Florida Orlando Mission

Free resources about the Florida Orlando Mission:

*Other Mission Pages: Florida LDS Missions.

Florida Orlando Mission Address

Here’s a recent address for the Florida Orlando Mission. We try to keep this info up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.

Florida Orlando Mission
10502 Satellite Blvd Ste E
Orlando, FL 32837-8479

Phone Number: 1-407-852-1270
Mission President: President David K. Clark

Florida Orlando Mission Map

Here’s a link to the mission map for the Florida Orlando Mission (LDS). To access the official LDS.org map for the Orlando Mission:

  1. Log into your LDS account here.
  2. Click here.

Videos with Florida Orlando RMs

Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Florida Orlando Mission.  We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.

mission interview  mission interview  mission interview  mission interview    mission interview

LDS-Friendly Videos about Florida

Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Florida. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Florida, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.

LDS Church  places  history  nature  time lapses

Florida Orlando Missionary Blogs

Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Florida Orlando Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.

*Send your missionary a gift (mission-specific shirts, ties, Christmas stockings/ornaments, pillowcases, etc.)

President & Sister Berry floridaorlandomission.com 2016
Elder Zach Barber elderzacharybarber.wordpress.com 2017
Elder Cayson Goff eldercaysongoff.blogspot.com 2017
Sister Lauren Yance okaylolo.blogspot.com 2017
Sister Ekaterina Herrod russiankatsinflorida.blogspot.com 2017
Elder Bubba Godinet bubbaflorida.blogspot.com 2016
Sister Lauren McIntosh mymission.com/sisterlaurenelizabethmcintosh 2016
Sister Whitney Reid citrusfruitsister.blogspot.com 2016
Sister Whitney Reid feelmysunlight.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Tyler Coley eldertylercoley.blogspot.com 2016
Sister Kayla Woolley sisterwoolleyinorlando.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Spencer Pearson elderspencerpearson.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Carter Crismon cartercrismon.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Ammon Armijo ammonarmijo.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Alex Olson elderalexolson.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Brock Doman elderbrockdoman.blogspot.com 2016
Elder Jordan Gentry jordangentryorlandomission.blogspot.com 2016
Elder & Sister Busath steveandkathi.blogspot.com 2016
Mission Alumni mission.net/florida/orlando 2015
Elder & Sister Evans craigandcindyevans.blogspot.com 2015
Elder Brett Davis elderbrettdavis.blogspot.com 2015
Sister Megan Jackson hermanameganjackson.blogspot.com 2015
Sister Catherine Thomas catherinemission.tumblr.com 2015
Sister Mackenzie Brooks hermanabrooks.weebly.com 2015
Elder & Sister Nielson kjnielson.blogspot.com 2015
Sister Jennifer Forsey jenninflorida.weebly.com 2014
Sister Katie Kirkham sisterkatiekirkham.blogspot.com 2014
Sister Heather Brown missionsite.net/sisterheatherbrown 2014
Elder Trevor Snowden missionsite.net/trevorsnowden 2013
Elder Kevin Christiansen elderchristiansen.blogspot.com 2013
Elder Treavor Green thegreenlightsaber.blogspot.com 2013
Sister Aisha Ploth plothinorlando.blogspot.com 2013
President & Sister Hall floridaorlandomission2010.blogspot.com 2013
Sister Anna Elise Miller missionsite.net/sisterannaelisemiller 2012
Elder Cameron Bennett missionsite.net/eldercameronbennett 2012
Elder Austin Engemann elderaustinengemann.blogspot.com 2012
Elder Reggie Lewis missionsite.net/elderreggielewis 2012
Elder Michael Nelson eldermikenelson.blogspot.com 2011
Sister Kris Ellsworth dancetechinservice.blogspot.com 2011
Elder Roger Machado missionsite.net/elderrogermachado 2010

Florida Orlando Mission Groups

Here are Florida Orlando Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Orlando Mission.

  1. Orlando Mission 2007-10 (Pres. John Darrington) Group (389 members)
  2. Florida Orlando Mission Facebook Group (350 members)
  3. Florida Orlando Mission Facebook Group (149 members)
  4. Florida Orlando Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group (9 members)

Florida Orlando Mission T-Shirts

Here are T-shirts for the Florida Orlando Mission!

Shirt designs include Florida Orlando Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL.  The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.

*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Florida Fort Orlando missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.

*Click here to browse Orlando Mission gifts

Florida Orlando Mission Presidents

Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Orlando LDS Mission.

