Free resources about the Hawaii Honolulu Mission:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Video interviews with returned missionaries
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
Hawaii Honolulu Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Hawaii Honolulu Mission. We try to keep this info up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Hawaii Honolulu Mission
1500 S Beretania St Ste 416
Honolulu, HI 96826
Phone Number: 1-808-942-0050
Mission President: President James H. Bekker
Hawaii Honolulu Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Hawaii Honolulu Mission (LDS). To access the official map for the Honolulu Mission:
Videos with Honolulu RMs
Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Hawaii Honolulu Mission. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.
LDS-Friendly Videos about Hawaii
Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Hawaii. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Hawaii, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.
Hawaii Honolulu Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Honolulu Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
Hawaii Honolulu Mission Groups
Here are Honolulu Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Honolulu Mission.
- Hawaii Honolulu Mission Facebook Group (859 members)
- Honolulu Mission Reunion 1995-1998 Group (149 members)
- Honolulu Mission Reunion – Robert J. Martin Group (30 members)
- Hawaii Honolulu Mission 2013! Facebook Group (13 members)
- Hawaii Honolulu LDS Mission Alumni Group (8 members)
- Hawaii Honolulu Mission (President Perkins) Group (7 members)
- 2004-07 Honolulu Mission Alumni (Pres. Hawkins) Group (2 members)
Hawaii Honolulu Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Hawaii Honolulu Mission!
Shirt designs include Hawaii Honolulu Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Hawaii Honolulu missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Hawaii Mission gifts
Hawaii Honolulu Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Honolulu LDS Mission.
- 2016-2019, James H. Bekker
- 2013-2016, Stephen R. Warner
- 2010-2013, John C. Dalton IV
- 2007-2010, Stephen N. Peterson
- 2004-2007, Ronald K. Hawkins
- 2001-2004, Mark Hinckley Willes
- 1998-2001, H. Ross Workman
- 1995-1998, Dee F. Andersen
- 1992-1995, Marlin A. Fairbourn
- 1989-1992, Waldo C. Perkins
- 1987-1989, Yoshihiko Kikuchi
- 1984-1987, William O. Perry III
- 1981-1984, Robert J. Martin
- 1978-1981, Daniel B. Crawford
- 1975-1978, William W. Cannon
- 1972-1975, Robert E. Crandall
- 1969-1972, Kenneth N. Gardner
- 1966-1969, Orin R. Woodbury
- 1963-1966, George William Poulsen Jr.
- 1958-1963, Harry Vernal Brooks
- 1954-1958, David Arthur Haycock
- 1951-1954, Ernest Alfred Nelson
- 1950-1951, Edward LaVaun Clissold
- 1947-1950, Elias Wesley Smith
- 1944-1947, Castle Hadlock Murphy
Hawaii LDS Statistics (2015)
- Church Membership: 73,660
- Missions: 1
- Temples: 2
- Congregations: 138
- Family History Centers: 25
Helpful Articles about Hawaii
Hawaii Honolulu Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Hawaii Honolulu RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
When did you serve?
- 2012-2014 (Ashley)
- 2011-2013 (Jared)
- January 1989 – July 1990 (Rina)
- 1996-1998 (Hermann)
- 1994-1996 (Kevin)
- 2002-2004 (Shawn)
- 1996-1998 (Julie)
- 2013-2014 (Cami)
- 2005-2007 (Jon)
- 2006-2008 (Matt)
- 2012-2013 (Christi)
- 1995-1997 (Miyabi)
- 2007-2009 (Britney)
- 18 months (Lele)
- 2004-2006 (Marc)
- 2001-2003 (Rob)
- 1988-1990 (Bret)
- 1987-1989 (George)
- 1989-1991 (Ernesto)
- 1983-1985 (Kevin)
What areas did you serve in?
