Free resources about the Idaho Pocatello Mission:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Video interviews with returned missionaries
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Idaho LDS Missions.
Idaho Pocatello Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Idaho Pocatello Mission. We try to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
135 S 7th Ave
Pocatello ID 83201
Phone Number: 1-208-233-0130
Mission President: President Marvin T. Brinkerhoff
Idaho Pocatello Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Idaho Pocatello Mission (LDS). To access the official map for the Pocatello Mission:
Videos with Pocatello RMs
Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Idaho Pocatello Mission. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.
LDS-Friendly Videos about Idaho
Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Idaho. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Idaho, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.
Idaho Pocatello Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Idaho Pocatello Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
Idaho Pocatello Mission Groups
Here are Idaho Pocatello Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Pocatello Mission.
- Idaho Pocatello Mission Facebook Group (951 members)
- Pocatello Mission- President Colton Group (379 members)
- Idaho Pocatello Mission – Bricknell Group (322 members)
- Idaho Pocatello Mission Facebook Group (249 members)
- 2013 Idaho Pocatello Mission Reunion Group (98 members)
- Pocatello Mission Under President Probst Group (36 members)
- Pocatello Mission– The Glenn Orr Years Group (6 members)
Idaho Pocatello Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Idaho Pocatello Mission!
Shirt designs include Idaho Pocatello Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Idaho Pocatello missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Pocatello Mission gifts
Idaho Pocatello Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Idaho Pocatello LDS Mission.
- 2015-2018, Gene Edward Hancock
- 2012-2015, Marvin T. Brinkerhoff
- 2009-2012, Scott W. Colton
- 2006-2009, K. Brent Somers
- 2003-2006, Colin Horton Bricknell
- 2000-2003, Bruce Winn Johnson
- 1997-2000, Wilburn J. Brown
- 1994-1997, Glenn Orr
- 1991-1994, Wayne W. Probst
- 1978-1979, Richard M. Marbury III
- 1975-1978, Sherman Crump
- 1974-1975, Ernest Eberhard
Idaho LDS Statistics (2015)
- Church Membership: 430,757
- Missions: 4
- Temples: 4
- Congregations: 1,117
- Family History Centers: 63
Helpful Articles about Idaho
Idaho Pocatello Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Idaho Pocatello RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
When did you serve?
- 2014-2016 (Ethan)
- 2014-2015 (Ramsay)
- 2014-2015 (Taylor)
- 2014-2015 (Alyssa)
- 2011-2013 (Tyler)
- 2003-2005 (Cody)
- 2003-2005 (Kash)
- 2009-2011 (Sergio)
- 2009-2010 (William)
- 2004-2006 (Rob)
- 2011-2013 (Michael)
- 2006-2008 (Kirti)
- 2013-2014 (Claire)
- 2014-2016 (Nathan)
What areas did you serve in?
- Pocatello North 2, IF West, IF South, IF North 1, Lincoln Stake, Thayne. (Ethan)
- Shelley and Pocatello North One (Chubbuck). (Ramsay)
- Chubbuck, Shelly, Iona, and St. Anthony. (Taylor)
- Idaho Falls, Rigby, Pocatello, Blackfoot. (Alyssa)
- In Pocatello to Menan and the areas in between. (Tyler)
- Rexburg, Pocatello, Paul, Challis, Salmon, and Idaho Falls, Idaho. (Cody)
- Salmon, Ashton, Arco, West Yellowstone, IF, Rupert. (Kash)
- Pocatello, Saint Anthony, American Falls, Rockland, Aberdeen, Ashton, Island Park, West Yellowstone, Shelley. (Sergio)
- Idaho Falls, Rigby. (William)
- Burley, Pocatello, Rexburg. (Rob)
- Pocatello West Stake, Chubbick Stake,Tyhe Stake, Mackey Stake, Moore Stake, Ammon North Stake. (Michael)
- Idaho Falls, Chubbach, Ucon, Rexburg. (Kirti)
- Montpelier, Ammon, Menan. (Claire)
- Pocatello North, Iona South, Chubbuck, Ammon North, Idaho Falls North and Old Town Pocatello. (Nathan)
What were some favorite foods?
