Free resources about the Florida Jacksonville Mission:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Video interviews with returned missionaries
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Florida LDS Missions.
Florida Jacksonville Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Jacksonville Mission. We try to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Florida Jacksonville Mission
8663 Baypine Rd. Suite #102
Jacksonville, FL, 32256
Phone Number: 1-904-636-0604
Mission President: President Brent I. Lee
Florida Jacksonville Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Florida Jacksonville Mission (LDS). To access the official map for the Jacksonville Mission, simply
Videos with Florida Jacksonville RMs
Here are in-depth YouTube video interviews with returned missionaries from the Florida Jacksonville Mission. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews.
LDS-Friendly Videos about Florida
Here are LDS-friendly educational videos about Florida. We scoured YouTube to find the best quality videos about Florida, that are free from inappropriate music, immodesty and profanity.
Florida Jacksonville Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Jacksonville Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
Florida Jacksonville Mission Groups
Here are Jacksonville Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Jacksonville Mission.
- LDS Florida Jacksonville Mission Facebook Group (1,102 members)
- Jacksonville Mission (Barry) 2010-13 Group (156 members)
- Macon Missionaries/Jacksonville Missionaries Group (18 members)
- Jacksonville Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group (13 members)
Florida Jacksonville Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Florida Jacksonville Mission!
Shirt designs include Florida Jacksonville Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Florida Fort Jacksonville missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Jacksonville Mission gifts
Jacksonville Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Jacksonville LDS Mission.
- 2016-2019, Brent I. Lee
- 2013-2016, Paul Wayne Craig
- 2010-2013, James W. Barry
- 2007-2010, Russell A. Newman
- 2004-2007, Ralph J. Marsh
- 2001-2004, Kent F. Smith
- 1998-2001, M. Kieth Hansen
- 1995-1998, Otto S. Shill Jr.
- 1992-1995, Owen D. Jacobsen
- 1990-1992, Oliver B. Johnston
- 1987-1990, Douglas W. DeHaan
Florida LDS Statistics (2015)
- Church Membership: 149,355
- Missions: 5
- Temples: 2
- Congregations: 241
- Family History Centers: 69
Helpful Articles about Florida
Florida Jacksonville Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Florida Jacksonville RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
When did you serve?
- 2014-2015 (Sarah)
- 2014-2015 (Aubrey)
- 2014-2015 (Sam)
- 2013-2014 (Afton)
- 2012-2014 (Trevor)
- 8-29-2007 to 8-12-2009 (Trevon)
- 2013-2015 (Di)
- 1994-1996 (Jake)
What areas did you serve in?
- Jacksonville. (Sarah)
- Dunn Avenue, Lake Butler, Mandarin, St John’s River, Brunswick. (Aubrey)
- St John’s, Fleming Island 2nd, Ocala 1st. (Sam)
- Gainesville, Jacksonville. (Afton)
- Gainesville, Julington Creek, Mandarin, St Johns. (Di)
- Palatka, Gainesville, Ocala, Dunn Ave, New Smyrna, Jacksonville, (Jake)
What were some favorite foods?
- Sushi, Thai, you get a lot of spaghetti and lasagna!
- I wasn’t a big fan of the traditional southern foods (fried chicken, grits, collard greens/mustard greens etc.) I really enjoyed trying fried gator tail. (Aubrey)
- Gumbo, fried alligator tail, smoked BBQ brisket, seafood. (Sam)
- Pdq, sausage casserole, limpia, salads, hamburgers, pasta. (Afton)
- Fried chicken. (Trevor)
- Grits if members let me put sugar on it. Shepherds pie, many sorts of fish food, Sunnys, Whataburger, gator tail, big all-in-one pot of crab, shrimp, corn on a cob and potato. So many options in the South! (Trevon)
- Sonny’s all you can eat, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, Steak and Shake. (Jake)
What was a funny experience?
- Most of them include being chased away by dogs or running away because of half-dressed humans! (Sarah)
- We were with two other sets of sisters and we had a can of red beans. One sister said she’d pay me $10 to eat it in 10 mins. So I tried chugging it–but it didn’t last long! It was so gross and made me feel sick. I think I chugged half of it. She still paid me $3
IT WAS SO WORTH IT! Mostly worth it for the laughs. (Aubrey)
- I told a man that his grandchildren were cute. They were his kids. (Afton)
- When a missionary I was training yelled to me for help as he was tipping over, off his bike into a ditch while crossing a wet wooden bridge. Another companion who I was training took a pack of cigarettes from a door contact and snapped them in half right in front of her. (Trevon)
- Took missionaries to Chinese restaurant and ate spicy food burned their mouths. (Di)
What was a crazy/dangerous experience?