- Laie and Waipahu. (Ashley)
- Molokai, Waipahu, Makiki, Kona, Mililani, and Kapolei. (Jared)
- Mililani, Kalihi, Laie, Waipahu, Honolulu, Maui. (Hermann)
- Kapaa (Kuaui), Makakilo, Halawa/Pearl Ridge, (Oahu), Waimea, Kau (big island). (Shawn)
- Honolulu, Kaneohe, Kihei. (Julie)
- Kalaheo, Lahaina, Kehei,Salt Lake, Waipahu. (Cami)
- Pahoa, Ke’ei, Halawa, Wahiawa 1st, Wahiawa, Makiki, Honoka’a, Kahului, Ewa Beach. (Jon)
- Big Island: Pahoa. Oahu: Kaneohe, Moanalua, Honolulu, Manoa. Maui: Kahului, Wailuku, Waiehu. Kauai: Kekaha. (Matt)
- Kahala, Hawaii Kai, Honomu Branch, Kilauea Ward, Kalaheo Ward. Lanai. Manoa Ward. (Christi)
- Lair, Honolulu, Kaniohe, Lihue. (Miyabi)
- Laie (Oahu), Kahuku (Oahu), Hau’ula (Oahu), Aiea (Oahu), Kehei (Maui). (Britney)
- Big Island and Maui. (Lele)
- Honolulu Lanakila, Kailua, Makakilo, Nanakuli, Pearl City, Salt Lake, Moanalua, Ewa Beach, Waimea on Big Island. (Marc)
- Nanakuli, Hawaii Kai, Moanalua. (Rob)
- Kaimuki, Millilani, Molokai, Waimea Kauai, Waimea Big Island. (George)
- Kalihi, Lanai, Kau, Wahiawa, and Waipahu. I’ve been to Maui for Zone Conferences while in Lanai. (Ernesto)
What were some favorite foods?
- Mango Otai, cocao samoa, musubi, and chicken katsu. (Ashley)
- Laulau, poi, taro, smoked meat, horse. (Jared)
- Steak. (Rina)
- Garlic shrimp from the shrimp trucks in Kahuku. Matsumoto shave-ice with cream. Huli huli chicken. Manapua (pork bun). Loco-moco. Chicken Katsuya. BBQ lunch plate. I could go on listing favorites for months. (Hermann)
- Hawaiian food, pork stir fry. (Kevin)
- Shoyu chicken, Crab legs, Kalua pig, Poi, Corn beef and cabbage, Katsu chicken and Melona bars, to name a few. (Shawn)
- Lau Lau, Lo Mein, Spam Musibi, Aloha Guava Drinks. (Julie)
- Shoyu Chicken, all fruit, tarro, ulu/breadfruit. (Cami)
- Panipopo, lau lau, kalua pork. (Jon)
- Kalua Pork, Chicken Katsu, Lau Lau, pretty much anything from L&L Hawaiian BBQ. (Matt)
- Poke, Lumpia, Poi, Laulau, Otai. (Christi)
- Panipopo, chicken long rice. (Miyabi)
- Anything from a food truck. Shaved ice. Thai food. Acai bowls. (Britney)
- Lau lau. (Lele)
- Kalua pork, chicken katsu, pansit, saimin, spam musubi, sticky rice, chocolate macadamia nuts, lumpia. (Marc)
- I fell in love with Hawaiian food. I loved going to the parties. I started to crave sticky rice. (Rob)
- Plate lunch. (Bret)
- Lomi Lomi. Manapua. Teriyaki Chicken. Lupulu. (George)
- Adobo. Exotic Hawaiian foods. (Ernesto)
What was a funny experience?
- We were teaching an investigator in a public area when some teenagers began smoking weed right next to us. We were teaching the Word of Wisdom. Then we went on to teach the Law of Chastity and there was a couple ferociously making out on a bench near us. It was a great lesson. (Jared)
- Baking coconut cream buns for Zone Conference…and then having members call up to place orders for their functions. Let’s just say…that I paid tithing. (Hermann)
- Crashing my bike with an Elder who played Joseph Smith. (Kevin)
- In one of our pads we had a large set of stairs. One night we discovered a boogie board in our house. So I dared my larger companion to ride it down the stairs to which he responded “ok!” After throwing one of the other missionary’s mattress at the bottom he assumed his position at the top of our 20+ stairs. As he sped towards the bottom head first on this boogie board, nearing the bottom four steps, the board decided that it did not want to go any more and stopped right there and then, sending my 200+ lb companion flying through the air crumpling like an accordion in to our front door. It probably hurt pretty bad but I didn’t notice much through my laughter and tears at the sight. (Shawn)
- I remember hiding under a house when and angry husband came home. We didn’t know that he did not want his wife taking the lessons. She shooed us out and we crouched under the house which was on stilts. While under there, we were attacked by a swarm of mosquitos. It was miserable! We didn’t want her to get in trouble so we stayed until we thought it was safe to run. We were eaten up with bug bites. (Julie)
- Rain. Rain is always funny. (Cami)
- Too many to list. (Matt)
- The first time someone aloha kissed me I don’t think I’ve ever turned so red. (Christi)
- My companion and I were invited by three families for Thanksgiving. We were fed really well. By the time we finished the third family, I was so stuffed that I could not stand up. (Miyabi)
- One day, I was feeling really sick and that night at our dinner appointment I threw up ALL over the people’s bathroom and my companion had to clean it up. It wasn’t that funny at the time (especially for my companion), but a couple days later all of us were laughing. (Britney)
- Eating dinners with you future in laws
- Some lady said we were Satan and rebuked us and attempted to cast us out. (Rob)
- We were able to do a baptism in the ocean. I lost my footing and ended up having to swim back to shore. The Mission President said “was that enjoyable, be glad I do not send you home” and he just smiled. (George)
- Eating foods for two Hawaiian persons, and is just too much for me and my companion. (Ernesto)
What was a crazy/dangerous experience?
