me in the hallway. I got in but then she wanted only my companion to go into her room with her to look at temple stuff. It was really weird and we were both super uncomfortable for sure. (Shanna)
- Besides driving though several tornado dropping storms or watching funnel clouds pass over us for several hours at another missionaries apartment… I feel I got off pretty lucky in the danger department. (Jonathan)
- We were teaching an investigator, Patty, who was living with her boyfriend. He had threatened the missionaries when he came home drunk once, so we were required to only go when he was at work, and also have a member of the Elders quorum with us. One night our lesson went too long and Patty was crying so we didn’t want to end, but the member who was with us turned to me and said, “We need to leave now.” I heard urgency in his voice, but I didn’t feel in danger so I commenced to wrap up the lesson. As I was doing so, my companion stood me up and grabbed my arm and walked me out of the house before we could even say goodbye to our investigator. Once we got in the car and were driving away, I felt the danger that they had felt and realized how strongly the Spirit was speaking. As we turned off the street, the boyfriend’s car arrived in the driveway. I am so grateful for my companion and that member for being aware of the promptings. (Sara)
- There was this lady in one of my areas that moved in with not a very good person. Our Bishop asked us to go see her when he was not there. So we went to help her clean. Then towards the end we both got a very strong impression that we needed to leave. As we drove away we saw him coming around the corner on his bike. (Lorin)
- TiWi boxes. Need I say more? (Nick)
- I had a gun pulled on me in downtown Omaha on Christmas Eve, while Christmas caroling. (Brady)
- Walking up to an appointment only to find loads of police in our investigators apartment. Drug bust! (Danielle)
- Same companion, walking streets of Lincoln and meet a lady who, “worked for Lucifer eating demons to save God.” Very strange lady haha. (Britt)
- Drug dealers are a real thing. (Kaycee)
- Walking the streets of my area. (Melody)
- My companion and I were contacting a referral from and it turned out that this family was Penecostal (nothing wrong with that, but they were very involved with their church). They immediately invited us in and had us sit at their table so we could “talk”, but how they had us sitting, we knew we would not be leaving for a while. They had us sit in at the back of the table and the man stay in front of us and his wife sat in front of the front door on the side, making it very clear that we were not leaving until they were done telling us what they had to say. We tried to have a conversation with them, but whenever we spoke they became almost hostile and spoke louder to get their point across. My companion was new to the mission and looked petrified. Though I was in this situation where I did not know what to do, the Spirit prompted me that my companion and I needed to be quiet and just listen and things would be alright. We did just that and after a while of listening to what the man had to say, they let us leave. We ran to our car and did not go back to that house. (Barbara)
- Biking home in the dark from the heart of the ghetto. Best times when people tried to run after us. (Michaella)
What was a spiritual experience?
- I had just left my first area and I got a letter two weeks later from my companion that had stayed. She told me that this lady I had come to know and love had passed away. I had a really hard time with it. One night my companion was sick so she went to bed early and I was told to study until nine thirty and then do my night stuff as normal. As I sat there studying I had this overwhelming feeling that she was there with me as well as a member of my home ward that I was still grieving about, it was so amazing! (Shanna)
- Honestly the one I keep thinking back to is with a man by the name of Dave if I remember right. We started teaching him in his home and he had a lot of questions about who and what God was. Though the Spirit we helped him realize that he already knew God, and that the promptings he had been getting were from Him. His eyes just… lit up then and he got the biggest stupidest grin on his face as he realized that God has always loved him. (Jonathan)
- We were teaching a lady who had schizophrenia in my first area and I was concerned it was a waste of time since she wasn’t fully aware of things. However, as we continued to teach, I could see the light of Christ growing in her life and she became more and more normal. It was a witness to me that no matter what mental or physical problems we have, if the spirit is strengthened, the body is too. (Sara)
