Here are free resources about the Japan Hiroshima Mission:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Video interviews with returned missionaries
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Japan LDS Missions.
Japan Hiroshima Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Japan Hiroshima Mission. We try to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the mission address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
This mission does not currently exist.
Phone Number: N/A
Mission President: N/A
Japan Hiroshima Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Japan Hiroshima Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date map for the Japan Hiroshima Mission
*Mission does not currently exist. (Browse mission maps)
Videos with Japan Hiroshima RMs
Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Japan Hiroshima Mission. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews. Coming soon..
LDS-Friendly Videos about Japan
Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Japan. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Japan, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.
Japan Hiroshima Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Japan Hiroshima Mission. This blog list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their mission blog was updated.
none found yet |
Japan Hiroshima Mission Groups
Here are Japan Hiroshima Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the mission.
- Japan Hiroshima Mission Group (536 members)
Japan Hiroshima Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Japan Hiroshima Mission!
Shirt designs include Japan Hiroshima Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Hiroshima missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Hiroshima Mission gifts
Hiroshima Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Japan Hiroshima LDS Mission.
- 2010, Mission combined with the Japan Fukuoka Mission and the Japan Kobe Mission.
- 2008-2010, Yoshiaki Isa
- 2005-2008, Akira Yafuso
Japan LDS Statistics (2016)
- Church Membership: 128,216
- Missions: 7
- Temples: 2
- Congregations: 266
- Family History Centers: 63
Helpful Articles about Japan
Japan Hiroshima Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Japan Hiroshima RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
*Click here to take a survey to help pre-missionaries going to your mission.
When did you serve?
- 2008-2010 (Brooke)
- 1996-1998 (Sam)
- 2008-2010 (Richard)
- 2004-2006 (Tim)
- 2002-2004 (Peter)
- 2001-2003 (Gabriel)
- 1997-1999 (Emily)
- 1997-1999 (Joe)
What areas did you serve in?
- Hikari, Hiroshima; Kurayoshi, Tottori Ken; Okayama; Okayama Ken. (Brooke)
- Himeji, Matsudo, Izumo, Nishiwaki. (Tim)
- Kobe, Himeji, Fukuchiyama, Hatsukaiichi. (Peter)
- Himeji, Kakogawa, Yanai, Hatsukaichi, Sakaide, Kure, Hikarimachi. (Gabriel)
- Hiroshima, Okayama; Hiroshima, Kurashiki; Mastuyama. (Emily)
- Takamatsu, Yanai, Shimonoseki, and Okayama Nishi. (Joe)
What were some favorite foods?
- Okonomiyaki, Udon, Kaki, Nashi. (Brooke)
- Sushi, sashimi, fugu, curry, okonomiyaki, donburi, hayashi rice, omelette rice, takoyaki, matsuri food, oden, agepan, anpan, creampan, udon/ramen, yakiniku, yakisoba, mabodofu, mabonasu, nabe. (Sam)
- Okonomiyaki, Sushi, Gyudon, Ramen, Om-rice, tamago rice. (Richard)
- Gyudon, Okonomiyaki and Ramen. (Tim)
- Miso Ramen, Donburi (gyu or oyako), Okonomiyaki. (Peter)
- Okonomiyaki, udon, sushi, sashimi, natto, tempura, sukiyaki, so many options.. (Gabriel)
- Okonomiyaki Udon/Ramen. (Emily)
- Okonomiyaki, Nabe, sukiyaki (Joe)
What was a funny experience?