- Being on the streets once it was dark. Most places in Florida don’t have street lamps, so it is super dark. You are almost always surrounded by trees and you don’t know ever know what lies behind them. (Sarah)
- This stands as the CRAZIEST and most shocking experience of my mission. (well I can think of one more…) We were knocking doors, and a lady answered but the door was cracked. A guy came by and put his hand on the door, opening it all the way. The woman was naked all except underwear. We gave her a card with our info as casually as we could then walked away. As we walked, we didn’t say a word until we got past the house. Then we just looked at each other in shock and said, “did that just happen?!”(Aubrey)
- Well it wasn’t so crazy, but it was potentially dangerous as the Spirit spoke to us. My companion and I were off to go see a church headquarters referral to drop off a Bible, it was late at night right before curfew and we were walking down this street to the home. We stood out like a sore thumb. We went up to the porch to give the Bible to her but no one answered, my companion had really felt uncomfortable and felt promptings to leave. I was stubborn and didn’t want to go yet, I wanted to finish the job right. We ended up leaving a note with the Bible on a chair. As we got back in our car and drove by the house, a man had walked up that very second and was looking at the Bible. Who knows what could have happened. It could have been a moment where we would have taught him a lesson and been late home or something more dangerous. All I know, is I’m grateful for a companion who was listening and following the Spirit :). (Sam)
- Having an investigator give me and my companion knives with our names carved into them. (Afton)
- We went to a place in our area that was deemed as the black hole of the mission in Dunn Ave, FL. We went there because sister missionaries outside our area set a baptismal date with a man that lived in the boundaries of the black hole. We’ve been told missionaries who’ve gone there had everything stolen from them, beat, etc. We met a nice white preacher at the complex until he started to bash with us. I boldly testified of the truth and he walked off. We had the feeling to get out, so we did. As we were leaving, a line of mainly black males on both sides of us formed, scoffing and holding things. I never felt more scared or protected as we left. We then talked to a man at a graveyard entrance who was very strange. When we left and I looked back he had vanished…no wonder it’s the black hole. I’ll admit, that’s two of many scary experiences. (Trevon)
What was a spiritual experience?
- I loved to be able to see someone’s potential and the light in their soul as you looked into their eyes. The best part was seeing someone understand for the first time in their life who God really was, how much He loves them, and how the Atonement truly can change and heal them. You change and gain this as you help others! (Sarah)
- We had been walking through this neighborhood for about 5 minutes and we met a man about 23 years old who was very bitter and had a hard life. He was talking to anyone who’d listen. We walked alongside him as he walked his dog. We weren’t sure what to say and we tried to figure out what to share. We were about to head different directions. I knew something needed to be said that hadn’t yet been shared. I just opened my mouth and told him that God sent us to him today to tell him that God loves him, and Jesus Christ loves him too, and I told him to remember that. After it was said, he didn’t say anything but I know it penetrated his heart and I know that he will never forget it. I’m grateful I was able to be God’s instrument. (Aubrey)
- Taking a lady on a church tour and having her feel the difference in the chapel. (Afton)
- Too many to say. One that first comes to mind though is when we had a member come over to help us bless a family of investigators’ home. There was a very dark presence you could feel every time we were over. Immediately when he used the Power of the Priesthood you could feel the evil spirits vanish and the room filled with light. The investigators could even tell just as much as we did. (Trevon)
- My first baptism. (Di)
What are some interesting facts about the Jacksonville Mission?
- Jacksonville is the biggest geographical city in the US. (Sarah)
- Jacksonville is the largest city in the USA land-wise. (Aubrey)
- Investigators are called gators. We have the biggest city in the U.S. Crazy wildlife. Crazy weather. (Afton)
- It is part of the Okefenokee Swamp. If you believe or follow the North American Theory of the Book of Mormon, it is the place where Lehi and his family came to the promised land. I’ll be honest, I don’t know many facts about my mission. (Trevon)
- We went to a gator park, swamp park.