- A guy set his dog on us. I was ready to have to fight it, but then it stopped right in front of us and didn’t do anything. (Jared)
- When we were teaching a brother, while his wife was against it. She told us she’d divorce her husband if he got baptized. (Rina)
- Tracting in “the pupu’s” of Waipahu (called the pupu’s because all the street names in that neighborhood begin with Pupu) and my companion and I knocked on our 9th door and a guy comes to the door holding a gun up, pointing it at us while cussing. Telling us we had seconds to get off his porch. We hastily retreated. (Hermann)
- Breaking my thumb on my mission bike. (Kevin)
- I met two different guys in different areas who were completely convinced that they were Jesus. One even showed up to church dressed up as Him, with palm leaves around his head and hands. After he showed up the second time we had to ask him to leave. Which didn’t go over too well since after we left a few minutes later he came back and starting yelling and screaming outside the chapel. One of the larger Polynesians in the ward then went out to talk to him which frightened him enough that he took off running. (Shawn)
- One time, we were visiting a less active member who disliked me very much. She was upset that the missionary who taught her had left and I was the replacement. When we got to her house, we found that the previous day’s rain was coming down the mountain side and flooding her home. She lives on a banana plantation. She was out with a machete trying to cut loose some branches that were blocking the water from flowing away from her house. She had a bad leg and arm from a stroke that she had had. I told her to give me the machete and go sit down. I started wacking at the branches and my companion was pulling and throwing the pieces. We were a wet muddy mess, but we were able to clear the ditch so that the water would flow through instead of around and into her house. After that she accepted me and I loved her so much. (Julie)
- Got shot at (probably warning shots to get off the property) while tracting in Pahoa. (Jon)
- There is a government housing complex called KPT (Kuhio Park Terrace) and a gang fight once broke out in the court yard while we were several stories up. We looked down to see the giant fight and basically waited it out until the police came and we could get out of there. (Matt)
- Someone got Murdered next to our apartment. (Christi)
- I was almost eaten up by a Doberman which was of course was not tied. (Miyabi)
- One day, my companion and I were walking down the streets in downtown Honolulu and we saw a homeless man beating up a homeless woman. We had to call 911 and wait for the police. (Britney)
- Someone trying to break into our pad. (Lele)
- Some guy sent his dog after us, also some gang members came up to us and told us we were in the wrong neighborhood. (Rob)
- The Poi dogs everywhere you went. Some were so bad you did not dare to knock on the door. (George)
- Driving to the highest mountain in the big island of Hawaii, where NASA Observatory located. (Ernesto)
What was a spiritual experience?