- Falling into a rice field, Hearing incorrect/funny English, Saying the wrong thing as a new missionary in a new language and having people look at me completely confused. (Brooke)
- Went to a park in Iwakuni. Saw a monkey and fed him some food. Turned around and saw a gang of monkeys staring at us and wanting food. Little scary, but amusing how quickly they amassed for food. Follow the wildlife signs that say no feeding monkeys or staring them in the eyes. (Sam)
- When the apartment’s fire alarm went off for three hours. (Richard)
- While knocking on doors of some rural neighborhoods in the summer, sometimes the older people would be naked answering their door! (Tim)
- We told a guy that Nephi built a fuusen (balloon) instead of a fune (ship) and sailed to america with his family. That wasn’t much more difficult for him to believe…
- On preparation days we would go the best denki or any other electronic shop and sit down on a massage chair. (Gabriel)
- I made a deal with a man that he would listen to our message if I beat him in arm wrestling. I won! (Emily)
- On New Years Eve, we were leaving the district president’s apartment in Shimonoseki and my companion was (being an idiot) trying to pet a tanuki that was hanging around our bikes because we had leftover yakiniku meat in our basket. Not surprisingly, he was bitten by a tanuki, and the health guidebook says that if you are bitten by an animal, try to trap it and bring it to a health care center, or behead it and bring the head. We weren’t able to capture it. (Joe)
What was a crazy experience?
- Riding our bikes home and passed a man waving around a samurai sword talking to himself on the side of the street; crazy weather during rainy season; bike accidents; people answering the doors naked or in underwear. (Brooke)
- Brakes gave out on my bike while I was going down a hill near a park in Hiroshima. I had to step on the ground and stop Fred Flintstone style. (Sam)
- The reason the alarm went off for three hours. (Richard)
- Being hit by a car while riding my bike… twice. And both times I was riding on the right side when we should have been rising on the left. (Direction of traffic). (Tim)
- I always felt pretty safe — in Fukuchiyama one time it got so cold in my apartment that the water froze inside our toilet bowl… (Peter)
- In one of my areas, we used to go visit a few less active members once a week, and to get there, we need to ride our bicycles uphill for about 6 or 7 Milles, but on the way back it was so fun going down hill. Once I remember going down hill and it was at night time. I went so fast riding on the road that my companion could not keep up. When reached the end of the road I looked back, I saw a long line of cars still on the mountains going “slow,” I wondered the reason, a few minutes later I saw my companion coming and all these cards behind him.. (Gabriel)
- Falling asleep on the train and missing your stop/riding bikes between the rice fields. (Emily)
- I was pulling a mamachari to a greenie’s apartment for him to ride when the handlebars got tangled with my bike’s brake cords and I lost control and ended up swimming in a canal. (Joe)
What was a spiritual experience?
- Seeing the change in a young girl who was suicidal feeling the love of our Heavenly Father and Savior and her subsequent change of heart joining the church. Having 2 converts go on to serve missions themselves. Teaching an 80 year old woman how to pray. Seeing a branch become a ward. (Brooke)
- Helped teach a convert who was baptized. He died the next day, but his Mom wrote us a beautiful letter about how she was so happy that he found the truth. She said his disposition changed 180 and she was going to start taking the lessons as well. (Sam)
- Saved an investigator/new member from committing suicide the week of Obon (when we met her). (Richard)
- During teaching, on of our investigators totally caught the vision and he stood up during one of our lessons and started to testify of the things he read in the Book of Mormon were true. I had a spiritual high the rest of the day. (Tim)
- The Lord really did guide us and use us as tools to share his message and help others feel his love. There were countless times we went places and said things we otherwise would not have — but he prompted us to, and we did! (Peter)
- One day I saw teaching a lesson to a guy and he asked why do we care about the Japanese? They are small, country is small, and their heard as well. I was sad to hear that but I said that everyone is Heavenly Fathers son and daughter, so he wanted every one back to his presence. (Gabriel)
- I was prompted to stop my bike on the way home for lunch and talk to a young lady walking on the sidewalk. We taught her the first discussion the next day and she told us that when we stopped her to talk, she was heading to a bridge to kill herself. (Joe)
What are some interesting facts about the Japan Hiroshima Mission?
- See down below about places to visit. It is a wonderful and interesting culture. Watch out for taifus. Visit the temple on Shikoku- forgot the name, but I believe it has over 1000 steps. There is a tall uidling in Imabari (Shikoku) that you can go to the top of and get some great views. Visit Shakey’s Pizza tabehoudai in Takasu- good selections of pizza including Japanese. It seems like most areas have a Japanese ‘Mom’ which loves the Missionaries and isn’t necessarily a member, be sure to meet her. Some foods are hard to find so bring them (etc. peanut butter, jelly, some spices) – you can get these at the base in Iwakuni if you have a card and are a member of an army family. (Sam)
- Hiroshima is really big. (Richard)
- It is the best mission in the world!