- In my last area, we had been visiting this lady for a while and we had this goal to set her for baptism that night. Then when we went to see her she asked us what she needed to do to get baptized. It was so cool. (Lorin)
- Seeing a Catholic young single adult realize the LDS faith is true and wanting to get baptized ASAP. I was able to baptize the day I left the area, which was actually my last day in the field, because I finished my mission just a few days later. (Nick)
- Learning the true power of doing the small things daily, like prayer and scripture study. (Brady)
- Everyday! When an investigator finally gets it and the light bulb goes off in their head. (Danielle)
- We were teaching this lady about prayer and when we followed up she had grown so spiritual and a strong testimony of prayers being answered. (Britt)
- Having a former investigator call us and ask us if he could get baptized that weekend
then seeing his family sealed together 2 weeks later!!! (Kaycee)
- Teaching an older lady about the gospel, witnessing her baptism and going through the temple with her at the end of my mission. (Melody)
- My companion and I opened an area to sisters and were really trying to work hard with finding people to teach and building trust with the members. The members were very closed off and were not very open to missionary work. We spent a lot of time praying to know what to do. We received the answer that we were not going to see any new investigators until we took care of the people who we were already given…members of the ward, especially less active members. We felt the impression to ask the elders if they would hold a fast with us the next Sunday in behalf of our ward. We specifically asked that the members would open up to the missionaries and that we would have a baptism in the ward by the last day of the following transfer. What is neat about this experience is that shortly after our fast, the elders found a new investigator and handed her over to us to teach. We worked together with the elders with this investigator and as we did so, the members opened up to us and were more welcoming to us. I know that the Lord knows what the people we teach need and as we ask for His help and are very specific, He will bless us with the things we ask for. Our investigator was baptized the Monday before transfers. (Barbara)
- Every day was, but being able to see someone give away all of their sins to know God. I saw many people have a desire to give God all they had so that they and their family could be happy for eternity. (Michaella)
What are some interesting facts about the Omaha Mission?
- It is the second largest mission in the United States. Kool Aid was invented there. Most people are farmers of some kind. It is where the Pioneers crossed and waited on their way to Salt Lake. The water towers are used like mountains in Utah. (Shanna)
- The place is offensively flat. I’m not kidding, stand on the roof of a house and you MIGHT just be able to see a curve in the horizon… And as stated before… the weather will try to kill you. (Jonathan)
- Buffalo Bill used to live in one of the towns I served in…North Platte, Nebraska. There were lots of fields of corn and cows. I served in Winter Quarters where the saints stopped for the winter in 1846 before heading further west. (Sara)
- Hinderson, Nebraska is where Kool-Aid was invited, and every year they have a festival. (Lorin)
- There’s a church history site at Winter Quarters in North Omaha. There’s a HUGE football presence (Go Big Red!). (Nick)
- There is a lot of diversity in Nebraska. (Brady)
- The Mormon Trail Center is one of the best kept secrets in the Church. Tornado sirens go off the first Monday of each month at 10 am. (Danielle)
- It’s the place KoolKool-aid was invented. It’s the state of the Corn Huskers. Had the biggest (geography) stake in the US. It’s nice there. (Britt)
- The corn you eat is from Iowa, not Nebraska. Omaha and Council Bluffs are NOT flat. The snow falls sideways. It’s colder than sin. The people are the best even though they may be missing some teeth.
- The Winter Quarters Temple is built next to the pioneer cemetery where many saints lost their lives in faith and righteousness. It is one of the most spiritual places I have ever been to. (Barbara)
- Koolaid originated there The people there are amazing The sunsets are breath. taking. There are lots of corn fields and cows. Nebraskans love their Husker football…don’t knock doors on game day. (Michaella)
What’s the weather like?