- Steak! (Ethan)
- There’s no food different in Idaho compared to where I live (hint: two states below). However, I came to an appreciation for the members who always fed us. Before my mission, I avoided potatoes as much as I could. Until my first six months in my first area, it was known as the “Potato Capitol”. So, potatoes were not so bad after all. And MEAT! Always have loved meat! Especially the wild game meat the hunters would provide. (Ramsay)
- Whenever we had breakfast :). (Taylor)
- Different potato recipes the members made. (Alyssa)
- Breakfast for dinner, fresh steak, potatoes, a lot of desserts. (Tyler)
- Meat and potatoes. That is what we were fed constantly, so it had to be a favorite. (Cody)
- Steak, Jumbolia. (Kash)
- Root beer floats, elk stake, hash browns, potato sup. (Sergio)
- Chicken, steak, casseroles, potatoes. (William)
- Steak and pheasant. Be prepared for a ton of home cooked meals centered on meat and potatoes. (Rob)
- Reid’s dairy chocolate milk and huckleberry cheesecake ice cream, Navajo tacos, funeral potatoes aka resurrection potatoes. Elk, deer, moose. (Michael)
- Chicken Casserole, lasagna, enchiladas, cream of corn soup, other soups, steak, roast beef, and many others. (Kirti)
- Huckleberry anything. (Claire)
- Indian food is so good. Not lasagna or pot roast. (Nathan)
What was a funny experience?
- Naked people on meth answering the door. (Ethan)
- So many funny experiences, probably some of them were considered as embarrassing. Right now what I can think of was when I was with two of my companions (we were in a wonderful trio). We were looking for members to help with a service project. We went to the Bishop of the Ward house. We asked them if they knew who the Executive Secretary was. The Bishop’s wife pointed across the street to the two houses at the end. She described the yard and driveway the best she could. We went over there then we were not sure which house it was. I heard her say that it was the house with the red car. My companions and I made a decision, then went up to the front porch of a house. We knocked on the door. Both of my companions were standing at the entry facing the way the door would open, where as I was on the other side holding the screen door open. A tall man opened the door. My companions had a look on their face. Thinking they were going to speak I watched them. Nothing. They stared at me with wide eyes. I realized they were not going to talk, so I stepped in and said, “Hi, we’re the sister missionaries. We were wondering if you have time to come help a lady with service from your ward?” Immediately the man put his hands up and said, “Nope. I am not part of your Church.” I was shocked! I had no idea! Before I could say anything, he closed the door on us. I believe my companions knew that it wasn’t the right house, I had no idea. (Ramsay)
- When my companion slipped on ice like a cartoon! (Taylor)
- When my companion and I had to take beer away from a less active who was struggling. It was only funny because we didn’t know what to do with it and we were freaking out. (Alyssa)
- The hilarious excuses some people made to avoid being taught. (Tyler)
- My companion catching the toaster on fire and burning his toast charcoal black; a cat flying into my face; and a goat jumping in our car, among others. Directions were given like this: “Oh, the Jackson place? Well, take a right at the big tree, go about 5 miles and turn left at the pointed rock, go three farsees and then you’ll be pertineer the old Mason home. When you get there go another farsee and you are pertineer the barrow pit that runs up to their place.” (Cody)
- Tracting with new missionaries. (Kash)
- While serving in Pocatello we saw a police officer and a firefighter chasing an obese naked woman, the police officer tackled her and the firefighter covered her with a blanket/quilt. (Sergio)
- Shelly Idaho Spud Fest. (William)
- Learning to enjoy the long bike rides around the areas by successfully throwing and catching in our mouths about 20 different kinds of candy… Mind you my companion and I were riding our bikes on opposite sides of a 2 lane highway while we did this. (Rob)
- Holding your breath while branding cows then gasping for air and then choking on the fumes. (Michael)
- Laughing with companions at random things while tracting. (Kirti)
- In my first area, there was a man named MC Walsh that thought he was a prophet and prophesied over a mega phone to the whole trailer court. (Nathan)
What was a crazy experience?