What was the weather like?
- Hot, wet and slimy! (Sarah)
- It was hot and very humid. You get very used to being sweaty. There is a lot of rain! And the craziest thunderstorms I’ve ever seen! It would be blue sunny skies then out of no where it would be raining buckets and thundering for 10 minutes then it would be completely sunny again. In the winter, it does get cold, but it’s a chill to your bones cold. It got to about 30 degrees. (Aubrey)
- Hot and humid :). Well….June-ish through September is pretty toasty, but the rest of the year was wonderful to me. Except January-February: those were pretty cold times!!! (Sam)
- Rainy, but sunny at the same time. There was golden rain. It was warm, humid, and wet. (Afton)
- Hot. (Trevor)
- Very humid, especially after the short, but intense bursts of rain. It actually gets cold during the winter time due to the humidity, so you’ll want a jacket/sweater! (Trevon)
- Hot, Humidity. (Di)
- Muggy. (Jake)
What do you like about the place/people you served?
- I loved the people! They truly loved the Savior, they had such great faith and they loved and accepted you! People of the South are truly elect people. (Sarah)
- I love the southern hospitality. For the most part, people will be nice even if not interested, and they will offer you water. In general, the people have a belief in God and they love Jesus Christ. (Aubrey)
- I had served in St Johns, Fleming Island, and Ocala areas. Most everyone loves Jesus Christ!! So that was awesome. Rarely we taught people about Jesus Christ and who He was. It all just felt like home. Every day there was someone or some location in the mission that just felt like home and you’ll know it too :). (Sam)
- The love of Jesus in the area. The family-like relations that existed in the ward. The ability to enjoy a rainstorm and the sunshine in the same day. (Afton)
- Hospitality, love, kindness, faith and diversity. Also the opposites of those. It’s a beautiful part of the country! (Trevon)
- I love everyone so much! (Di)
- Learning respectful responses of “yes sir, yes ma’am”. (Jake)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- Leave behind the unimportant things and realize that you may be ugly for the next 18-24 months :). (Sarah)
- A raincoat is very important! It rains a ton, so it should be one that can dry easily. It does get cold in the winter, and I wish I’d had a coat. I just had cardigans to wear under my raincoat to keep me warm. Bring lightweight material clothing that can dry easily. Rain boots, dress shoes that are light weight, comfy and breathable. Layering your clothes is key. (Aubrey)
- For sisters, honestly, pack light which is tough sometimes. Sister switch clothes all the time and you go thrift shopping on some preparation days. I came home with maybe 3-4 shirts the same that I had brought out and came back with a ton more. Same with skirts…I came back with….2. That’s because I gained weight. Which leads to my next tip. BRING STRETCHY ELASTIC waist lined skirts. You never know how your weight will fluctuate with the climate, food and stress. Also, thin material clothing but NOT sheer, just so you don’t have to layer up so much when it’s the warmer months of the year. No short hipster boots. When you think about your clothes, think about dignified and not worldly :). Have a mini sewing kit! Good luck! (Sam)
- Light shirts and skirts. I wore cotton undershirts with sheer over shirts. Crocs for shoes! You will need shoes that can let the water flow through them. (Afton)
- Good shoes that are durable and breathable. Sometimes due to the rain my belt would bleed onto my white shirt. Shirt stays were nice while biking! Durable ties. (Trevon)
- Bring an icebox- that’s enough. (Di)
- Pack light. (Jake)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- My life will now be much closer to a celestial life because of my mission. It taught me how to be strong and to love tough things! It taught me how to set goals and how to achieve them. I have learned how to live and to love. Most importantly, my mission has taught me how to depend on my Savior. How to do His will and hear His pleas! (Sarah)
- I gained a confidence that I didn’t have before. I learned that I can do tough things. We had a motto: “I love tough things; I am the first to do tough things; I do tough things first! I love being a missionary!” I gained a stronger relationship with God and Jesus Christ. I’ve made lifelong friends. I’ve learned to recognize the Spirit better. I’ve seen how I’ve been blessed after my mission to find a job quickly. The best blessing is feeling fulfilled. (Aubrey)
- So many..(I’m combining skills and blessings because I consider any skill I learn to be a blessing)….the biggest is perspective. I gained a lot of perspective on our purpose as God’s children and as disciples and the importance of a celestial family and a celestial self. I learned how to lock my heart on my mission–and not only from boys–but from fancy worldly things that caught my fancy or past hobbies that I would say dream about. Mental focus is crucial (self mastery as the scriptures put it). I learned how to consecrate myself and really focus on the task at hand. I’m a more neat and orderly person, I know how to love and express true Christlike love, patience, trust in the Lord. I now have better studies, likening skills, teaching skills, and SOOOOO many more blessings the list could go on. But keep in mind, whatever you open your heart up to learn and acquire on your mission is what you will acquire. You choose what you accept into your heart :). “I love tough things, I’m the first to do tough things, I do tough things first, I love being a missionary!!!” (Sam)
- Learning how to live with a companion. Learning how to plan out my life and make and achieve goals. (Afton)
- A love for the people, a wonderful family of my own, lasting friends of the mission of some I still talk too. There’s blessings everyday. I don’t think a days gone by where I haven’t thought of my mission. (Trevon)
- I changed my human nature. (Di)
- A hot wife. (Jake)
What are some skills you gained on your mission?