  1. 2016-2019, David K. Clark
  2. 2013-2016, Michael J. Berry
  3. 2010-2013, Garth V. Hall
  4. 2007-2010, John C. Darrington
  5. 2004-2007, Kent Walker Farnsworth
  6. 2001-2004, Wesley Miller White
  7. 1998-2001, Alma Paul King

Florida LDS Statistics (2015)

  • Church Membership: 149,355
  • Missions: 5
  • Temples: 2
  • Congregations: 241
  • Family History Centers: 69

Helpful Articles about Florida

Coming soon..

Florida Orlando Missionary Survey

Here are survey responses from Florida Orlando RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.

*Click here to take a survey to help pre-missionaries going to your mission.

When did you serve?

  • 2016-2017 (Sierra)
  • 2015-2017 (Colton)
  • April 2013-October 2014 (K’Loni)
  • 2014-2015 (Alexandra)
  • 2010-2011 (Sammi)

Which areas did you serve in?

  • Maitland, Florida. (Sierra)
  • Rockledge, Melbourne, Leesburg, Lecanto, St. Cloud, Longwood. (Kolton)
  • Belleview to Melbourne and in between. (Sammi)

What were some favorite foods?

  • Tamales, Areapas, Papusas. (Sierra)
  • Steak and potatoes, Portirican food (chicken,rice, black beans), pot roast. (Kolton)
  • I loved Jimmy Hulas and Sweet Tomatoes. There are a lot of hispanics so a lot of rice, beans, and chicken. I like basically all foods! We didn’t eat anything terrible. (K’Loni)
  • Anything Hispanic or South American. (Alexandra)
  • Shrimp, Gator tail, Fish Tacos, Steak Burrito Wraps, Publix Subs. (Sammi)

What was a funny experience?

  • When I was knocking doors there was a little kid who told us that his mom wasn’t home so we asked when she would be home and he told us he would go ask his mom real quick and then came back and told us. (Kolton)
  • We wrecked on our bikes a lot and got many laughs! (K’Loni)
  • We took a recent convert with us to a lesson, and afterward she insisted on tracting with us – and she was doing most of the talking. It was so funny, and so cool! (Alexandra)
  • When the Elders would lose a challenge, and have to prepare and deliver a meal to us. (Sammi)

What was a crazy experience?

  • I was hit by a car while riding my bike to an appointment. I was hit 5 days after my halfway point. The hit knocked me off my bike and into traffic. My leg looked as though it was broken and most of the paramedics believed it to be broken too. It was the longest wait to see if my leg was broken and if I would be sent home. After receiving a blessing by my mission president then doctors came in and informed me that I didn’t have a single break, and that it was only bruised and scraped up. I was allowed to finish the last 9 months of my mission. I was so scared to be sent home or loose my leg. (Sierra)
  • We were following up with a potential investigator and this car had all the glass broken out of it. As I was reading the report taped to the car I saw that it said bullet holes and as I looked at the car again I saw bullet holes up and down the whole car. Turns out it was in a drive by. (Kolton)
  • While serving on a college campus we had a stalker! Luckily he got arrested. (K’Loni)
  • My trainer was held at gunpoint. (Alexandra)
  • Being out in the rain on a bike. I found out real quickly why Florida is called the lightning capital of the world. Lightning hit a tree just feet from our location. (Sammi)

What was a spiritual experience?

  • My second to last week of my mission I spent a lot of time praying to know what I should do after I went home. One night in particular I had been brought to tears as I realized that the one wish I had was to raise a family in the gospel. That night I was able to make a promise to the Lord that I would do everything in my power to raise my children strongly in the gospel and to help them live a Christ centered life. To this day that promise is what keeps me going. My future family is my long term goal and I know that if I live like a disciple then I can have that. It gives me purpose after returning home. (Sierra)
  • There was a time I was trying to help a lady understand priesthood authority and I was trying to do it all by myself with no help from the scriptures like I should have done. Anyways I got the impression to turn to the BOM and read in 3 Nephi, and when I did the lady finally understood and the Spirit said to me, “Use the Book of Mormon more.” (Kolton)
  • In my last area, we were at a dinner with some members and their nonmember friends, and one of the friends caught me off guard and out of the blue asked me what my testimony was. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I remember that the words weren’t just mine; they were inspired. More than that, though, I remember how I felt, and I remember the look on this woman’s face. The Spirit was so strong, and I KNOW that we all felt it and knew exactly what it was. (Alexandra)
  • When an investigator did not get baptized as scheduled because I was not a good teacher for that person. I prayed and was told to step aside. The investigator prayed and was told to continue. The investigator was baptized with the help of other missionaries a few months later. Heavenly Father had the plan and knew the journey before we did. Proverbs 3:5-6. (Sammi)

What are some interesting facts about the Orlando Mission?