- When I was the driver. We pulled out onto the main road and almost got in a car accident with a motorcyclist. (Ramsay)
- When a man told us that he would pull a gun on us. When a lady threatened to call the police on us. (Taylor)
- I had a gun pulled on me in a small town. They weren’t from around here. (Alyssa)
- Almost being struck by lightning on several occasions. (Tyler)
- Had firecrackers lit and thrown at me and my companion; had a gun pulled on us when a man wanted us to leave his property; had someone yell “Joseph Smith was a wizard” from a moving car; had a man tell us that he knew all about our Jasper Smith and that he had read The Book of Mormon and knew about old Jasper all right. (Cody)
- Tracting situations in unfamiliar homes. Road travel on bikes. (Kash)
- While serving in American Falls a “prophetess” called us to repentance and specifically addressed me calling me by my full name, not only Elder Avila as my name tag had on, but by my full name and she began telling me stuff about my childhood, friends and family- it was a crazy, scary and a faith-testing moment since she claimed that she knew me because God had revealed it to her. Just a firm testimony about The Book of Mormon, which I treasure, was able to keep me firm, we bore our testimonies and departed from there. (Sergio)
- Stray dogs on the reservation, area comes equipped with mace/pepper spray. (William)
- Driving with a Canadian trainer who was curious as to whether a Camry in America has a governor while driving in reverse. It doesn’t. (Rob)
- Getting stuck in the snow drifts and almost getting frostbite in negative 30 below. (Michael)
- I was not comfortable walking at night on the streets. Though nothing too dangerous or crazy happened. A few times we got scared when people were watching us at night. I do not know of their intention but we got scared. (Kirti)
- Serving in Old Town, there was a guy we taught that was a hit man for the mafia and had killed tons of people. He also lit a woman on fire on a camping trip during the time he was being taught. (Nathan)
What was a spiritual experience?
- I think when the role of the Godhead clicked in my mind, and I just had the most amazing feeling. (Ethan)
- There were so many spiritual experiences! My favorite was when a less active man at the age 65 was given the Aaronic Priesthood! He selected his Grandson, who was soon to go on a mission, to give him the Priesthood. We were invited to come and listen (watch). As soon as his grandson gave him the blessing, I cried with tears! Because this was one of the big step for him to take in order for him and his beautiful and lovely wife to go to the temple to be sealed. (Ramsay)
- We took a girl with a baptism date to the Temple Visitor’s Center and watched Meet the Mormons. We all cried and she knew without a doubt she wanted to get baptized. (Taylor)
- Being able to go to the temple with someone you love so much and have worked so hard with is probably the most spiritual thing! (Alyssa)
- Besides helping to teach and baptize and confirm 30 people, was the experience of being able to give blessings to the sick and afflicted and seeing them become whole. (Cody)
- Teaching. (Kash)
- In my last day of the mission, we had to drive to Idaho Falls, however neither I nor my companion were familiar with the area. We got caught in a snow storm and I had to be at the transfer site at 9 o’clock. We pulled over, said a prayer and I felt inspired on where to turn all the way to the transfer site. We were there on time, just as we asked the Lord for help. (Sergio)
- Just about all of it. Inviting investigators to baptism and helping them realize they really are ready. (Rob)
- Seeing a man full of anger humble himself in asking his 12 year old son what did he want to do. He then breaks down in tears as he hugged his son and supported his decision to be baptized. (Michael)
- Feeling the Savior close. The Rexburg temple open house. (Kirti)
- There was a family in Chubbuck we were just led straight to. Teaching them was the best experience of my mission. (Nathan)
What are some interesting facts about the Pocatello Mission?
