Honduras Comayaguela Mission

Misión Honduras Comayaguela

Free resources about the Honduras Comayaguela Mission:

Aquí están algunos recursos gratuitos sobre la Misión Honduras Comayaguela:

*Other Mission Pages: Honduras Missions.

Comayaguela Mission Address

Here’s a recent address for the Comayaguela Mission. We try to keep this info up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.

Honduras Comayagüela
Edificio Plaza America
Contiguo a Sears, a una cuadra del Mall
Multi Plaza
3 Nivel

Phone Number: 504-2239-7137
Mission President: President Edwin Raúl Ferman Zelaya

Comayaguela Mission Map

Here’s a link to the mission map for the Honduras Comayaguela Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date LDS.org map for the Comayaguela Mission:

  1. Log into your LDS account here.
  2. Click here.

Videos with Comayaguela RMs

Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Comayaguela Mission.  We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.

mission interview

Comayaguela Missionary Blogs

Here’s a list of missionary blogs for the Honduras Comayaguela Mission. This blog list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.

*Email alexbalinski@gmail.com to add your blog to the list.

President and Sister Ferman mhc1518.blogspot.com 2019
Elder Kylar Lemmon mymission.com/elderkylarlemmon 2019
Elder Branson Briggs mymission.com/elderbransonbriggs 2019
Elder Erik Hironymous mymission.com/eldererikhironymous 2019
Elder Joseph Jackson mymission.com/elderjosephjackson 2019
Elder Christian Sullivan sullivanfamily6.weebly.com/christians-mission-blog 2019
Mission Alumni mission.net/honduras/comayaguela 2018
Elder Christian Roberts elderchristianroberts.blogspot.com 2018
Elder Kade Cleverley kadecleverleymission.blogspot.com 2018
Elder Christian Roberts elderchristianroberts.blogspot.com 2018
Sister Lexus Becraft mymission.com/sisterlexusbecraft 2017
Elder Bradin High elderbradinhigh.blogspot.com 2017
Elder Alec Jensen elderalecjensen.blogspot.com 2017
Elder Jeremiah Hernandez mymission.com/Hernandez 2016
Elder Riley Wagner elderrileywagner.blogspot.com 2016
Sister Jodi Reed jodireedmission.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Riley Wagner elderrileywagner.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Daniel Burnham elderdanielburnham.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Grant Thorn eldergrantthorn.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Marc Latham eldermarclatham.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Dallin Sims missionsite.net/elderdallinsims 2015
Sister Kelly Nichols sisterkellynichols.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Nick Brown eldernickbrown.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Mariano Long eldermarianolong.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Sean Johnson seansmission.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Darin Bradshaw elderdarinbradshaw.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Jose Chavez josechaveziv.blogspot.com 2015
Sister Brook Hansen hermanabrookhansen.blogspot.com 2014
Elder Dustyn Roberts elderdustynroberts.blogspot.com 2014
Elder Steven Jamieson missionsite.net/elderstevenjamieson 2014
Sister Michelle Wagner michelleinhonduras.blogspot.com 2014
Elder David Gurr elderdavidgurrsmission.blogspot.com 2014
Elder Jackson Lake lakemission.blogspot.com 2014
Elder Danny Harding thedannyhardingexperience.blogspot.com 2013
Elder Tyler Archibald elderarchibald.blogspot.com 2013
Elder Benjamin Zamora missionsite.net/elderbenjaminzamora 2013
Elder Christian Williams missionsite.net/elderchristianwilliams 2013
Elder Tanner Holt missionsite.net/eldertannerholt 2012
Elder Jason Corless missionsite.net/elderjasoncorless 2012
Elder Christopher Hogstrom missionsite.net/elderchristopherhogstrom 2011
Sister Alexandra Smith hermanaalexandrasmith.blogspot.com 2011
Elder Spencer Paulson elderpaulsoninhonduras.blogspot.com 2011

Comayaguela Mission Groups

Here are Honduras Comayaguela Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Comayaguela Mission.

  1. Mision Honduras Comayaguela Facebook Group (684 members)
  2. Honduras Comayaguela Mission Facebook Group (371 members)
  3. Mision Comayaguela 2012-2015 Facebook Group (358 members)
  4. Mision Comayaguela Reunion- Ocampo Years Group (259 members)
  5. Mision Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela Group (115 members)
  6. Mision Tegucigalpa y Comayaguela Group (52 members)

Comayaguela Mission T-Shirts

Here are T-shirts for the Honduras Comayaguela Mission!