- The mission itself doesn’t exist anymore and it was combined with another mission. (Gabriel)
- When Babe Ruth visited Japan, he visited Shimonoseki. Momotaro is from Okayama. Yoichi the archer and Udon are from Takamatsu. (Joe)
What was the weather like?
- All 4 seasons it felt like. Had snow in the winter, rain in the Spring, super humid all year long. (Brooke)
- Cold in the winter, hot and humid in the summer. If there is a taifu warning then get inside quickly. We stayed in it for less than a minute and got completely drenched. (Sam)
- Humid until winter, then freezing cold. (Richard)
- Same as Utah. Just more humid. (Tim)
- Super hot and humid in the summer and super cold in the winter. (Peter)
- Hot humid in the summer and very windy in the winter. It doesn’t really get too low in the temperature, but because it gets very windy, it feels very cold sometimes. (Gabriel)
- Disgustingly hot and humid and frigid cold. (Emily)
- Cold windy winters, but not freezing usually, Hot summers with humidity, and tsuyu (monsoons season). Cherry blossoms really grow on you in the spring. (Joe)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- They were truly angels in my life and I will always remember them and the blessing they were to my developing testimony of Christ. Learning together and growing in the gospel together was incredible. The people were so friendly and wanted to get to know us and why we were in Japan. We were always treated well and the members are the most amazing people. (Brooke)
- People are very friendly and kind, even though they may seem a little mean when dendoing. Love the Japanese culture, get out and see the temples, Iwakuni castle, Miyajima, Heiwa Koen, etc. (Sam)
- The willingness of many of the people to either listen to what we were sharing, and the kindness of the people and willingness to help when needed. (Richard)
- The people are amazing. Himeji in the spring is unforgettable with the cherry blossoms and the castle! (Peter)
- People were hard to listen about the gospel, but the ones who listened were willing to open their hearts. (Gabriel)
- The people are honest and genuine. (Emily)
- I loved the members and the people that would spend a moment with you. I loved the food -my mission president told us to try everything 3 times. He was right. Some of the food over there is so foreign that you can’t figure out if you like it with only two tries. I loved that everywhere you went and everything you did and saw and ate was new and interesting. (Joe)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- Bring waterproof bags/items because everything gets wet. Get a good raincoat and rain pants. Finding clothing is difficult as sizing is different. Shoes and bags are great in Japan though. (Brooke)
- I think the suggested list was adequate. I would suggest at least two pairs of shoes and maybe three pairs of pants. Walking and biking can be a little hard on your shoes and pants. (Sam)
- Gloves for winter… Make sure you have gloves… (Richard)
- Golashes in the rainy season would have been amazing! Also bring goretex pants and jacket for the rain. (Tim)
- Don’t bring too much crap! (Peter)
- Gloves are important specially in the winter time while riding bicycles. (Gabriel)
- If you are of large stature, it will be difficult to find anything to fit you there. (Emily)
- You want rain gear for the monsoon season (tsuyu). A trench coat for winter is stupid, you’re going to be on a bike for Pete’s sake. I wore long johns often during the winter, but I’d buy some non-LDS issue and wear your G’s under them. You’ll be on a bike every day, so learn how to protect your pants from bike chains. Don’t buy heavy shoes, buy shoes you can slip on and off easily. You’ll probably not have A/C or central heating. (Joe)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- Too many to write. Closer relationship to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. A stronger desire to serve other people. Humility. More knowledgeable of the scriptures and teachings of the Prophets. (Brooke)
- Learned to serve and love others. Grew closer to Heavenly Father. Got to see the gospel in action. Strengthened my testimony. (Sam)
- The ability to find an awesome wife (not Japanese) and the confidence to do different things. (Richard)
- I served faithfully and all the goals I made following the spirit while in the MTC came true. (Tim)
- Strengthened my faith, learned to serve others, increased my knowledge of the gospel! (Peter)
- I got to understand the love of God to us and more about charity. (Gabriel)
- A lifetime of testimony and a firm witness of how the story of a young boy that became a prophet could change the hearts of people that knew nothing of Christ. (Emily)
- I was blessed to never miss a day to sickness during my mission. I was hit by three cars with no injuries other than scrapes or bruises. On one occasion, I was able to step off my bike and back away faster than I understand as the van rolled over my front wheel and destroyed it. (Joe)
What are some skills you gained?