- There are a lot of amazing members of the church there to help you out with the work! (Ethan)
- There are a lot of LDS people! But it’s also one of the top baptizing missions in the United States. (Taylor)
- People say “I seen them,” not “I saw them.” You and your companion will usually cover a whole stake by yourselves. Members take care of you so well! It is the top weight-gaining mission in The States (I felt that one). (Alyssa)
- Idaho has four seasons- Winter, winter, still winter……and road construction. Harrison Ford owns a house in Jackson Hole. The Grand Teton Mountain Range is the most stunning range you will ever see in person. You can go to Yellowstone once on your mission. The average elevation of the mission is 4500ft. (Tyler)
- We had upwards to 200 missionaries at one time; The mission serviced four states, including Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Wyoming. One set of Elders could cover four or more stakes and 30 or more wards. No one was ever left wanting dinner as members fought over who got to feed the missionaries. At times the nearest companionship could be 60 miles away. There also really are such things as tumbleweeds. I thought that was only in the movies until I got to Idaho. (Cody)
- There’s a high percent of LDS membership. Not many people move into my mission and not many people move out. (Kash)
- There are tons of potatoes! Most people are friendly with the missionaries. It is cold in the winter. There are a lot of members of The Church willing to work shoulder to shoulder with you. The Fort Hall Indian Reservation is in the mission. There is good fishing. It is the best mission in the world!! (Sergio)
- Companionships will cover anywhere between 4 wards and 4 stakes. There are many church leaders living in this mission, so you will have many opportunities to learn about the structure and inner workings of the church. (Rob)
- The Idaho Falls Temple was the only temple built during WWII. (Michael)
- The church is very strong in Idaho. (Kirti)
- Everyone smokes. And there is a museum of clean in Pocatello, which is the opposite if clean. (Nathan)
What was the weather like?
- Four seasons. (Ethan)
- COLD! The winter I went to, they said was pretty mild. (Ramsay)
- Hot during the summer and below zero during the winter. (Taylor)
- It’s always changing. It can be cold and pouring rain and five minutes later it’s hot and sunny. (Alyssa)
- Cold and windy during October 31-April 15, mild 70-95 during the rest of the year. (Tyler)
- Cold in the Winter, blah in the Spring, hot in the Summer, and pretty in the Fall. It was very dry. (Cody)
- I really liked the weather. It’s warm compared to Canada. (Kash)
- Dry and hot during summer. Unpredictable during spring. Cool during fall. Cold and snowy during winter. (Sergio)
- Cold winter and very warm summer. (William)
- Warm and beautiful summers to hell frozen over, several times. There’s often a 2 week period in the northern areas where it will stay consistently at -20*. (Rob)
- Wait 10 minutes and it will change. All 4 seasons. 104 in summer and -30 below in winter, spring is 32 degrees . Fall doesn’t exist because there are no trees. (Michael)
- Extremely cold. (Kirti)
- Very very cold. (Claire)
- Random. The weather could vary 20 degrees from one part of the day to another. (Nathan)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- Just how loving everyone was and how much trust they gave us. (Ethan)
- One of my area I fell in love with because I loved the people! The people were just friendly and kind, even if they did not belong to The Church. (Ramsay)
- The people are amazing. So loving and kind. They are willing to help you no matter what. (Taylor)
- They are so humble and love the Lord. Most everyone is Christian. (Alyssa)
- How willing the members are to serve and help. You are also surrounded by big burly farmers, i.e. I felt safe. (Tyler)
- They’re a very loving people. Many are willing to help out. It’s God’s country and breathtakingly beautiful. Also, some of my ancestors were from the area. (Cody)
- I liked country areas. The members trusted you more and wanted you to work hard. In urban areas you were considered a good missionary if you parted your hair. (Kash)
- They’re very respectful, loving and caring. There are safe communities. Even though there are a lot of members, there are always people to teach and baptize. (Sergio)
- Small town feel. (William)
- Everyone was willing to help and many were open to the message because they all knew members of all kinds. You can expect to be fed well, everywhere. People will often offer rides and any help you need. Some people are very negative towards the church and need help understanding that their experience is most likely isolated to a single event and that they shouldn’t blame an entire group. (Rob)
- Humble and stubborn farmers. Down to earth and up to the moon. (Michael)
- Most LDS women in the mission boundary were always neatly dressed and presentable. (Kirti)