- How to pack effectively, how to not become a hoarder, how to never feel awkward in any situation! (Sarah)
- I learned how to be more organized and to be more productive with my time and get stuff done. I learned how to talk with people. I was out of my comfort zone which helped me grow. (There is no growth in the comfort zone!) I’ve learned how to be diligent and hardworking. (Aubrey)
- Planning, event coordinating, ability to talk to strangers, confidence in myself. (Afton)
- Self-reliance, problem solving, organization, communication, hard work, passion, personality and belief. (Trevon)
- How to begin to share the gospel. (Di)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- I wish I knew the doctrine and the scriptures better! (Sarah)
- I wish I could have seen myself at the end of my mission and how much I had grown. I wish I would’ve let go of home faster. (Aubrey)
- I wish I knew Preach My Gospel better, and the doctrine! But that always comes.
you will have your expertise moments when the Spirit speaks through you out of nowhere. Everyone experiences it! Also that I would seriously change and be tried. If you don’t change on your mission, you didn’t do something right. I wish I knew beforehand to not look for the approval of men, but that of God. (Sam)
- Stretch better during exercises. Obedience is important but one also needs cut himself or herself some slack. I wished I would have talked to every single person that walked past me. (Afton)
- No one will be fully prepared, but become fully dedicated, learn to love, forgive, serve and be obedient! Get in the habit now of studying, praying, rising early and get in shape. (Trevon)
- Be a better person. (Di)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Jacksonville?
- Go out knowing that you will learn something very important from each companion you have! Never allow selfish reasons to prevent you from loving someone. You are never too good to repent on a daily basis. When things get hard, there is something beautiful coming! (Even if that is just the growing of your wonderful testimony) Always be obedient (exactly)- that is what makes a successful mission, nothing else! (Sarah)
- It’s the hardest thing you will ever do, but you’ll never regret it. People tell you it’s hard but you don’t really know it until you experience it. Throughout my mission, things were never perfect and I was never perfect, but I have never felt so much joy and fulfillment than what I felt while serving the Lord. He is with you every single moment. You are not perfect, but you can be perfect in trying. No matter how hard it is or how much you just want to quit at times; don’t. Look for God’s hand through each day and just take one step at a time, and you can do it! (Aubrey)
- Listen to your mission president!!!!!!!!!!!! He holds the keys for the mission ultimately. Be yourself, have fun, allow change, trust the lord, LOVE EVERYONE (even that companion that may annoy you or upset you) everyone deserves love. Period. (Sam)
- Put your shoulder to the wheel, take notes on how your testimony grew, and plan on it continuing to grow after! (Afton)
- It doesn’t matter where you are called to serve. But I am so blessed to have gone where I did. Remember why you’re out there: to invite others to come unto Christ. You are in His care and work. Be a light and baptize the nations! (Trevon)
- Do tough things. Always keep exactly obedient. Never give up. (Di)
What was a funny language mistake?
- I served an English-speaking mission, but I had an experience where my companion knew some Spanish. He talked to this lady in Spanish and all of the sudden I could understand what they were saying but couldn’t speak back. What an experience of the Gift of Tongues! I guess it isn’t funny, but had to share. (Trevon)