- In the summer it is very, very hot. It gets humid sometimes, we had two very dry summers while I was there. The winters are cold but are the coldest when the wind blows because it chills you to the bone. It does get in the negatives a lot, but the sun is almost always shining so you really don’t know other than your breathe. (Shanna)
- Honestly it felt like the weather was always trying to come up with new long and painful ways to kill me and my companions. Such as being snowed in for a transfer and a half, almost passing out from heat exhaustion, taking a beating from ping-pong ball sized hail stones, and then of course… the tornadoes. I’m happy to be back home in that regard… (Jonathan)
- We had tornado sirens periodically, and that was always exciting. Pretty humid so the summers were muggy and the winters were super chilly. The bugs weren’t too bad! The snow was perfect for making snowmen. (Sara)
- In the summer it’s humid and rainy. In the winter it’s cold! But we didn’t get that much snow. (Lorin)
- Humid summers, freezing windy winters. (Nick)
- Hot and humid in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. (Brady)
- Everything but hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes. There were some storms like s hurricane though but that’s tornado weather. (Danielle)
- Windy all the time. Very cold in winter. Humid and got in the summer. (Britt)
- Cold, frigid, wet, humid, windy, hot, sweaty sauna. (Kaycee)
- My buggars froze to my face in the winter and my clothes soaked with sweat in the summer. Spring time was wonderful. (Melody)
- Summers are hot and humid, winters are freezing and humid and it is always windy!!! (Barbara)
- Terribly cold, windy, and humid in the winter. Blazing hot, humid, sticky, and hard rain. (Michaella)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- They are all so friendly. Everyone will at least talk to you. They won’t all let you in but they will be kind enough to tell you no. I only got one door slammed in my face my whole mission. (Shanna)
- The people care about others and are very charitable to their neighbors. However there is a tinge of racial prejudice there, especially amongst some of the older farming families and the more rundown families so that provides some challenges. Also there’s a lot of false rumors actively spread about the church, never have I met SO many people that initially thought Mormon’s have horns, sacrifice goats, or actively worship the devil in one place at one time. And these rumors are actively supported by much of the local clergy regardless of what sect of Christianity they’re from. So you can expect a lot of initial backlash to you just existing in some areas… (Jonathan)
- The people there are mostly Christian and are very kind. While tracting, we often got people saying, “We aren’t interested, but thank you so much for stopping by!” (Sara)
- So I served in the Southeast region of the mission. In that part there are beautiful rolling hills. It is so green and beautiful. The people are so nice and amazing. (Lorin)
- I loved being in the “boonies” out west. I fell in love with the small towns of Nebraska and some in Iowa. The way of life is very desirable out there. Granted it made missionary work a lot tougher, but to this day I envy their relaxed and community-focused lifestyle. (Nick)
- People were very down to earth and friendly. (Brady)
- Everything. People are very religious there and there are a lot of people who think they know what the church believes but don’t. (Danielle)
- Very nice people. Very beautiful landscape there and it’s very sunny. (Britt)
- Everyone is super nice! People will invite you in and feed you! The skies are seriously the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. (Kaycee)
- So many things. The spirit of the pioneer saints mainly. (Melody)
- The people are so welcoming and so family oriented. They will mostly always take the time to talk with you for a few minutes and love God. (Barbara)
- Everything about it was amazing! People are so kind and open about their lives. The place is beautiful in every single way, until it is winter. I love it all!!! (Michaella)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- Pack for layering. That is what saved me- I planned outfits I could layer in the winter but then also unlayer for the summer time. That way I didn’t have two opposite wardrobes to haul from area to area. Carry your coat separate and make sure it is thick and insulated. (Shanna)
- You can NEVER spend enough on winter gear, cause it’s always going to be very… VERY cold in the winter. You want several warm coats that you can layer together, several pairs of long johns, two warm ski masks (cause you REALLY want to be able to wash them), you’ll want both ski and wool gloves as well, and a golf ball so that you can knock on doors without bloodying your knuckles. Summer… pack several water bottles and leave what you can in your car or apartment. Seriously as cold as it can get in the midwest it gets just as hot. So make sure to bring a LOT of water with you wherever you go as well as some snacks to help keep your strength up. (Jonathan)
- Get long underwear for winter. My favorite thing as a sister missionary was wearing leggings under my skirt. The fluffier the layer, the better. You want insulation. (Sara)
- Do invest in good coat and boots. (Lorin)
- Thin garments and shirts during the summer months! (Nick)
