Life in Lander, Wyoming, explained by people who’ve lived in Lander:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Lander)
Lander Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Lander?
- The community. (Courtney, 5 years)
- Outdoors. (Sam, 10 years)
- View of the mountains. (Tracy, 20 years)
- Outdoor recreation. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Lander?
- Lack of shopping. (Courtney, 5 years)
- Too conservative in some ways. (Sam, 10 years)
- Distance from larger towns. (Tracy, 20 years)
- Lack of street maintenance and plowing. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Lander?
- Rock climb, hike, etc. (Courtney, 5 years)
- Run, bike, climb, hunt, fish. (Sam, 10 years)
- The coffee shops. (Tracy, 20 years)
- Outdoor recreation, Lander live concerts. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander’s Reputation
What’s Lander known for?
- NOLS, CWC. (Courtney, 5 years)
- Setting. (Sam, 10 years)
- Nols, sinks canyon, swim teams. (Tracy, 20 years)
- Outdoor recreation. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander Crime
What’s the crime like in Lander? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Low. (Courtney, 5 years)
- Minimal. (Sam, 10 years)
- Personally not had any problems. (Tracy, 20 years)
- Fairly low. Mostly petty crimes. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander Advice
Any advice for people moving to Lander?
- Enjoy! (Courtney, 5 years)
- If you are looking at healthcare jobs – most seem to be the “always hiring, always firing” types. (Tracy, 20 years)
- Hard to find housing, enjoy outdoors. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Lander (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Raising a family. (Michael, 29 years)
Lander’s Future
How do you think Lander will change over the next 10 years?
- Get bigger. (Courtney, 5 years)
- Hasn’t changed in the last 10. (Sam, 10 years)
- Probably not much. (Tracy, 20 years)
Lander Facts
Any other interesting facts about Lander?