- Going into what I thought was a dead area on a special assignment with a tough companion. We taught the most prepared person ever who connected especially well with me and I knew I was there for a reason. I will be at her baptism and her endowment. (Jared)
- We left a sister’s house after helping her prepare for her baptism. As we arrived to our apartment, while opening the door the phone rang and it was the sister we just visited, crying, telling us that her husband was angry with her decision to join The Church. We asked her to kneel down and pray with us over the phone, taking turns saying the prayer. Our prayers were answered. The husband’s heart softened and everything went smoothly. (Rina)
- (Again…there were so many, but here are a couple) 1. My companion and I caught a bus out to the North Shore, Oahu. We had three return appointments out there, so to fully maximize our time, we decided to leave the bikes at home and spend the whole day out there…with our surfboards (just kidding). We arrived out there quite early. As we got off the bus, a guy follows us off the bus and stands not too far away from us as we pray and finalize our route for the day. We decided to tract and street contact before and in-between appointments. Everywhere we went, this guy followed us pretending to be headed to a store or a house or a park bench in that same direction. When we reached our first appointment, we noticed that he paced the ground in front of the house the whole time we were in there. Our investigator asked if we brought a bodyguard. We laughed and told him that we didn’t even know who he was, but he had been following us all morning. It continued this way the rest of the day all the way up to 4pm when we returned to the bus stop to catch our bus back. I turned and asked the guy if he enjoyed his day. He turns to my companion and I and says “wow…I wondered if you two were ever going to talk to me. In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been following you both all day waiting for some time to talk, but you both have had a very full day.” My companion and I looked at each other and then looked down shame that we had not spoken to this guy sooner. The guy then says: “Oh please…don’t feel bad. I had an amazing day today following you two. I learned more watching you do what you do. I mean…seriously…the highlight was watching you both out on the boardwalk above Sunset Beach talking to people in their bikinis and shorts while you’re in white shirts and ties and socks and shoes in the hot sun…..Talk about standing out. But what impressed me was that- you both didn’t flinch or miss a beat at all.” (Little did he know… we both were dying to jump in). He continued by asking if we had time to teach him. We sat at that bus stop for another two hours, teaching and answering questions and laughing and crying and singing songs and hymns etc. Some members who were also heading back to BYUH saw us at the bus stop and they joined in our discussion as well. By the end of the two hours there was quite the group there. We were all just sitting there in awe as the sun went down. It was the best Spirit-filled discussion of my mission. (Hermann)
- Teaching a nice Hawaiian man! (Kevin)
- We had been teaching an 87 year old lady for almost two months with little progress until we were able to sit down with her and truly discuss how to pray and get answers. After our short lesson we invited her to pray with us to ask to know if The Book of Mormon was true and if she should be baptized. As this sweet old lady said her first non-scripted prayer, the Spirit was so strong, all she could say through her tears of joy was the word “yes”. Two weeks later she was baptized. (Shawn)
- One spiritual experience had to do with a girl who was on a student visa from China. We taught her about Jesus and she didn’t think it was right that someone should pay for her sins. She felt she should be responsible. However, she believed that Jesus had suffered for her sins and wanted to follow Him. She loved being able to partake of the sacrament. She taught me what a blessing this ordinance is. She was baptized. She bore her testimony about the sacrament and she wept about how when she returned to China she would no longer be able to worship or partake of the sacrament. (Julie)
- Hearing primary songs sang by non member children on a playground while teaching a spiritual lesson. (Cami)
- The family I helped get baptized in my greenie area got sealed a year and a half later while I was still nearby. (Jon)
- Honolulu is a melting pot of tons of different races, religions, etc. We once taught a Muslim man who contacted us because he once drove by the Laie Temple and stopped to check out the visitor center simply because he felt something there. During our lessons, he’d demand to know what it was he was feeling while he visited those grounds. When we’d explain what the Holy Ghost is, he’d get frustrated because he didn’t understand, until he started feeling that same feeling during our lessons with him. Then he could identify it and feel it was true. He was baptized, received the Priesthood, and soon baptized his wife. (Matt)
- Every day was a spiritual experience. (Christi)
- We took one of our investigators to the Laie Temple grounds and Visitors’ Center and while we were there, she was uncharacteristically quiet. A day or two later, we went to her house to see how she was doing and she told us that she was quiet because she was overwhelmed because everyone there was glowing, literally glowing. She didn’t know what to make of it and it was kind of freaking her out. We were able to explain that they were glowing because they had the gift of the Holy Ghost and we were able to bear our testimonies of the temple and of the Spirit. (Britney)
- Every moment you are serving. (Lele)
- Everything. (Marc)
- Had too many experiences to pin it down to 1 or 2. (George)
- Giving their cigarettes to us by our investigators after the 1st discussion upon our request. Casting out evil spirit from a investigator’s young son. My companions and I been Top Baptizers in the mission twice. (Ernesto)
What are some interesting facts about the Honolulu mission?