- Don’t buy clothing until you get to your mission. I wasted a lot of money on stuff I did not use. (Brady)
- Pack cold stuff. Long skirts for sisters and you an pile on thermals and tights on underneath and no one will know. (Danielle)
- Just what they asked you to bring. But a light coat that keeps you warm. (Britt)
- Don’t over pack!!! People give you junk you want to keep forever. (Kaycee)
- One can never wear enough layers in the west of Nebraska. (Melody)
- I suggest for sisters to bring maxi skirts for the winters and layer up!!! I wore like 3 layers under my skirt. Bring a heavy coat, but have your parents send it to you if you are leaving in winter and ship it home before going home. It takes up a lot of room. For summer, bring lighter weight clothes, but nothing that can easily fly up in the wind. Be prepared to sweat in the summer, it’s hot!!! (Barbara)
- Thermal everything! Heavy socks, hard core boots, heavy jackets. (Michaella)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- My Grandfather is still here. He had a stroke while I was out and we didn’t think he would be here when I got back. When I got the call I broke down, but then there were so many miracles and he is still here today. I also beat the odds and served on a foot that needed surgery, but I went a whole year and a half and did fine. (Shanna)
- I think… in the end that one soul that was brought unto Christ was my own. Also I got a lot of guidance of where I want to go with my life after my mission which I’m still trying to follow. (Jonathan)
- I learned to work hard…to base all my learning (including secular) off of the scriptures and modern prophets’ teachings, to set a goal and work toward it every day. Most importantly, how to go about seeking the most important things, like a family. When I returned home, I treated blind dates like potential “investigators,” haha, and I got “referrals” from friends. Amazingly, I met my husband through a blind date from my relief society president who barely knew me, but heard I was taking referrals. (Sara)
- On my mission I gained a greater understanding of who I am and of my true beauty. Those where things I did not understand before my mission. (Lorin)
- Being accepted into (and later graduating from) a Church university was a big one! (Nick)
- A solid conviction that The Church is true. (Brady)
- Gospel knowledge, I’ve always been taken care of, my family received a lot of blessings while I was on my mission. (Danielle)
- My Dad read the Book of Mormon for the first time in a long time. I gained a stronger testimony and have made such great friends I think of as family. And you love grows so much for people and the gospel. (Britt)
- My family was blessed beyond description. I lost 50lbs which was sweet. I now know how to recognize the Spirit. (Kaycee)
- Becoming more tolerant, having more patience, becoming a better person, sister. Prepared me for marriage and family. The study schedule of reading scriptures each day was stupendous! (Melody)
- I was blessed with a greater knowledge of who I am and my purpose in life. I became acquainted with God. I also believe that a blessing I received from serving was meeting my husband. I also grew to understand the Atonement better and the plan of salvation. God loves us and He knows us perfectly!! (Barbara)
- My family received more blessings than I could ever ask for. My testimony grew and my love for God is more powerful than ever and will continue to grow. (Michaella)
What are some skills you gained?
- Talking with people and not being afraid to share the gospel with others. There was also knowing how to share the gospel without people feeling like you are taking away their agency. (Shanna)
- People skills mostly… I’ve always been sort of a hermit and my mission has helped me become less so. (Jonathan)
- I learned how to go on a half-hour run in -20 degree weather. That was my biggest accomplishment. I learned to like tomatoes. I learned to listen better and to criticize less. I learned to empathize with others. I gained the tools I needed to continue to seek learning after my mission. I learned to be more grateful. I learned to make the most of the small seconds I have to live. I learned to power through some hard things and to make my resting time more beneficial. I learned to pray always. I learned to accept others exactly where they are and see them and treat them as who they could become. (Sara)
- I learned how to work hard and with love. (Lorin)
- Open-mindedness, listening, people skills. (Nick)
- I learned to accept people the way they are. (Brady)
- Reading people, being able to walk up and talk to someone, teaching, being confident in myself. (Danielle)
- Talking to people. Reading scriptures daily. And a little of every trade haha. (Britt)
- Gutting a deer. Avoiding possums. Driving in the snow, freezing rain, and most other weather conditions. Serving people. Being a great member missionary. (Kaycee)
- Cooking, confidence, intellect, driving in snow, singing without being scared of what people thought, giving talks, decorating trees with Christmas lights. (Melody)
- I got over the fear of talking to people and being able to communicate things in a clear manner and making it easy to understand. I also learned to work hard and be reliable. (Barbara)