- Depends on the area. Some areas I loved because everyone was crazy which entertained me. Others had incredible members that helped in all phases of the work. Some had both. Those ones were the best. (Nathan)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- GOOD winter coats, SNOW BOATS, SOCKS, GLOVES, and HATS/BEANIES!!! No time for shorts!!! (Ramsay)
- Fleece-lined tights, warm hats, gloves, and lots of layers. (Taylor)
- Roll your clothing! You get so much more in! (Alyssa)
- Wear lots of layers. Beware the wind. (Cody)
- Pack as little to the MTC as you think you will need. Extra stuff is a hassle and in your way. Anything you might need may be purchased in the mission field. And many times people are good to missionaries, so the cost is even less than if you buy it at home. I would rather have a $100 bill in my pocket than $400 worth of stuff in suitcases that I may or may not need. (Kash)
- Good boots. Waterproof coat. English-Spanish dictionary (there are a lot of Hispanics). (Sergio)
- Roll everything & pack light. (William)
- Wool socks and warm winter boots, winter jacket, and gloves. In spite of popular belief, there are quality places to shop in Idaho for anything you would need. (Rob)
- Buy as much stuff as you can, including mission Scriptures in the MTC which are 40 percent cheaper and buy garments at Deseret in Pocatello or Idaho Falls. Buy suits from Missionary Mall. Don’t waste money at Men’s Warehouse . Missionary Mall has 2 year guarantee and suits built like iron. Don’t bring temple clothes, rentals are free for missionaries at the Idaho Falls Temple. Buy winter gear in Idaho. Buy high quality shoes like Echo…they still are working for me three years after the mission. Hush Puppies will last about three months before the soles wear out. Buy a bike from a missionary leaving. Ties are Currency between missionaries this goes for sisters too. Twistables-colored pencils for marking your scriptures. (Michael)
- Warm clothes, good boots, colorful clothes. (Kirti)
- Lots of fleece lined tights! Buy good snow boots not pretty boots. (Claire)
- Roll up your clothes instead of folding them. It might take a little extra ironing when you get to your new area but it saves tons of space. (Nathan)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- I have a very personal relationship with God now. I have the most amazing friends now! I met my fiancé there. I have an amazing job now! The list goes on and on. (Ethan)
- My family were missionaries too. (Ramsay)
- I’ve found out who I am and have grown so much from it.
- I found myself and I know how to do missionary work. Now I’m not scared to talk to people about religion. I feel confident in the Gospel. (Alyssa)
- I found my wife at the end of my mission. The greatest blessing of all. This in turn has led to years of happiness and a beautiful daughter. I also received joy and knowledge in serving the people and strengthened my own testimony. (Cody)
- Learned patience. Gained great relationships with people. Learned more of the Gospel. (Kash)
- I learned English, Portuguese and a little Tongan. My love for the Lord and his work grew exponentially. I strengthened my own testimony about The Church. I know how I want my family to be like. I have set specific goals for my career. Every single blessing I have received since I came back has come through that little portal of my mission. (Sergio)
- Eternal friendships and the blessings of giving service and selfless sacrifice with no expectation of reward. (Rob)
- A greater capacity to love. (Michael)
- I learned my worth as a daughter of God. My life has been uphill since after my mission. I have come to know my Heavenly Father and Savior. The temple is a focus of my life. My goal is eternal marriage. My standards have improved. (Kirti)
- I am a whole lot happier. And a whole lot more humble. (Nathan)
What are some skills you gained?
- Understanding people more. Patience and love. (Ethan)
- Talking, communication skills. Plus, a greater knowledge of the scriptures and Gospel. (Ramsay)
- Being able to talk to anyone. Feeling confident. Teaching skills. (Taylor)
- Studying, home improvement, working with animals/on farm land. (Alyssa)
- I’m less shy, better at speaking to people, and able to handle rejection better. Also, I’m able to control anger better and diffuse difficult situations. (Cody)
- Knowledge of the Gospel. People skills. (Kash)
- I learned English, Portuguese and a little Tongan. I learned how to chop wood. I can differentiate between all kinds of potatoes. I gained several leadership skills. I observed how good church leaders should behave and act. (Sergio)
- Patience. Observation. Open mindedness. Confidence. (William)
- The ability to take rejection like a champ. Learning to hear no and move on without any feelings hurt is a life skill that has helped me many times. I also learned to talk with people and some of the psychology that comes with being a door to door salesman. (Rob)
- A greater capacity to love. (Michael)
- I am still active in the church, I know how to handle trials, I developed good study and prayer habits. I have become more accepting of people. Discernment comes easier. I learned to finish things that I start, plan, set goals, importance of commitment, dating worthily and how to talk to men in relationships. Leadership skills. (Kirti)