Coming soon..

Comayaguela Mission Presidents

Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Comayaguela LDS Mission.

  1. 2015-2018, Edwin R. Ferman Zelaya
  2. 2012-2015, Candido Fortuna
  3. 2009-2012, Manuel Antonio Flores
  4. 2006-2009, Sergio A. Gómez
  5. 2003-2006, Jose-Maria Merino
  6. 2000-2003, Allan Gene Austin
  7. 1997-2000, Roberto Ocampo
  8. 1996-1999, Kim B. Beckstead
  9. 1993-1996, Salomon Jaar Welchez

Honduras LDS Statistics (2015)

  • Church Membership: 165,553
  • Missions: 4
  • Temples: 1
  • Congregations: 229
  • Family History Centers: 0

Helpful Articles about Honduras

Coming soon..

Comayaguela Missionary Survey

Here are survey responses from Honduras Comayaguela RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.

*Click here to take a survey to help pre-missionaries going to your mission.

When did you serve?

  • 1997-1999 (Christian)
  • 2012-2014 (Ramon)
  • 2011-2013 (Chace)
  • 1999-2001 (Kimball)
  • 1997-1999 (Carl)
  • 2006-2008 (Kyle)
  • 2004-2006 (Chris)
  • 1998-1999 (Amy)
  • 1997-1998 (Heather)
  • 2004-2006 (Melfin)
  • 2013-2015 (Luis)
  • 2007-2009 (Darren)
  • 2000-2002 (Rodrigo)

What areas did you serve in?

  • Germania, Comayagua, Piedras Bonitas, Jesus de Otoro, La Quezada, Santa Fe, Guaimaca, Torocagua. (Ramon)
  • Verzales, Guiamaca, La Esperanza and Cerro Grande. (Chace)
  • Comayaguela, las Mercedes, Comayagua, I forget the names of the other areas. (Carl)
  • Comayaguela, Talanga, Siquatepeque, Comayagua, la Quezada. (Kyle)
  • Talanga, Tegucigalpa, Siguatepeque. (Chris)
  • Comayaguela, Catacamas, Guimaca, Juticalpa, etc. (Amy)
  • Comayagua A & B, Juticalpa, La Vega. (Heather)
  • Carrizal, Flores, Guaimaca, La Esperanza, Quezada, Lempira. (Luis)
  • Laureles, Flor de Campo, Comayagua, Jesús de Otoro, Cerro Grande, Lempira, Country. (Darren)
  • Honduras. (Rodrigo)

What were some favorite foods?

  • Baleadas, semitas. (Christian)
  • My favorite foods from my mission are the baleadas, also the red beans with fried plantains, mantequilla, eggs, avocato, and home made tortillas. Also the bannana Soda. I love a the food from Honduras. (Ramon)
  • Baleadas, tortillas tostadas, frijoles y arroz, tortillas con queso, pan blanco y mantequila, platanos, platanos fritos. (Chace)
  • Baliadas, beans, rice, tortillas, platanos, yucca. (Kimball)
  • Baleadas, fried platanos, pan dulce, chismole (pico de gallo, tortillas, queso blanco. A lot of these foods took some getting used to. Don’t expect to like everything right out of the gate. (Carl)
  • Baleadas, Nacatamales. (Kyle)
  • Pupusas (delicious flour tortillas with mantequilla and beans), spaghetti (a little different down there), pineapple pastries, fresh mangos, and little bags of cereal they sell like candy there. (Chris)
  • Baleadas, tortillas con queso. (Amy)
  • Torejas. Baleadas. Fresh tortillas. Licuadas. Granizadas. (Heather)
  • Baleadas, sopa de capirotada, marmahon con pollo. (Melfin)
  • Baleadas (The best dish from Honduras), Rice and Beans, Enchiladas, Tajaditas (Fried Platain), Tacos, Beans Soup, food is really good!! (Luis)
  • Baleadas – thick handmade flour tortillas folded in half and filled with refried beans and cream (Hondurans call it “mantequilla”). Sometimes they’ll add scrambled egg or other toppings. Plato típico – this is usually beans, rice, fried plantains, “mantequilla”, a small block of cheese, and a small stack of corn tortillas. It sounds simple, but you’ll learn to love it. (Darren)
  • Las baleadas. Las Catrachas. Bueno toda la comida me encantó pero lo mas son los primeros dos. (Rodrigo)

What was a funny experience?