- It is one of the highest baptizing missions I’m the US. It is the home to dozens of different cultures. It is the best mission in the world haha. (Jared)
- Ethnic diversity- “God created our skin tones with beautiful variety, but all of our souls are the same color.” (Rina)
- The Hawaii Honolulu Mission used to include Christmas Island. It no longer does, but a set of Elders were assigned to serve there and once there…they were there for the whole two years. I believe Christmas Island is now in the Marshall Islands Majuro Mission. Missionaries who serve on Molokai get the wonderful opportunity to meet with the remaining members of the leper colony in Kalaupapa, riding a mule down into the valley. The Polynesian Cultural Center is the last stop before missionaries return home, unless you serve in the Laie Zone and you’re related to everyone. So you’re like there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Maui Zone is (to me) the BEST ZONE to serve in. (Hermann)
- Serving in Hawaii is a like serving in 20 different foreign countries with all the comforts of a mission in the states. The people are so diverse, you will teach people from all around the world including the Philippines, Tonga, Samoa, England, Japan, Marshall Islands, New Zealand and Africa, to name a few. You will be able to try authentic food from all around the world but still be able to get Pizza Hut and burgers if you want. Even the people that don’t agree with you will still have respect for what you are doing and will want to feed you. (Shawn)
- I loved how they celebrated New Year’s with fireworks. The whole island looked like a puff of smoke. They would start as early as Christmas testing out their fireworks and getting excited. (Julie)
- There are no snakes in Hawaii! That’s a plus…(Matt)
- It has 35 spoken languages and is considered an international mission. (Christi)
- Best people in the world. (Lele)
- We used to include Christmas Island, making our mission both foreign and state side. It snows on the mountains on the Big Island. (Marc)
- Cool people, cool place. (Rob)
- Hawaii is the most isolated population center on Earth. It is 2,390 miles (3,846 km) from California, 3,850 miles (6,196 km) from Japan and 4,900 miles (7,886 km) from China. Hawaii is the only United States state whose land area is increasing (from volcanic eruptions). The church and missionary work have a long history in Hawaii beginning with the arrival of a group of missionaries in 1850 that included George Q. Cannon. (George)
- Twice Mission’s Top Baptizers with different companion and other area. I served mission after a year of membership. (Ernesto)
What was the weather like?
- The weather is gorgeous! It rains for a little bit almost everyday but most of the days are heavenly. But when it rains it pours!! (Ashley)
- Beautiful. Breezes almost every day, tropical climate, occasional to regular to frequent rain depending in what part of what island you were on. (Jared)
- Similar to where I live, the Philippines. (Rina)
- Sun, rain, wind, no wind and sometimes the occasional winter snow. (Yes, you can go up to snowboard and then come down and go surfing). (Hermann)
- Rainy and sunny. There was a hurricane in 1994 on Kauai. (Kevin)
- Heaven!! The best weather you can imagine year round. Unless you are on the west side of the island, then you will cook in the summer, otherwise it’s perfect. (Shawn)
- Humid. I just remember it was pointless to put makeup on because it would melt away. My hair was always frizzy. (Julie)
- Perfect!! (Cami)
- Constantly warm and often quick, vigorous storms rolled through. (Jon)
- Perfect, all the time. Very humid, even in the rain it’s warm and likely won’t last for very long. Most of the time it’s between 80-85 degrees. Some areas are extremely sunny and hot. (Matt)
- Pleasantly humid and sunny. Rainy too. (Christi)
- Beautiful all year round. (Miyabi)
- Perfection. It will rain every day briefly, but it’s usually quick (and out of the blue) and then it clears and it’s glorious once again. Honestly, it’s Hawaii, the weather doesn’t get any better. (Britney)
- Beautiful 24/7. (Lele)
- Sunny, warm, tropical, rainy. (Marc)
- Paradise. (Rob)
- Mostly Sunny. Only 1 area I served in was cold and that was in Waimea Big Island cold due to the snow from Mauna Kea. (George)
- Same like Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. Like the Philippines…tropical.(Ernesto)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- The people were amazing and so kind. They were understanding and sweet and treated me like I was their own. They are so proud of their culture and so strong in the Gospel even if they fall away. (Jared)
- I didn’t get homesick, because you can find Filipinos on all the Islands of Hawaii. Plus, I got to know people of other ethnicities. Learning their cultures was very interesting. (Rina)
- They’re willingness to meet with you even though they’ve heard the discussions a million times already. (Hermann)
- They’re loving and kind! (Kevin)
- Everyone is family in the islands. You may have just met someone, but it is very common for them to have their kids refer to you as uncle. The food is amazing. (Shawn)
- I loved everything about Hawaii! The people were right up my alley. Always greeted with a hug and a kiss. This is so my style. A little honi honi. (Julie)
- Everything. (Cami)
- Laid-back, willing to talk, made it feel like a home away from home. I made lifelong connections there. (Jon)
- Everything. The locals were extremely loving and kind (so long as you let your self become immersed in the culture). It’s the most beautiful place on earth, and the people there are terrific. Food was amazing, the members of the church are extremely welcoming and missionary minded. (Matt)
