Millcreek, Utah

Life in Millcreek, Utah, explained by people who’ve lived in Millcreek:

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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Millcreek)

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Millcreek Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Millcreek?

  • My neighbors and being on the bus line. (Tamara, 3 years)
  • Being close to everything. (Amy, 5 years)
  • Local businesses, lots of character, near the mountains, easy freeway access going N, W, S, E! (Kendall, 36 years)
  • Friendly. (Brian)

Millcreek Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Millcreek?

  • The crime. (Tamara, 3 years)
  • Hearing sirens constantly. (Amy, 5 years)
  • Bad roads, electronic billboards popping up, chain businesses proliferating. (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Millcreek?

  • ?? Good question. (Amy, 5 years)
  • Millcreek Canyon (tons of stuff!), local breakfast places to explore, lots of green open space, nearby to other recreation areas as well. (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek’s Reputation

What’s Millcreek known for?

  • Millcreek canal. (Tamara, 3 years)
  • Perfect middle class neighborhood with charm and character. (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek Crime

What’s the crime like in Millcreek?

  • Not good, drive bys and home invasions. (Tamara, 3 years)
  • Getting worse. (Amy, 5 years)
  • Non-violent, mostly car break-ins I believe, crimes of opportunity/boredom. (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek Advice

Any advice for people moving to Millcreek?

  • Don’t. (Amy, 5 years)
  • Explore the local businesses, do your part to keep our area clean. (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Millcreek (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • A neighbor was murdered just five doors down from me. Went to the Colorfest just up the road. (Tamara, 3 years)
  • I’ve grown up here! (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek’s Future

How do you think Millcreek will change over the next 10 years?

  • Too many apartments going in, too many people. (Amy, 5 years)
  • Possibly more chain/strip malls, hopefully more local businesses, of all types. (Kendall, 36 years)

Millcreek Facts

Any other interesting facts about Millcreek?