  • Painting Santa Fe School. (Christian)
  • I enjoyed my mission and there where so many funny experiences, for example at Christmas the people are so happy that they do crazy things you enjoy and that are funny. (Ramon)
  • My companion and I were running to an appointment in the rain when I slipped and fell on my back. We laughed for a long time because it was a pretty epic fall. (Chace)
  • My companion and I were doing service once and we both got minor injuries that made it look like we had been in a bad fight (a bee sting next to my eye caused it to swell shut and my companion cut himself by accident). The next day was Zone Conference and Hna. Ocampo just about panicked when she saw us. (Carl)
  • Getting egged on my birthday. (Kyle)
  • I really love fresh pineapple! Our mission is loaded with pineapple. An older woman (and professional baker) in one of my areas knew that I loved fresh pineapple so she invited us over for my birthday. We had great bistek with fresh pineapple chunks and sauce, pineapple orange juice and finally a giant pineapple cake. I never knew how bad you could overdose on pineapple but man that was the hardest meal to finish on my whole mission! (Chris)
  • Hitchhiking to all our zone conferences. (Amy)
  • One night after a particularly long and tiring day, we were headed home. It was dark and I was tired, too tired to pick my feet up enough and I stumbled, then tripped and fell into the ditch on the side of the road. It was filled with mud and when I tried to get out, I just covered the other side of me in mud. My companion had a hard time not laughing and so did I. I eventually got out and had to walk the rest of the way home. Unfortunately, when we got back to the house, the water was off. So I had to rinse off outside next to the pile (the water basin used to store water). My clothes were so muddy I had to eventually throw them out. (Heather)
  • I remember once I was walking with my companion in the street, we were going to our apartment and it was raining a lot. There were several water puddles, because of the rain, so my companion jumped in one of those and he splashed all the water and I got wetter, and I did the same, and we were laughing until we got to our apartment. (Luis)
  • Honduras has a couple birthday traditions. One is sneaking up behind the birthday boy/girl and cracking an egg on their head. The other is daring them to take a bite from their cake before cutting it. As they do so, someone lightly nudges their head into the cake. It’s messy, but it’s hilarious even when it happens to you. (Darren)
  • Pasarla bien con los compañeros de Zona y de Distrito y con los miembros e investigadores de cada área. (Rodrigo)

What was a crazy experience?

  • The “Quema del Año Viejo” on December 31th at night. (Christian)
  • A dangerous situation was when my companion and I got shot in the middle. Aldo when people followed us with guns, and when it was dark with out lights the people turned crazy. (Ramon)
  • My first week in Honduras, I saw someone get shot by gang members. (Chace)
  • Hurricane Mitch. That is all. Oh, and the daily run ins with semi-feral dogs. (Carl)
  • Being robbed at gun point. Having home broken into. (Kyle)
  • There are large non-poisonous brown spiders (kind of like mini tarantulas) in a few of the areas and we would occasionally trap them under paper cups. Unfortunately we wouldn’t always take care of them right away so sometimes other Elders would come to clean up the cup only to find an angry spider underneath. One missionary after having this happen to him decided it would be funny to retrap the angry spider and then fling it under the bathroom door while I was using the facility. Not fun at the time but man is it now. Good luck and clean up spiders if you have them. (Chris)
  • Many, many. Being attacked in the night. Being groped on the road. Being told by a random man that he was going to come get me. When I had dengue (twice) and malaria (once). (Amy)
  • Once we were walking home and we attacked by a guy who wanted to steal our bags. Luckily, a car came down the road just as he was trying to rip off my backpack and we got away. Later, Hurricane Mitch hit while we were tracting and since we didn’t have cellphones or any other way of communication, we slogged through the torrential rain and wind all day.  (Heather)
  • I got robbed once (Honduras is quite dangerous, so you have to be careful wherever you are). (Luis)
  • My companion and I were walking home one night. It was about 5 minutes to curfew, and we had just bought some food at the corner store (pulpería) for tomorrow’s breakfast. We started walking up the alleyway to our apartment when I realized I forgot to buy some milk. I told my companion and started to turn around, but he immediately told me to get in the apartment. I whipped back and hurried in as he told me to. As soon as we walked in, my companion quickly closed the door and ran to the window. Apparently a man was closely following us into the alleyway with the intent to rob us, but we were too fast for him, so we saw him robbing someone else who unfortunately was also in the alley. (Darren)

What was a spiritual experience?