- Learned how to work closely with difficult people/companions. Learning another language. Navigation/Map reading. Patience. (Brooke)
- Speaking Japanese, talking to people. Learning to get a long with a companion. Communication skills- both verbal and non-verbal. (Sam)
- People skills, the ability to speak Japanese. (Richard)
- I was able to accept people for who they are much easier since working with all my companions. Lasting friendships from those I interacted with. (Tim)
- Japanese….! (Peter)
- I improved my Japanese, which has been a key factor in my professional career. I work for a big investment bank from street, and they relocated me to Asia due to my language skills. (Gabriel)
- Language, and I can make some killer sushi. (Emily)
- After my mission I could give a talk or a lesson with no notice whatsoever. (Joe)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- Journaled more with people’s names/addresses/contact info. (Brooke)
- 100% (speak your language) SYL- helps you learn the language faster. (Sam)
- How much was going to really be required when it came to speaking the language. (Richard)
- Observe more and get right into people’s lives. (Tim)
- I wish I did a better job of journaling. (Peter)
- More Japanese. (Gabriel)
- Relax, just keep doing the job for Jesus and have fun with your companion. (Joe)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Hiroshima?
- You are going to LOVE it. It is hard work, but the best work. You will feel close to the Savior and come to understand His role in your life. You will learn how to LOVE people all around you. Your confidence will grow and you will feel loved. It is the absolute BEST thing you can do with your life at this time and stage. (Brooke)
- You’re going to love it. It will be hard at times, hang in there. Don’t get discouraged, remember people are turning down the Savior not you. Look for the good and enjoy the culture. (Sam)
- Study, study, study. (Richard)
- Don’t be too hard on yourself. Do your best according to who you are at that time. It should be enjoyed and endured well. (Tim)
- It is amazing. Throw yourself into it. You’ll never wish you hadn’t worked as hard as you did — but you might regret not having worked harder! (Peter)
- Open your hearts, and if you are American, don’t presume that American ways is always right.. (Gabriel)
- Make your mission fun and exciting. It will be hard – very hard. learn to laugh and smile and lean on the Savior and obey mission rules. (Emily)
- You’ll need to change your diet over there. I ate cereal for breakfast every day for 19 years and then only once in Japan. Adapt. Study their culture. Don’t fail to notice when to be modest and when gifts are given and when to speak with respect (almost all the time – you’re 18). (Joe)
What was a funny language mistake?
- I said that I was God. I also said that Jesus Christ rejected people instead of people rejected Christ. (Brooke)
- During the contacting process, instead of saying that they are volunteer activity performing missionaries, an elder said they were volunteer circumcision performing missionaries. Look it up. “Activity” and “circumcision” are similar when said. (Richard)
- Ninjin=carrot Ningen=people Kazoku vs Kaizoku Family vs Pirate Uchi vs Unchi House vs Poop.
- One of my companion from Utah was telling someone about his family and he told that his grand-father had 20 “mushi” (mosquitoes), but he really meant to say ushi(cows). (Gabriel)
- A missionary told an investigator that he was getting accustomed to eating “unko” (poop) when he meant to say “anko” (bean paste). (Emily)
- Once I pronounced a word for a certain treat in the wrong way. An English Conversation Class student had brought the treats to class, and after class I said to her and her friend, “Thank you for the (biological term) they were delicious!” They were shocked and laughed hysterically, and my companion asked me where I had learned that biological term. I thought that’s what they were called, I didn’t learn that term until that night after asking him over and over and my companion finally telling me that he’d talk to me about it at the apartment (the REAL question is: where did HE learn that term?). (Joe)