- Very warm and they sure know how to eat!!! (Christi)
- People were generous, loving, caring, and happy. (Miyabi)
- Polynesian people are very spiritual for the most part, so helping them to feel and recognize the spirit is easy. They also are very kind and would give you the shirt of their back if you needed it. There are a lot of members there (on the North Shore in particular), so missionaries are kind of celebrities and members take really good care of you. (Britney)
- The aloha spirit. (Lele)
- Nicest people on earth. (Marc)
- Friendly people. (Rob)
- The culture and people were friendly and accommodating. (George)
- Places are very accessible and committed and generous Latter Day Saints. Generally people are friendly. Strongly gospel rooted generations of families. (Ernesto)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- I served at the temple visitor center on Oahu where we wore the “Jesus sandals” everyday. Don’t pack a ton of nice closed-toe shoes except for Sunday and missionary meetings. The carinessa garments are too hot for Hawaii too! (Ashley)
- Short-sleeved shirts are a must for guys. Sunscreen if you are as white as I am. Shoes made for walking. Flip flops for sure. (Jared)
- Just take the handy kind of clothing, so it won’t take a lot of space in the luggage. (Rina)
- Cotton wrinkle-free shirts for the Elders. Short-sleeve shirts with maybe one long-sleeve shirt for those Sundays you’re sitting in a full on ice-box of a chapel, because they cranked the air conditioning up. (Hermann)
- Buy shoes that are comfortable and easy to take on and off. No laces. (Shawn)
- Light weight clothing. Sunblock. I lived in sandals. I don’t know if the rules have changed about sandals. (Julie)
- Pack light. You will get plenty of clothes while you are there and most of what you originally bring will be left behind for others. (Cami)
- Don’t go overboard trying to prepare. They have all the normal amenities of the United States. You can get what you really find yourself needing after you get there so that you are not carrying around unnecessary items. (Jon)
- Don’t bring a big rain coat. Once the rain stops, you’ll be way to hot and muggy to wear it. For Elders, silk ties get ruined in the humidity and rain. Bring polyester ties. (Matt)
- Pack light. Bring a jacket and some sweats but otherwise light. You can wear sandals every day if your a sister. (Christi)
- No need of panty hose. Loose, cotton made dresses. (Miyabi)
- For sisters, you get to wear sandals every day, so bring a couple pairs (I’d say a black and a brown pair), but nothing fancy or expensive. You’re going to wear through them fast so just get a couple cheap pairs at Ross or Payless and replace as you go throughout your mission. Also bring really breathable garments. (Britney)
- Don’t be fancy It’s a relaxed mission when it comes to shoes and skirts, etc. (Lele)
- Short sleeves, sun screen if you’re haole, mesh garments, durable shoes. (Marc)
- Pack light and have clothes that can absorb moisture which will help keep you cool. (George)
- Simplicity is modest. (Ernesto)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- I’ve learned things about myself and about the world and the Church that I could only learn on the mission. Conflict resolution and a greater sense of peace and purpose in my life are just some. I can’t possibly list all the ways I have been blessed by serving a mission. (Jared)
- I became a strong person by battling trials/adversity. (Rina)
- Reconnecting with family and close friends and watching them return or come into the Gospel. (Hermann)
- A stronger testimony. (Kevin)
- A deep understanding of the Gospel. Knowledge of how to overcome any problem. And many more blessings I can’t begin to share here. (Shawn)
- My testing was solidified. I thought the church was true when I left for my mission. But when I was out there teaching it, everything made more sense and I KNEW it was true. I think it set me up for the rest of my life. (Julie)
- Too many to count. (Cami)
- Countless. Expanded my testimony, prepared me for later life commitments and service in the church, helped me know what I want in this life and the next, etc. (Jon)
- I feel like everything good that’s happened to me since then has been a result of my mission service. I sacrificed certain things that were waiting for me when I got home. My mission created a solid foundation for my testimony and life and has made it easier to stay on the right path since then. The spiritual experiences I had and things I saw and witnessed have been extremely beneficial when hard times have come since then. (Matt)
- A stronger testimony of the gospel. (Christi)
- My non member family was able to understand more about the church. I gained testimony of the Lord and the gospel. (Miyabi)
- Truthfully, almost everything that is good in my life now is a result of having served a mission. I was able to learn and grow in a way that prepared me to meet my husband, become a good mother, teach in the church, and handle people that are difficult. (Britney)
- My husband! (Lele)
- Living in one of the best places on Earth. Meeting such happy and humble people. Finding a family that eventually all got baptized and are still active. (Marc)
- Gained a testimony of the Gospel and was able to help people come unto Christ. (George)
- Able to strengthen my personal testimony and see first hand how a mature wards and stakes function to bless all church members and not just of our faith. Stronger testimony of the restored gospel. And catching the vision of the challenges and progress of the Church. (Ernesto)
What are some skills you gained?