  • All conversions. (Christian)
  • There where so many spiritual experiences every day, but when we pray to find for a new family and at the first door that opened to us and it was always a family. (Ramon)
  • When I was being trained my companion and I taught a guy named Kelvin Mendoza. He was a Jehovah Witness, his wife was an LDS member and would occasionally attend church with her family. She desired that he would be baptized so she could partake of the sacrament again since they were living together without being married. Kelvin was a great guy that always listened but never did anything that would help him progress. My companion and I decided to discontinue teaching him and focus on others. One month later, I was assigned to train a new companion. We decided to drop by and talk to Kelvin so I could introduce my new companion and we could teach the plan of salvation. The same impression came to us that we should focus on other people. A few months passed since our visit with Kelvin and December came around. President Flores, our Mission President at the time, challenged each of us to have a “White Christmas” by giving a gift to Jesus Christ by baptizing a family. As you could imagine, my companion and I were excited about the new challenge and went to work. We had families we were teaching and decided we would focus on them but still try and find the families that the Lord had prepared to be baptized that month. We fasted and prayed and worked hard but no families were progressing. We had 3 weeks before the end of the year and in order for a family to be baptized, they needed to attend church at least 3 times. So far we had 0 families that had attended and so that Sunday was critical in order for us to baptize a family. We did all we could to prepare for Sunday, we invited as many families as we could think of and fasted and prayed that one family would be able to attend church that day. Sunday came around and we went to all of the families that we had previously invited… None of them could go to church… downhearted my companion and I went to the Sacrament room. When to our surprise sitting on one of the benches was Kelvin Mendoza and his family! We ran to him and with a very surprised look and I asked him what are you doing here? He looked at me and said: “Elder Harrison, I have been going through a rough time lately and one night, I decided to read the Book of Mormon. I want to know everything I can about this church.” The Spirit ran through my body and tears came to my eyes as I said. “We will teach you all you need to know.” That night we taught a powerful lesson about the restoration with a member who was close friends with Kelvin. 2 weeks after he attended church he was married in Ojojona and baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. After his baptism, he hugged my companion and I and we all cried. A year after his baptism, he and his wife were one of the first couples to be sealed in the Tegucigalpa Temple. After that experience, I realized that missionary work is truly guided and directed by Heavenly Father. As a missionary you have the greatest opportunity and experience to see first hand God’s influence in the lives of his children. I know that He prepares His children to receive the truthfulness of the restored gospel. I have seen it time and time again and know it is true. (Chace)
  • Praying in a candle lit room that had dirt floors with investigators. (Kimball)
  • Finding a golden family who really wanted to be members. They were baptized against real opposition. (Carl)
  • Being traveling Assistant to the President and helping other Elders grow confidence in missionary work. (Kyle)
  • A family was going to get baptized on a Saturday so we went to check on them that morning to see how they were doing. The wife was pregnant and had a fever and they were very worried about her getting in a cold baptismal font with a fever. We told her we would heat the water in the font with little plug in water heaters (which we did) and that we would give her a blessing. In the blessing, we were told that her and her baby would be fine and right afterwards her fever broke and they showed up to their baptism. It was very spiritual and a real testimony builder of the power of priesthood blessings. (Chris)
  • Many, many. Helping a mother who’s young son had disappeared. Helping the people rebuild after hurricane Mitch. Teaching wonderful people. (Amy)
  • FOR ME WAS TO DO THE baptismal interviews. (Melfin)
  • I had a lot of them, when I developed my faith in Christ, I saw miracles, especially teaching and finding the chosen people. (Luis)
  • One day, we were planning on visiting an investigator who we had not seen for a few weeks. He had been absent for the last lesson we had planned, as well as any other time we stopped by. He opened the door and asked us to come in. We learned that his son had died and he was out of town resolving affairs with his family. My companion and I felt inspired to read in 1 Corinthians 15 and bear testimony of the Atonement’s power over death, as well as the promise of resurrection for all of God’s children. I remember the Spirit being strongly present, and I could tell that the Holy Ghost brought great comfort to his heart. (Darren)
  • Bautizar a hermanos que les costaba tomar decisiones ed decir que eran dificiles de enseñar. (Rodrigo)

What are some interesting facts about the Comayaguela Mission?