- People skills and I can walk for a long long time now. (Nathan)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- How to work with people better. (Ethan)
- I wish I would’ve read Preach My Gospel before my Mission. It would’ve prepared me more. (Ramsay)
- I wish I studied and prepared better. I wish I had pushed myself a little harder. (Taylor)
- Studied Preach My Gospel. (Alyssa)
- I wish I could have brought more Preparation Day clothes and didn’t have to have a non-electric alarm clock. (Cody)
- Read every church book you can. Preach My Gospel will always be there for you in the field. I would have like more approved reading to be allowed as I got tired of reading the same allowed books and manuals. I see wisdom in restricting reading material, but know it does make your approved reading repetitive. (Kash)
- I wish I had known how to speak English before serving. (Sergio)
- It’s a lot harder than you think. (William)
- I wish I had taken charge more when paired with certain companions. I wish I knew that junior companions can lead and direct when needed. I also wish I had started off with better communication with my President. (Rob)
- Listen more to my trainer and overcome my pride. (Michael)
- I wish I knew how to handle my life better, example how to respond to people, how to recognize the Holy Ghost, how to respond to the Holy Ghost, how to be more social and friendly. How to be a leader. (Kirti)
- That the older missionaries are lost too. (Claire)
- I wish I had a stronger testimony. New missionaries shouldn’t only answer their mission interview questions with honesty but with conviction. I wish I could have done that. (Nathan)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Pocatello?
- Treat every one you meet like your best friend and have fun with everything you do! (Ethan)
- Follow the mission schedule, be obedient, and LOVE everyone! (Ramsay)
- Remember who you are. Don’t ever become a robot in what you do. People are drawn to happiness, so be happy- smile, even when it’s raining and you’re completely soaked. Keep thinking about their salvation and that in the end you’re helping with their eternal salvation. Good luck! (Taylor)
- Obey the rules. That’s how blessings come. Keep a miracle/blessing book. (Alyssa)
- Don’t expect anything, because it is always different than what you expect. You only have 18 months or 2 years of sand. Use it wisely. (Cody)
- Know how to work like a farmer. Know how to work even when you’re not feeling well. Just get things done regardless of comfort. I was surprised how may people felt entitled to rest and a slow day when illness set in. (Kash)
- Just focus on developing your own testimony of the Savior- He is the one you will be representing and testifying of, learn about Him, live like Him and let His redeeming touch reach out to you. Only by doing so will you love those you serve, love what you do and above all you will become a successful missionary. (Sergio)
- Work your hardest and smartest. My last transfer, I was with a sick companion who was also on his last transfer. We weren’t able to work all the hours of the day, but when we were able to work, we accomplished more than the other companionships in our district and many in our zone. Also, look for needs that aren’t being filled rather than just doing what you are told, this will set you apart from the average missionary. (Rob)
- Less active members are the only ones who associate with nonmembers. Rebuild a less active members’ testimonies as they help someone else back to Christ with them. (Michael)
- Have patience in the mission. Patience will stop you from worrying about after mission life. Always tell yourself that since there is no way you will be at school or get married while you are away then why spend energy pursuing it. Wait and have patience for the right time for worthy goals but the mission is not the right time. Lock your heart. I know that you will be blessed as you serve The Lord with your might. It is a Holy Calling and angels are there to guide and bless you in your efforts. Jesus Christ will come again and ours is the duty to prepare for His second coming. (Kirti)
- Work hard and love it. The Idaho Pocatello Mission is the best. Get ready for some crazy experiences. Miracles happen in the Idaho Pocatello Mission.
What was a funny language mistake?
- Opening up my mission for Pocatello I read aloud that I had been called to serve in the Pock-ah-tello mission, when it is pronounced Poke-a-tello. I also learned a new language I had never heard which I called the potato language. It consisted of such words as: farsee, pertineer, borrow pit, jockey box, outfit; and others I had never heard of. This was mostly out in the country. (Cody)
- I said a few bad words that sounded like normal words but… well I was able to tell that what I said wasn’t right when either my companion or the person I was speaking with would make a funny/surprised expression. (Sergio)
- Don’t make fun of the locals, they are well armed. (Rob)
- A glove box is called a jockey box. A Creek is called a crick. A ditch is called a borrow pit. A “couple three” is another term for a few. (Michael)