- Personal finances, conflict resolution, planning and goal setting. Again, I can’t list them all. (Jared)
- Teaching skills. (Rina)
- I cooked before my mission, but I came away from my mission an extremely better cook and baker. Being able to talk to anyone, in all walks of life, all ages. (Hermann)
- The ability to talk to any one. Confidence to be bold in the Gospel and teach what I grew up feeling but couldn’t explain. (Shawn)
- Confidence in public speaking. Learned how to love people more fully. Learned not to judge people. (Julie)
- Social skills, communication with the Spirit, planning, goal setting. (Jon)
- Confidence, social skills, goal setting/achieving, public speaking, good spiritual habits, how to get through and look fondly on awkward/hard situations, how to get along with people although it’s difficult. Most if not all of the skills I now use in the work place, I developed on my mission. (Matt)
- Patience. Observation. Open mindedness. Confidence. (Christi)
- Definitely language skill. I also learned how to study scriptures, how to talk in front of a large crowd. I learned how to live with someone rather than your family. (Miyabi)
- Gospel teaching. Communication skills. Dealing with people who are very different from me. Time management. (Britney)
- Charity. (Lele)
- Teaching and communication skills. (Marc)
- Learned the value of hard work during service hours, met an older woman who wasn’t interested, but she needed help with her yard, we spent hours beating back the jungle every week. It was some of the most honest and rewarding work I’ve ever done. By the time we left that area her yard was beautiful. (Rob)
- Persistence – being honest – never giving up – hard work pays off – having spirit with me was everything – work hard, play hard on Preparation Day. (Bret)
- Leadership and communication skills, how to get along with people. (George)
- Able to learn how to play piano, 2 pieces only by heart without notes. Stronger testimony of the restored gospel. And catching the vision of the challenges and progress of the Church. (Ernesto)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- I wish I knew how to better deal with my companions. People aren’t out on their missions for the same reasons as you and sometimes not even good reasons. You can be furious with them or you can work with what they’re willing to give. (Jared)
- I wish I had more knowledge of the Gospel. I had just became baptized when I decided to serve a mission, so I waited until I had one year in the church. I haven’t been in Seminary and Institute, so I wish I had been involved in those classes. (Rina)
- I wish I had gone to my first mission which was Papua New Guinea, but when it was changed while in the MTC to the Hawaii Honolulu Mission….where I was born and raised… I knew that there was a reason. (Hermann)
- Don’t be afraid to enjoy what you are doing. The Gospel brings joy and sharing that is not always serious, but liberating. Enjoy every day because it goes by fast and you will miss it when it’s done. (Shawn)
- That everything comes together as long as you are working and following the direction of God. Worrying about filling the day and being a perfect teacher are not concerns of the Lord. He will make up for the areas that you lack as long as you do your best. (Jon)
- I wish I would have made a better habit of writing in a journal. I wrote, but not nearly as much as I wish I would have now. I wish I had documented everything. I wish I would have had better dietary habits before arriving in Hawaii. Exercising every morning helps with the physical aspect of the mission, but I feel like I would have had more of an advantage if I would have already been in shape before arriving. (Matt)
- How key Preach My Gospel was. (Christi)
- I wish I learned quicker how to still be myself while being a missionary. Yes, it is important to be an example of quiet dignity and represent the Church, but that doesn’t mean you have to be stale or a robot. Be yourself, just the most righteous version of yourself. (Britney)
- Humility. (Lele)
- How hot it would be. (Marc)
- How to speak Pigin English. (George)
- Hawaiian and Tongan dialects. I wish I joined the church as Primary to have proper guidance in life. (Ernesto)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Hawaii?