  • Meet El Picacho. (Christian)
  • Is the best mission to prepare us to be more spiritual and humble. (Ramon)
  • Soccer is like a religion to the people in Honduras, during semana santa everyone disappears to go to the beaches and rivers. They will call all Americans greengos. (Chace)
  • Has the largest pine forest in central America. (Kimball)
  • You can walk along a street and pull mangoes the size of you head off a tree. (Carl)
  • You walk a lot. Buses are packed. (Kyle)
  • It is the mountainous part of Honduras – no coasts or ruins like the other Honduran missions. Most of the areas are in the northern part of the capitol city (the Tegucigalpa mission has the southern half of the capitol city), but there are a lot of areas in the country. Some are even very secluded little towns that are really special. You may see monkeys though they are rare. You will definitely befriend a few geckos to eat bugs and spiders that come into your apartments! (Chris)
  • The temple is in the mission. (We used to go aboout 3 or 4 times every year.) (Luis)
  • The mission comprises the central sector of the country. Comayagüela is the northern suburb of the capital, Tegucigalpa. The mission office itself is outside of the mission, as is the Mission President’s home. About half of the missionaries are in the city, while the others are assigned to the pueblos. The pueblos can be divided into two regions–Olancho to the northeast, and Comayagua/Siguatepeque to the north. (Darren)
  • Areas buenas y exitosas. Compañeros buenos y trabajadores. Conocer buenos miembros. (Rodrigo)

What was the weather like?

  • Tropical. But in Tegucigalpa is fresh. Cerro Grande is cold alsp Siguatepeque and Intibucá. Comayagua, La Paz and all Olancho is hot. (Christian)
  • The weather was humid, rainy, and sunny. (Ramon)
  • Hot and humid. Rainy and cloudy. (Chace)
  • Rainy, hot, dusty. Mountains were cool and fresh. (Kimball)
  • Rainy for half the year and hot the other half. (Carl)
  • Hot, cold, rain.. rinse and repeat. (Kyle)
  • Never got too cold. A few days are cool enough that all the local bust out coats out of nowhere but overall very warm and mild. Most really hot days get broken up by quick and heavy rainfall to cool you down. Enjoy the lightning bugs at night in the country. (Chris)
  • Hot and wet. Sunny. (Amy)
  • It was hot, hotter and HOTTEST with 2 days of cool weather at night, most of the year was hot and sweaty. During the rainy season, it poured rain and we’d waded through rivers of water. (Heather)
  • It’s pretty hot, and it’s usually raining on winter. (Luis)
  • For the most part, it will be hot and humid. Some areas are typhoon season can bring a lot of rain. Some areas are up in the hills and so it can be windy at times. Still other areas are in the mountains. I was in one of those areas during typhoon season, and it got pretty cold sometimes. (Darren)
  • Caloroso. (Rodrigo)

Any things you really like about the area/people?

  • All people is so much nice and gentle. Take care about the maras. (Christian)
  • The place is beautiful and the people are unique. Because it is like being in a different world and is so wonderful. (Ramon)
  • They are a very humble people and almost everyone is a strong believer in God and Jesus Christ. (Chace)
  • Easy to talk to. Accepting. Always willing to feed you. (Kimball)
  • The sense of community among the members is very strong. (Carl)
  • Humble. (Kyle)
  • Very humble and approachable people. They are people that love to talk and get to know people from other places. Very devout and love the Savior. Salt of the Earth! (Chris)
  • Their fun-ness, their sense of service, openness to the gospel. (Amy)
  • I like how once the sun went down everyone comes outside and sits on the stoop and socializes. I like how neighbors know one another and there is a sense of community. I like the festivities around Christmas and Easter and particularly the wonderful nativity cities that people create for Christmas trying to keep the focus on the Lord. I liked the generosity of the people.  I can’t tell you how many times members or others invited us into their homes and tried to make us feel as welcome as possible. (Heather)
  • JUST THE PEOPLE. (Melfin)
  • The people is amazing, they are outgoing and reliable, they strive to live the Gospel, there are a lot of people ready to learn about the True Church. (Luis)
  • Hondurans must be some of the humblest people in the world. Make no mistake, the majority of them are impoverished. But they don’t let it get to them; they just get things done. I think of how much the members gave in service to the Lord, and it was truly inspirational. (Darren)
  • Las personas son amables y serviciales. (Rodrigo)

Any packing/clothing advice?