  • My mission has one of the largest cattle ranches for the Church. It’s called Deseret Ranch and everyone loves the annual rodeo that is held there. There is quite a mix of ethnicity in Florida so you are always experiencing different cultures and points of view. The Angel Moroni in the Orlando temple is changed out twice a year to replace the gold due to being hit by lighting so often. The spare angel lives in the grounds keepers’ building until it needs to be replaced. (Sierra)
  • Shaquille O’Neal tried to buy the Orlando temple. (Kolton)
  • It’s very diverse. Many missionaries, including sisters, get to bike. It has DisneyWorld, SeaWorld, and Universal Studios so lots of tourists. The traffic is insane. There are rural and urban areas. There is a temple and we got to go twice per year and also if a convert was going to get their endowment. (K’Loni)
  • It’s one of the most dangerous places in the U.S. for pedestrians and bicyclists. Also, we do a lot of biking. It’s really touristy and a little transient, so we got to meet people from all walks of life, all over the world, all different religious backgrounds. The people were the best part. (Alexandra)

What was the weather like?

  • For the most part Florida is sunny and gorgeous. Most days it’s actually really humid, like pushing 90% most days. The summer time is the rainy season for Florida and it loves to downpour. The rains happen like clockwork though. You can almost always predict the time of day that the storm will come. There is so much lightning in Florida and it kinda happens all year round. September is the height of Hurricane season and it can get pretty bad on the coastline. In my experience if you are more inland they come at you at a Catagory 2-3 and most Floridians don’t blink an eye at that; to them it just a normal storm. When it’s rainy and stormy the mosquitoes get horrible; there’s little clouds of them everywhere and they themselves are kind of like a little storm. (Sierra)
  • HUMID!! It’s pretty hot and humid but gets kinda cold for like two weeks in January. (Kolton)
  • VERY humid and hot for most of the year. Hurricane season is May-November so that is when it rains every day in the afternoon, but it is still super hot. December was the most beautiful month, I thought. It got a little cold in January and February; the humidity cuts right to the bone! (K’Loni)
  • HOT! Humid and pretty gross. But in the winter, it got shockingly cold, which I wasn’t expecting. I definitely wasn’t prepared for that part. (Alexandra)
  • Humid, but Winter months were nice. Females are lucky if they only have to spend one Summer (July and August) in the heat. (Sammi)

Any things you really like about the area/people?

  • I loved how accepting people were. There was such a mix of backgrounds, and you could experience so many outlooks on life. I loved that so many people wanted to know Jesus Christ, and they tried to live a Christian lifestyle. Plus they have that southern hospitality and Hispanic hospitality that is just so sweet and welcoming! (Sierra)
  • Florida is a great retirement place, so you meet people from all over the US. Also there is a big Spanish speaking culture. (Kolton)
  • I loved biking and being able to talk to people on the street. Most were willing to talk about Christ. Depending on the area, some people were much more open than others. All of the members are awesome and good to the missionaries. (K’Loni)
  • When I opened my call, I was disappointed about where I’d been called to. But I didn’t tell anyone that. But I remember that my stake president said something in my setting-apart blessing that was prophetic to me: “You have not been called to a place, you have been called to a people.” I didn’t like the place for most of my mission – but I loved the people. And I needed them! I wouldn’t trade those relationships for anything. (Alexandra)
  • Most people were very welcoming. (Sammi)

Any packing/clothing advice?

  • Dresses are nice but I would suggest purchasing skirt and dress combinations that you can mix up. After wearing the same thing over and over again you tend to get bored, so having a mix of things gives you more of a variety. There are skirt hangers that hang down like a chain that have clips for your skirts; I purchased two (which were five dollars each at Walmart), then I just clipped my skirts on and laid them in my suitcase. They pack easy and they are great for transfers. You just pull out two hangers and you are already unpacked! I would suggest this for traveling to the mission, as it is more convenient for transfers in the mission. Purchase a bag with a thick shoulder band because carrying around everything can take a toll on your shoulders. Waterproof EVERYTHING! I liked rolling all of my clothing so it would fit better. I paired up my garments and then rolled them up so they would already be put together and they save space. (Sierra)
  • Short sleeved shirts and light weight golf slacks. (Kolton)
  • Try to get shirts that you don’t need to wear another shirt under. I wore a lot of just cotton T-shirts from Target. Many sisters would cut off cotton leggings to wear under their skirts to bike. Biking shorts material is just too hot. (K’Loni)
  • You might want a raincoat at first, but you’ll get used to the rain – after my first couple months, I never used my raincoat again. Not even during summer, when it rained almost every day. But do be prepared for the cold winters. Layering is key. I sprayed my shoes with weatherproofing stuff, and I highly recommend that as well. (Alexandra)
  • Sweaters for the Winter months. (Sammi)

What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?

