
Here’s a free collection of resources about dyslexia.

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Dyslexia Survey

We’re surveying people about their experiences with dyslexia. Here will be a collection of their responses.

*This information is not meant to replace medical advice, and the information gathered via surveys may or may not be correct. Hopefully it will be helpful to you!

*Response format = Answer (Name, Age)

**Click here to share your experience with dyslexia**

Dyslexia Symptoms

What symptoms have you experienced?

  • Trouble in school and anxiety attacks because I get stressed, I can’t understand it. (Destini, 16 years old)
  • Moving letters while reading, auditory comprehension disruption, reading comprehension issues. (Jacqui, 25 years old)
  • Speech and confusion. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)
  • I have a learning disability. I have dyscalculia, dyslexia, trouble remembering, comprehension issues, OCD, and on top of it, I feel like I’m getting old before my time because I’ve had to work so hard to keep up without help for my disability. (Rachelle, 41 years old)
  • I suffer bad anxiety because of going through school also been through drug addiction because I didn’t feel good enough about myself I’ve struggled with reading and writing but now I’m doing a lot better with technology. (Callan, 44 years old)
  • Reading comprehension errors, transposition of letters and words in reading and writing, hearing problems, speech problems. I say things the wrong way.  I hear things the wrong way. Bad penmanship. Cannot read, type, or write when under extreme emotional stress. Communications problems cause relationship issues. Even though I mouth every word when reading and I am a writer, it is extremely difficult to read aloud. Also, I can’t play card games because I mix up the Spades/Clubs and hearts/diamonds. (Theron, 46 years old)
  • Difficulty with reading, spelling, and math. (Becky, 46 years old)
  • Spatial problems like catching a ball, spelling, bad memory of words and numbers, reading disability, difficulty with mental arithmetic, difficulty reading out loud. (Robyn, 46 years old)
  • Many. (Heidi, 48 years old)

Dyslexia Causes

Is there anything you believe contributed to or caused your Dyslexia?

  • No, I was born with it. (Destini, 16 years old)
  • I don’t know. It’s been since I was about 8 years old. (Jacqui, 25 years old)
  • I was born with it. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)
  • It is hereditary. (Rachelle, 41 years old)
  • Moving schools at 7 years old and being lost in the system. (Callan , 44 years old)
  • Some people are just lucky, I reckon. (Theron, 46 years old)
  • My father has it along with several family members on his side of the family. (Becky, 46 years old)
  • I have had this ever since I was a little girl. (Heidi, 48 years old)

Dyslexia Facts

What are some interesting facts about Dyslexia?

·        It allows you to think differently than others. (Destini, 16 years old)

·        It often goes undiagnosed. (Jacqui, 25 years old)

·        For me it’s genetic. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)

·        My dyslexia runs so deep that I have trouble breathing when I swim. (Rachelle, 41 years old)

·        Many successful people have a form of dyslexia. (Callan, 44 years old)

·        If you read and write well, then you probably aren’t encrypting your words. You’re just relying on incredibly powerful memory. (Theron, 46 years old)

·        It made me hone my audio and visual skills which helped me a lot in college. (Becky, 46 years old)

·        I can “see movement,” which has made me an excellent personal trainer. With dyslexia, you can relate seemingly unrelated things and see interesting patterns. (Robyn, 46 years old)

·        How much it influences. (Heidi, 48 years old)

·        Not everyone has the same problem because of dyslexia. (Barbara, 50 years old)

Dyslexia Difficulties

What are the hardest aspects of living with Dyslexia?

·        Understanding others. (Destini, 16 years old)

·        Constantly misunderstanding and needing to over communicate to ensure I understand correctly. (Jacqui, 25 years old)

·        Working with money and finding jobs. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)

·        Everything, turning a key right or left, calendars, appointments, dates, times, taking directions, money. (Rachelle, 41 years old)

·        Finding a job, dealing with filling out forms. (Callan, 44 years old)

·        Every word, whether spoken, read, written, or heard, must be questioned. People are often not very keen on your lacking sense of time or poor conversational memory. People who figure out your weaknesses will sometimes take advantage of it. (Theron, 46 years old)

·        Not being able to read in the beginning. (Becky, 46 years old)

·        Reading things quickly for comprehension, mental arithmetic, giving change (I can never have a job that deals directly with money.) (Robyn, 46 years old)

·        Pretty much everything. (Heidi, 48 years old)

·        Feeling lonely. (Barbara, 50 years old)

Dyslexia Advice

What encouragement/advice can you give others who experience Dyslexia?