  • Garment of mesh. (Christian)
  • Take more white short sleeve shirts, and take a pocket flash light. (Ramon)
  • Durable shoes, you will be walking a lot!! (Chace)
  • Bed sheets. Black hiking boots(danner make a nice pair) good wool socks. Kakis(dark greens, blues,black). Sun screen. Short sleeve white shirts. Soccer cleats, basketball shoes. Water purification system (sawyer system for $20 at Walmart or Amazon filters 100,000 gallons ) pocket knife/leatherman. Leather gloves, Don’t bring: Tooth paste, deodorant, razors. Expensive watches/rings. (Kimball)
  • Save a white shirt for going home. You won’t recognize yourself when you put it on. (Carl)
  • Breathable. Also hybrid clothing, its often super hot then rainy and cold. Then hot again. (Kyle)
  • You’ll only wear your suit coat on change meetings and when General Authorities come (so like 4 times a year tops). Bring extra shoes especially if you have a foot over size 10 since shoes that big are hard to come by down there. (Chris)
  • Wear light colored and thin fabrics. Bring a biggish umbrella that packs up small and is strong. Bring everything you need in terms of towels and sheets, etc. My paperwork had said I would be able to get it there but that was incorrect. (Amy)
  • For women: -Buy separates and skirts with pockets in natural, breathable fibers, it’s hot and humid most of the year and synthetics tend to trap smell and keep you hotter. Also, I found prints tended to hold up better than plain colors to the wear and tear and dirt. -Make sure your dress shoes are sturdy, rugged enough to handle the dirt roads and hikes up mountains you may be called to hike. I had a slightly nicer pair that I wore on Sundays or to conferences that I changed out of when we were working. For everyone: – Bring a sturdy umbrella, you will need it during the rainy season and ones you can find there are often flimsy. -Pack some cotton bandanas, they work well to wipe dust and dirt from chairs and have numerous other uses. -Don’t bring a watch or any jewelry as petty theft is a problem. My first day in the field and my companion asked me to remove my watch for fear we’d become targets. -Bring a cotton sheet from home. I couldn’t find one and all the available sheets were made of polyester and were hot. It can double as a mosquito protector. -Baby wipes-good to have when you are out all day working and have no access to water or soap (common occurrence) -Head lamp-It gets dark in the streets at night and there it’s handy when the lights go out. -A map of the country. It helps to know where you are and what is near you. -Pens. I had a hard time finding pens that lasted longer than a use or two. -Rain Poncho- one that folds up and you can take with you. The rain is pretty heavy and will soak you, but if you have a poncho you can keep your bag, books and yourself dry.  (Heather)
  • Not too expensive stuff, get a raincoat, an umbrella, and good shoes (probably you will walk a lot). If you are an Elder, don’t bring too much long sleeve shirts, sometimes it gets really hot, clothing is really cheap in Honduras, so it’s better to buy stuff there. (Luis)
  • For the most part, dress as if it’s going to be 100 degrees. Bring comfortable shoes because walking will be your primary mode of transportation. Look into getting the lighter types of garments, like mesh or nylon. (Darren)
  • Ninguno. (Rodrigo)

What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?

  • Be more grateful. (Christian)
  • I received so many blessing from serving a mission. For example, my family became active and my mom went to the temple for the first time and I am more spiritual and closer to my father. (Ramon)
  • This may sound cheesy and I don’t say this to boast but I feel like the clouds of heaven have opened and poured down more blessings than I can acknowledge or receive because I served a mission. One blessing I am particularly grateful for is a firm foundation and testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ, the restored gospel, priesthood power and ordinances and the knowledge that the Book of Mormon is true. (Chace)
  • Retention of the Spanish language. (Kimball)
  • A whole different outlook on life. The ability to form good habits. (Carl)
  • All of them. (Kyle)
  • Learned Spanish. Made a lot of local friends and mission buddies. Learned to do hard things by living in 3rd world living spaces and by giving into that reality was able to identify and appreciate people that live that lifestyle. Leveled up my testimony of the Savior and His important work. Taught a lot of people and helped many of them accept the gospel. (Chris)
  • Lifelong blessings that are many. The language is a wonderful gift. (Amy)
  • They are too numerous to count, but here are a few. I became a better person and I made lasting friendships with people I might never come across. I learned the Lord loves me unconditionally and has a hand in my life. (Heather)
  • Strengthened my TESTIMONY. (Melfin)
  • My mission gave me two years to visit a very different place and live a very different life than what I was used to. I was blessed with a greater understanding of the Gospel through teaching it hundreds of times, in a different way each time. My testimony of the Savior grew enormously, as I know that He was helping me fulfill my calling. (Darren)
  • Mi vida cambió por completo de servir al Señor por dos años y fue una experiencia inolvidable y nunca olvidaré las cosas buenas que aprendí con los miembros y no miembros de la Iglesia los momentos que compartimos con cada uno de los que conocí. (Rodrigo)

What are some skills you gained?

