Life in Lewiston, Idaho, explained by people who’ve lived in Lewiston:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Lewiston)
Lewiston Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Lewiston?
- The fall colors. (Don, 3 years)
- Small town feel. (Alan, 15 years)
- The beautiful sunny weather. (Ada, 17 years)
- I used to enjoy driving up and down the Spiral Highway (we learned to drive on it). (Karen, 17 years)
- Location. Close to the mountains and other outdoor activities. (Angela, 30 years)
- Close to family. (Dawn, 35 years)
- Weather. (Tracy, 52 years)
Lewiston Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Lewiston?
- Lack of good coustomer service everywhere. (Don, 3 years)
- Brown landscape. (Alan, 15 years)
- The choice of medical professionals. (Ada, 17 years)
- I grew up during the years of the pulp mill air pollution! (Karen, 17 years)
- The smell for the mill. (Angela, 30 years)
- Stagnation, things we need we have to fight tooth and nail to get simply because people refuse to accept we need change and growth to flourish. You only get so far from dead wood if you are not preparing for a future beyond your lifetime. (Dawn, 35 years)
- Not a lot of activities. (Tracy, 52 years)
Lewiston Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Lewiston?
- No idea. (Don, 3 years)
- River, levee. (Alan, 15 years)
- Any outdoor recreation. The levee system. Beaches out past Asotin. The river and all of it’s many offerings. (Ada, 17 years)
- Bargain Hunters Mall, walking on the levee and on the path that goes along the river (don’t know the name). (Karen, 17 years)
- Visiting the wineries, walking/running on the levy area, Fish and Game park, activities at the college…. there are quite a few things to do around here. (Angela, 30 years)
- Central to places you can travel to do fun things. Nothing in the valley unless you like drinking. (Dawn, 35 years)
Lewiston’s Reputation
What’s Lewiston known for?
- Lewis-Clark trail. (Don, 3 years)
- Mild winters. (Alan, 15 years)
- Hot summer weather. (Ada, 17 years)
- Hot August nights! The hill! (Karen, 17 years)
- The smell :(. (Angela, 30 years)
- Jet boats, NAIA, LCSC, horrible air from the mill. (Dawn, 35 years)
- Gateway to hells canyon. (Tracy, 52 years)
Lewiston Crime
What’s the crime like in Lewiston? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- All over. (Don, 3 years)
- Very little. (Alan, 15 years)
- North Lewiston is a little shady as well as the levee at night but I feel safe everywhere in Lewiston. (Ada, 17 years)
- I think it is fairly equal to other parts of Idaho. (Angela, 30 years)
- 4-6 out of ten. (Dawn, 35 years)
- Good. (Tracy, 52 years)
Lewiston Advice
Any advice for people moving to Lewiston?
- Nice for family, not single young adults. (Don, 3 years)
- Enjoy the river. (Alan, 15 years)
- It’s hot in the summer. Things will melt if you leave them in your car. People at first seem unfriendly but don’t let it cool you, the people here are some of the best in the world. (Ada, 17 years)
- Be prepared for the summer heat! (Karen, 17 years)
- None. Welcome to the Valley! (Angela, 30 years)
- Have a six figure job cause real estate thinks we have oil under the ground. (Dawn, 35 years)
- Expensive housing. (Tracy, 52 years)
Lewiston Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Lewiston (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Riding in I made the Grade. (Alan, 15 years)
- Myself and my two daughters were burn in Alaska. My 6 grandbabies have all been born right here at St. Joe’s. That’s my greatest experience. (Ada, 17 years)
- One summer during the late 1950’s when I was in line waiting to get into the pool, a stupid boy tried to pull down my swimsuit. I picked up a metal pop bottle cap and went after him. Mrs. Lipps threw both of us out for the day, but she wasn’t totally unsympathetic to me. (Karen, 17 years)
- I miss Crazie Dazes and Klings popcorn, main street was so colorful now its drunk and sad. (Dawn, 35 years)
Lewiston’s Future
How do you think Lewiston will change over the next 10 years?
- Grow slowly. (Don, 3 years)
- It will not, it hasn’t changed in the last 20. (Alan, 15 years)
- I don’t want it to, but I feel that it’s going to grow commercially. (Ada, 17 years)
- I think the Orchards will outgrow the original city. (Karen, 17 years)
- The way it’s been going more stagnation, no real growth to entice the college graduates to stay. (Dawn, 35 years)
- The council doesn’t let it change. (Tracy, 52 years)
Lewiston Facts
Any other interesting facts about Lewiston?
- The Lewiston Hill is listed as the steepest grade to drive in North America. (Ada, 17 years)
- The little known stories about the old-time Chinese population. (Karen, 17 years)
- Lewiston Orchards was a separate township until they got a grant to build a five lane road with sidewalks the entire length of the town (Thain – Tammeny Creek Rd). Lewiston counsel got wind, have a vote to annex the Orchards and of course it passed without any say from the folks of the Orchards. Lo and behold most of the money from the grant vanished and the Thain-Tammeny rd was four lanes with some of having sidewalks. (Dawn, 35 years)
- Close to hunting and fishing. (Tracy, 52 years)