·        We are not different; we are unique. (Destini, 16 years old)

·        Go to a doctor if you are struggling. They can help diagnose you, help you understand how you can function better, and help connect you with resources. (Jacqui, 25 years old)

·        Don’t be embarrassed about being dyslexic. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)

·        Learn to take things lightly; laugh at yourself, use healing oils, get counseling, get some sunlight, exercise, and watch funny stuff. Get support; it’s there. (Rachelle, 41 years old)

·        Read “The Gift of Dyslexia” audiobook. (Callan , 44 years old)

·        Your intelligence lies in the fact that you have had to work twice as hard to seem normal. You are thirty percent more efficient at sorting through peripheral data sets. Your analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills far exceed those of your peers. Use what you have. (Theron, 46 years old)

·        Don’t feel ashamed or odd. It’s just a different way of learning. (Becky, 46 years old)

·        Do what you love. Figure out what works best for you. Give yourself 20 minutes on, 10 minutes off when studying or reading. Give yourself time so you don’t have to rush a job. (Robyn, 46 years old)

·        I am still trying to learn more about it myself. (Heidi, 48 years old)

·        Stay positive. (Barbara, 50 years old)

Dyslexia Recommendations

Anything you’d recommend for someone with Dyslexia?

·        Live with it; it is part of you. Don’t be ashamed of it. (Destini, 16 years old)

·        Get diagnosed by a neuropsychologist. Let go of your pride and your ego related to independence. It will only hurt you in the end. (Jacqui, 25 years old)

·        Technology is extremely helpful. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)

·        Slow down! Find your learning style and teach yourself that way. Use colors to decode different things. (Rachelle, 41 years old)

·        Use technology. Be okay with and even proud of your dyslexia. (Callan, 44 years old)

·        Never be afraid to ask somebody to put it in writing or to repeat themselves. Try to find good people who understand you. Good people attract good people. (Theron, 46 years old)

·        Practice spelling with your finger and writing it out on a rough surface. Say the word before spelling it. The more senses you use to learn the more likely you are to remember. (Becky, 46 years old)

·        Do whatever it is that comes easily for you. You will stand out and be able to make a happy difference. You have a special gift. Find it and use it. (Robyn, 46 years old)

Dyslexia Resources

What specific resources have you found most helpful?

·        Support groups. (Destini, 16 years old)

·        My psychiatrist and my university. (Jacqui, 25 years old)

·        A Facebook learning disability support group. (Rachelle, 41 years old)

·        Technology really helps me. I study using dragon, audiobooks, and the voice app on my phone. (Callan, 44 years old)

·        Computers. I’d be dead or homeless without them. (Theron, 46 years old)

·        I went to a school in my area that assisted children with dyslexia. They taught me to improve my way of learning using other senses. (Becky , 46 years old)

·        A book called “how to read a book”. It takes the stress out of being expected to read and understand a book the first time you read it and gives ideas about pre-reading. (Robyn, 46 years old)

Dyslexia Stories

Share an experience you’ve had related to living with Dyslexia.

·        I try to take notes in class and I always get way behind and don’t understand anything. (Destini, 16 years old)

·        A common scenario for me is when I am given oral or written instructions and I miss information in the directions, and I don’t ask follow-up questions. I then get into trouble because I’m making mistakes. (Jacqui, 25 years old)

·        I get information overload migraines. I am forgetful. Dyslexia affects my speech. I am smart, but it doesn’t seem like it. (Rosa-lee, 33 years old)

·        In school it was little mix ups like b & d, p & q, left and right, etc.     (Rachelle, 41 years old)

·        I went to renew my license at AA and I asked if they would help me fill out a form, which they wouldn’t. I called the AA head office and told them that I have dyslexia which is a recognized disability. I asked them to help me and they said nothing. I reminded them that New Zealand is a member of the UN and has signed up to the human rights act. After about 40 minutes they told me to go back and that someone would help me fill out the form. (Callan, 44 years old)

·        When I was younger, I experienced severe physical abuse directly related to my inability to effectively navigate and communicate in social situations. (Theron, 46 years old)

·        I became a registered nurse despite my learning disability. (Becky, 46 years old)

·        I was often made fun of and called names. (Heidi, 48 years old)