  • Speaking. (Christian)
  • I lost the fear to talk, also I gain more charity, and I receive more spiritual gifts. (Ramon)
  • Communication skills, work ethic, leadership skills, teaching skills, and planning skills. (Chace)
  • Spanish. working with people. (Kimball)
  • I started doing push ups. By the end, I could do 125 consecutively. I could do 65 in a minute. I also learned to read and write Spanish in depth. (Carl)
  • Leadership, discipline, respect. (Kyle)
  • Learned a lot of Spanish. Learned to be a leader in missionary positions. Became a better teacher, hard worker and hiker. Seriously you walk a lot! (Chris)
  • Language, building simple homes and ovens, mowing grass with a machete, how to protect myself from danger and illness. (Amy)
  • Patience -A better world view, respect for other cultures and a passion for learning about them. -Language -Humility -Flexibility and the ability to improvise -The taste for different foods, the desire to try -organization -Public speaking -Christ-like love -Self-confidence -A desire for goal-setting -punctuality. (Heather)
  • I lost my fear of talking to people, I feel ready for anything now, and the opportunity to serve others is a wonderful thing. (Luis)
  • I learned to branch out. I was very shy and reserved before my mission. I was still pretty quiet as a missionary, but by the end I was able to talk to a stranger on the street without reservation, something I couldn’t have done before my mission. I also learned to be responsible for myself. Planning is everything for a missionary, as is setting goals. That carried over after my mission and I saw my grades improve. (Darren)
  • Estudiar. De trabajar sobre metas y un enfoque de lo que quiero lograr. Luchar por lo que quiero alcanzar. (Rodrigo)

What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?

  • To read Preach My Gospel before the mission. (Ramon)
  • Don’t stress too much when you aren’t having the success you want to have. If you continue to work hard and do your best with love in your heart and a smile on your face, success will come. (Chace)
  • Work with the members more. (Kimball)
  • Write in your journal regularly. The first months are a unique experience you’ll want to remember. (Carl)
  • Enjoyed the experience. (Kyle)
  • No bikes or cars were used by the missionaries in my time there – too easy to have stolen down there, but don’t worry about that pretty much everyone there still sees LDS missionaries as doing God’s work and won’t mess with you. Almost everyone will find you interesting and worth seeing what you are about. (Chris)
  • I wish I had seen on a map where I was going for my first area. I wish I had known. Not just to teach but to learn from the people. (Amy)
  • Prepare, prepare, prepare! -Study as much about the Gospel and your language and culture as possible before you go. Once you go into the MTC, there is little time and on the mission there is far less. You will be expected to hit the ground running and the more preparation you do beforehand will allow you to focus on your investigators. It will also allow you to have better relationships with the ward members, your companions (my trainer knew no English) and everyone you come in contact with. (Heather)
  • Know how to get to the heart of people, and invite them to change their lives immediately, at first I was afraid to invite people to make commitments, but after all, that’s why we are called to serve. (Luis)
  • The mission is structured by numbers. The mission standards, your reports to your leaders, and your goals are all recorded numerically: how many lessons were taught, how many investigators attended sacrament meeting, etc. It’s essential to keep track of how missionaries are doing, but don’t let them be your motivation. I knew several missionaries who worked only for the numbers–they had lots of baptisms, but almost no converts. I also knew other missionaries who thought their success was equal to their numbers, and so they were constantly discouraged. Your success as a missionary, and the lasting change you will make in the lives of others, cannot be quantified. Set goals, make plans to achieve those goals, pray for help, then do your best. (Darren)
  • Al comenzar la mision no sabia muchas cosas. (Rodrigo)

Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Comayaguela?

