Life in Essex, Vermont, explained by people who’ve lived in Essex:
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Essex Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Essex?
- I don’t really enjoy living in Essex or Vermont as a whole. (Maria, 2 years)
- The whole community. Schools are great! (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Essex?
- Taxes, cost of living, lack of amenities like shopping/restaurants. This is true also for Vermont. (Maria, 2 years)
- The division between the Junction and Town. (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Essex?
- Maple street, park in the summertime, but a huge lack of indoor activities in the winter (6 month long winter). (Maria, 2 years)
- Plenty of dinning options. Great outdoor spaces. (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex’s Reputation
What’s Essex known for?
- Fairgrounds? (Maria, 2 years)
- Global Foundries. (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex Crime
What’s the crime like in Essex? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Used to be good, but Vermont has attracted so many junkies to the state that they have now resorted to breaking into homes. I am also pretty sure my neighbor is a drug dealer. (Maria, 2 years)
- There is at least one homicide every other year. (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex Advice
Any advice for people moving to Essex?
- Don’t! (Maria, 2 years)
- High taxes, but no full-time fire department. (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Essex (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Once I saw my neighbor selling drugs to a cab driver. It was “crazy”. (Maria, 2 years)
Essex’s Future
How do you think Essex will change over the next 10 years?
- As cost of living grows and taxes get more expensive, working class people will leave the area and all you will have left are welfare dependent individuals and junkies. (Maria, 2 years)
- It will continue to grow and traffic is getting worse. (Anonymous, 18 years)
Essex Facts
Any other interesting facts about Essex?
- It’s not as bad as Winnoski. (Maria, 2 years)
- We have a Circ highway that goes nowhere!! (Anonymous, 18 years)