- Go on a mission having read the scriptures, especially the book of Mormon. Do not go if you don’t have a testimony. Go ready to work harder than you ever have before. (Jared)
- Attend Seminary and Institute. Work with full-time missionaries in your area. (Rina)
- Leave the family emergency credit cards at home. Experience the mission without that safety net…or tourist distraction. (Hermann)
- You will learn and experience more in those two years then you will in 25 years anywhere else. You will love your mission and it will be a source of strength for you for the rest of your life. (Shawn)
- Read the scriptures! Know them better. (Julie)
- Serving a mission was the best thing that I could have done at that point in my life. I continue to be blessed by the eternal consequences of that decision. It is not easy, but certainly the best. (Jon)
- LEARN HOW TO PRONOUNCE HAWAIIAN WORDS. This is SO important in my opinion. Reading street signs will be easier, and for Elders if you give blessings/perform ordinances, some of the Hawaiian names are very long and difficult and people are going to be upset if you mispronounce their name… To help with this I would read the Book of Mormon in Hawaiian just to practice the words. You will develop a stronger bond with the Hawaiian people if you respect their language enough to learn how to pronounce the words properly. Don’t make everything all about you. Learn about the culture, love the people and respect what they believe in. Some missionaries get irritated with the deep rooted beliefs that Polynesians have. Don’t be that missionary, love them and learn about them. There will be missionaries who are there for the wrong reasons/don’t want to do what’s necessary to succeed. Don’t be afraid to stand up to them even if they thing you care too much. Your mission is shorter than you think, and you don’t have time to waste on companions who are lazy. Stand up and help them work harder. Build a strong bond with the members of the church. Knocking on doors in Hawaii does not bring people to the church. It’s great for planting seeds, talking to as many people as possible, and will result in some new investigators, but I didn’t baptize anyone this way. All the people I participated in teaching and baptizing were brought in by the members. That is the key to success in Hawaii. (Matt)
- Work hard and have fun. Love the people. Love your companion no matter what. Learn about Christlike attributes. Study Preach My Gospel. (Christi)
- Learn to work hard. (Miyabi)
- BE OBEDIENT. There are a lot of rules and a lot of ways to break them, but do your absolute best to be as completely obedient as possible. If you want to get the most out of your 18-24, the best way to do it is to work hard and be obedient. Even if the rule seems dumb or obsolete, keep it any way. I promise that you’ll see incredible blessings and that you will have the most worthwhile experience of your life. (Britney)
- Work hard. Pray harder. (Lele)
- It will be the best experience of your life. There is so much diversity of language, culture, and ethnicity. (Marc)
- Obey the mission rules 100%. (Bret)
- One piece of advice would be since it’s a melting pot of different cultures, learn to adapt to those cultures and learn something from each of the cultures. (George)
- Don’t expect too much perfection of others. Be a keen observer. Everyone of us has different levels of maturity in the Gospel. Always think you are in MISSION not in a VACATION. Hawaii is a tourist state. (Ernesto)
What was a funny language mistake?
- I was trying to learn Tongan, but I kept slipping into Spanish, which was my only other secondary language. (Jared)
- In Filipino, specifically the Ilocano dialect, the word “Diyos” means God, but sounds like juice. (Rina)
- Teaching a full discussion in Ilocano (Philippine dialect) in Little Manila (Waipahu Zone), only to be told at the end that the family spoke Tagalog and couldn’t understand Illocano. (Hermann)
- There were many language pranks that could be done, but listing it here would take away from the fun of getting to know Hawaii. (Jon)
- When I was giving a tram tour, I used to ask where people where they were from. One time, I asked one person, she said, “Norway!” I repeated, “No where?” (Miyabi)
- Haha mahu means gay and older missionaries will try and trick the new ones with that one. (Lele)
- The pidgin creole will come naturally if you don’t try to hard. (Marc)