  • You are going to love your mission. You are so blessed to serve in Honduras. Prepare. The best thing that you can do is to be obedient at all times and the Spirit will be with you at all times. (Ramon)
  • The best thing you can do is learn to listen to the Spirit. Seek his guidance and he will lead you to where you need to go, what you need say and what you need to do. The Spirit with hard work is what brings to pass miracles. (Chace)
  • Work hard out of love not guilt/fear. (Kimball)
  • Pack durable stuff and be ready let go of everything that makes you comfortable. It’s easy to let go when they’re taken away but remember not to grumble about them; choose happiness. Buy a hammock as a souvenir. Take learning Spanish seriously while you’re there. Don’t assume that language immersion will equate to language absorption. It will open doors if you speak well because it indicates respect for the people you teach. The struggle to learn a language leaves a mark that people can sense. (Carl)
  • Don’t be afraid to have fun. It’s not all about the numbers. (Kyle)
  • Take it one day at a time and know that you will have hard days where no one is there when they made appointments saying they would. Or days where no one answers the door. But overall many people will surprise you and the way the Spirit works through you will surprise you and you will have things worth remembering and moments that will bless your life spiritually every day. Keep going and you will come to love it and not want to go back home! (Chris)
  • You may not have water (often). You will survive. Don’t talk about how awesome your country is compared to there. Learn to see all the many good things about the county in which you serve. (Amy)
  • Missions are boot camp for life. They are not the culmination, nor the greatest time of your life, but a time to walk through the refiner’s fire and to triumph. You will be pushed, you will be pulled, you will be tested, but you will also come to know the true meaning of Charity. If you allow it, the Spirit will help shape you into your best self and set the stage for the rest of your life. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, but it was an invaluable school of progress. Don’t waste it, not even a minute. (Heather)
  • Pray, learn the language if necessary, and trust in the Lord, if you do you part, He will do His part. (Luis)
  • The mission will not be what you expect it to be. No matter what they say before you’re set apart, no matter what they tell you in the MTC, no matter how good your Spanish is, you will get there, and it will be another world. You need to embrace it immediately. Always be friendly. Try all the food that members give you. Play soccer with everyone on P-Days. As a missionary, you won’t get to live Honduran culture fully, but all the same, you can love it with all your heart. With that attitude, missionary work won’t seem nearly as burdensome. (Darren)
  • Aprovechar todo el tiempo en la obra del Señor darte todo de tí. Dos años no es nada a comparacion de lo que hizo nuestro Salvador Jesucristo por ti y por mí. Ame la mision y todos aquellos que confian en tí. (Rodrigo)

What was a funny language mistake?

  • I understand everything…the only problem was that they use lots of jerga. (Ramon)
  • Once I said I was pregnant. I accidentally called a little baby girl a man and so I said I am sorry, I am so embarrassed. I used estoy embarazada instead of tengo verguenza. My companion and the investigators had a good laugh. (Chace)
  • My companion tried t0 say that he loved our Heavenly Father but ended up saying that he loved himself. (Carl)
  • Don’t do the I got your nose trick to little kids… its very offensive/vulgar gesture. (Kyle)
  • Just know that you will serve with Elders/Sisters from all over Central America and though the use almost the exact same vocabulary from country to country, some words have different vulgar or slang meanings in one country that they do not have in others. Learn to speak the way the Hondurans do and you’ll be fine. (Chris)
  • Not learning proper grammar. (Amy)
  • I used the word “estupida”, which I was taught meant stupid, in referencing myself once asking if they thought I was stupid. In English, we use stupid sometimes in a jocular fashion, but it’s a big insult and is very offensive thus Honduras and they rarely use it. (Heather)
  • I am a native Spanish speaker, but the accent and the words change in some countries. Sometimes I used expressions that in my country are very common, but in Honduras are offensive, so I had embarrassing moments. And of course I had to apologize for what I said. haha. (Luis)
  • When I was in the MTC, my Branch President advised us to ask the father’s of the families we teach, “As the head of your family, what do you hope for them?” I was so excited to try out this question on my very first day of the mission. We were knocking on doors, and a man let us in. He was the only one home, so we only taught him. I was pretty good at Spanish, but I understood absolutely nothing of the initial conversation between him and my trainer. When it came to be my turn to share a principle, I asked him (in Spanish), “As the head of your family, what do you hope for them?” My trainer then turned to me, and whispered in English, “Um, Elder, his wife just left him and took the kids with her.” It was humiliating, but we were able to save the lesson. (Darren)
  • Las cosas se aprende con el Don del Espiritu Santo. (Rodrigo)