  • I was able to finally realize how to show compassion for others. I was very self centered beforehand, so I was blessed to be able to see others’ needs and act to help them. I was blessed to be able to even stay on my mission; the Lord was very gracious that day. I inherited a great wealth of knowledge of the scriptures, which I never had beforehand. I was blessed with forever friendships with the people I taught and met on my mission. My mission allowed me to gain an eternal perspective on things. (Sierra)
  • My brother rolled his truck down a mountain in the middle of winter and he tore his muscle and that was it. (Kolton)
  • Just a year after being home, I have an amazing husband and awesome job 🙂 My sister is now on a mission, which was a miracle. Things have just really come together for me since being home. (K’Loni)
  • While I served, a lot happened in my family. My parents moved, one sister got married, another had a baby, and the third moved across the country and had a baby. All of those things were hard but they were blessings. As for me… I felt SO unqualified as a missionary. I wasn’t active in high school, so I didn’t go to seminary, and I felt like that left me with a major handicap. I didn’t know the scriptures! But Heavenly Father helped me overcome that, and so many other challenges I had. It was still hard, like it is for everyone, but I know I had help. I was completely changed by my mission, and my life is so much better now than it would have been if I’d chosen not to serve. The people I got to know are a huge blessing to me as well. I could go on forever… The tender mercies, the blessings, the miracles, are just overwhelming. (Alexandra)
  • Friends, career. (Sammi)

What are some skills you gained?

  • I actually learned how to talk to people on the phone without getting really anxious. I learned how to study the scriptures and apply it into my life. I learned how to talk to people and strike up random conversations that can lead us to end as friends. I learned how to generally be more extroverted. I actually like people now and I don’t hide away out of fear of being rejected. (Sierra)
  • How to communicate with people. How to live on my own and make a budget. (Kolton)
  • How to pray, study, communicate, listen, work hard, and love. (K’Loni)
  • I learned how to be more social; I learned how to get along with a lot of different types of people; I learned how to study and pray and fast and make sacrifices like never before; I learned how to ride a bike; and possibly most important, I learned how to be a better version of myself than I’d ever imagined. (Alexandra)
  • Public speaking and listening. (Sammi)

What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?

  • I wish I would have known that the work is the Lord’s and the Lord’s only. I put myself ahead of many things and I wanted the experiences for me at first instead of wanting the experiences for others and their salvation. I wish I would have. (Sierra)
  • I wish I read the BOOK OF MORMON and PREACH MY GOSPEL way more!! (Kolton)
  • I wish I knew how to just love people more and not worry so much about the numbers. (K’Loni)
  • I wish I’d been more obedient. My trainer did a lot of things I wasn’t comfortable with, and I wish I’d spoken up and sought counsel from mission leaders instead of letting it continue. (Alexandra)
  • Invite investigators to attend a ward as soon as possible. Don’t lose focus on the purpose of the lessons. (Sammi)

Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Orlando?

  • Seriously study Preach My Gospel! It helps so much to be prepared mentally and physically for what you will be experiencing. Find 2 scriptures for each of the principles of the lessons you will teach, then know when to use them and where to find them. There are 42 of them. For example, a principle of the restoration is “God is our loving Heavenly Father.” They are the sub-headings found for each lesson in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. (Sierra)
  • The Lord will provide a way! 2 years is way too fast! (Kolton)
  • KEEP A JOURNAL!!! You’ll start to forget things even while you’re still on you mission. Plus, you have no idea what a blessing it will be to look back on your experiences and the things you learned from studies and your companion, once you’re home. My notes and my journal were a lifeline for me. Other than that… You need to realize that this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Don’t be afraid. Realize how much Christ trusts you – He has hand-selected you to represent Him. You can do hard things, with His help. Don’t waste this time – it’s your offering to the Lord, but it’s also yet another precious gift He is offering you. Look for the parables, look for lessons to learn, whether it’s going well or horribly or everything in between. Some days will be very difficult, but just know that God will never leave you alone. He loves you and knows you and He will never, ever forsake you. And, being His servant and representative, you have a duty to do the same for the people you serve. Strive to see them as God sees them. (And strive to see yourself & your companions that way, too!) Love them, get to know them, and never give up on them. Even if all you can do is pray for them – do all you can. Account to the Lord every day, and humbly seek His counsel. As you strive to live the gospel in the fullest way, and love these people, and love your leaders and fellow missionaries, and love yourself, I testify that you will come to know for yourself what the enabling power of the Atonement is, and you will understand more about its infinite nature. (Alexandra)
  • If you can’t work with an investigator, let other missionaries help that investigator. We are called to serve to bring others unto Jesus Christ. Never take things personal. Remember the calling. Remember to love, and forgive. Have something that you read each morning to remind you of these things before you begin each day. (Sammi)

What was a funny language mistake?