- Communication, Christ-like attributes, and fighting for truth and righteousness! (Michaella)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- I wished I would have known Preach My Gospel. I wish that someone would have told me that your first transfer is pretty hard, but worth it. I also wished I had been more humble with my trainer. (Shanna)
- The Lord called you as you, so be the best you you can be. Don’t be afraid to talk about interests with people when they come up, don’t be afraid to cry when you want to cry, eagerly help everyone who looks like they need help. Always stop and say hi to children passing down the street just so that you can see them smile, and know that they often get the gospel long before their parents do. (Jonathan)
- Nothing. I did the best I could with what I knew then, so I have no regrets. (Jonathan)
- Accept myself for what I was at present and look forward and live toward my potential. (Sara)
- I wish I knew that “Adjusting to Missionary Life,” is the best book ever and should be read daily. (Lorin)
- Find better outlets for channeling stress and hardships than inappropriate music. (Nick)
- It’s a very hard two years, but it’s worth every minute of your time. (Brady)
- Wrote in my journal more. (Danielle)
- I wish I loved the gospel more. Had a better understanding of the Atonement and Christ life. (Britt)
- I wish I would have tried to make every companion my best friend. (Kaycee)
- Don’t listen to idle gossip!!! (Melody)
- I wish I knew the blessings that come from sacrifice and sacrificed more. I also wish I knew how to recognize the Spirit better and not brush off promptings because I thought it was just me. (Barbara)
- Everyone you will meet will change your life. I wish I had done missionary prep, that would have been very helpful. (Michaella)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Omaha?
- It’s the best mission ever. Don’t forget to be loving, forgiving, and humble with each companion. No matter what you go through, keep going. Don’t give up ever. There will be hard days where you just go get a pizza and some ice cream and have a pity party, but then you get up and get back to work. Never try and teach during a Huskers’ game- it’s a guaranteed drop. Remember that even if you are so homesick don’t give up- not for yourself, but for your companion. Your choices affect more than just you when you are out there. (Shanna)
- Focus on the main two commandments, love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself. Remember you are your neighbor too, so don’t forget to love who you are, even with all the mistakes. (Sara)
- If you let it, this place will change your life for the better. You will meet some of the most amazing people, that will be good friends. (Lorin)
- You’ve got two years to do your best and the rest of your life to think about. Leave it all on the court. No regrets! (Nick)
- It’s not your job to convert anyone, so don’t get down when someone does not want to talk to you. (Brady)
- Enjoy every moment because each is unique. Learn to take criticism because it will only make you better. Learn to communicate with your companion about everything otherwise you won’t be doing much teaching and good communication skills are something that will serve you for the rest of your life. (Danielle)
- Just give everything to the Lord. He will always bless you and your family. Learn prayer is the key, you life line. That’s how you grow. (Britt)
- You are loved by your Heavenly Father. Evil spirits will attack, but the power of the Priesthood is stronger. Get a casting out blessing!!! (Melody)
- Serving a mission was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. I faced so many trials and hardships while I was out, but I know that as you keep working hard and put your full trust in God, all things will be taken care of. Though it’s hard, find the joy in the journey. Take time to enjoy your mission and the people you serve. Love everyone!! It’s hard meeting knew people and being expected to care for them, but I promise if you allow it, your heart will grow 3x it’s size with love for other people. Never give up!! There are so many blessings that await you as you serve God with all of your heart, might, mind and strength. Obey exactly!! There is wisdom in being obedient to those who are stewards over you. (Barbara)
- Be ready for having the best journey you will have as a single adult. You only have this one time to give the Lord all that you have so that you can help bless His children; your brothers and sisters. Give the Lord all that you got and don’t hold back! (Michaella)
What was a funny language mistake?
- It isn’t a foreign language but they do use terms like instead of the “freeway” it is the “interstate”- it gives you away really quick that you aren’t from there, if you call it a “freeway”. Also a couple three means two or three. Or, if you are the elders that broke it down, you take a which is 1, couple which is 2 and three and add them together to get 6. (Shanna)
- My Tongan companion was much taller than me so I was always lagging behind when we walked. She would say, “Faka to-oh to-oh!” and at first I thought she was swearing at me but later I learned it means, “hurry up!” in Tongan. (Sara)
- I served in my native language but watch out and call people by their correct ethnicity. (Danielle)
- My comp meant to say “Guerra” which is war. but instead said “guera” which is white girl. “Moroni fought a lot of white girls”. (Kaycee)