Here are free resources about the Colorado Denver North Mission:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Colorado LDS Missions.
Denver North Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Colorado Denver North Mission. We try to keep this info up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Colorado Denver North Mission
1250 Main St.
Broomfield, CO 80020
United States
Phone Number: 1-303-252-7191
Mission President: President Henry Scott Savage
Colorado Denver North Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Colorado Denver North Mission (LDS). To access the official map for the Denver North Mission:
Denver North Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Denver North Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
Denver North Mission Groups
Here are Denver North Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Denver North Mission.
- Colorado Denver North Mission Facebook Group (889 members)
- Colorado Denver North Mission Toombs Group (263 members)
- Great Denver North Mission President Mordock Group (1 member)
Denver North Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Colorado Denver North Mission!
Shirt designs include Colorado Denver North Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Colorado Denver North missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Denver North Mission gifts
Denver North Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Denver North LDS Mission.
- 2017-2020, Henry Scott Savage
- 2014-2017, Brent M. Mendenhall
- 2011-2014, Jerry M. Toombs
- 2008-2011, Gary G. Ely
- 2005-2008, W. Dea Montague Jr.
- 2002-2005, Gary E. Mordock
- 1999-2002, Darwin L. Thomas
- 1996-1999, Myron W. Horne
- 1993-1996, Lynn M. Paulson
- 1931-1993, Other Mission
Colorado LDS Statistics (2016)
- Church Membership: 151,580
- Missions: 4
- Temples: 1
- Congregations: 312
- Family History Centers: 63
Helpful Articles about Colorado
Denver North Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Colorado Denver North RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
*Click here to take a survey to help pre-missionaries going to your mission.
When did you serve?
- 2015-2017 (Emily)
- 2013-2014 (Lindsey)
- 2009-2011 (Scott)
- 2006-2008 (Austin)
- 2009-2011 (Selenge)
- 2001-2002 (Brandon)
- 2009-2011 (Bryce)
- 2007-2009 (Jeremy)
- 2013-2015 (Ben)
- 2013-2015 (Cheyanne)
- 2013-2015 (Collette)
What areas did you serve in?
- Denver, Aurora, Arvada, Parker, Franktown, Brighton. (Emily)
- Loveland, Wellington, Fort Collins, Laramie WY, Boulder. (Scott)
- Medicine Bow WY, Laramie WY, Arvada CO, Longmont CO. (Austin)
- Boulder, Loveland, Arvada, Cheyenne. (Selenge)
- Scottsbluff, NE and Lakewood, CO. (Brandon)
- Windsor, Laramie, Cheyenne, Longmont, Strasburg. (Bryce)
- Aurora, Denver, Parker, Brighton. (Ben)
- Denver, Commerce City, Brighton, Fort Lupton, Henderson, Aurora, Thornton, Lochbuie, and I think a few others. (Cheyanne)
- Northglenn, Thornton, Brighton, Westminster, Aurora. (Collette)
What were some favorite foods?
- I was actually fed a lot of stir fry on my mission. Bennett’s BBQ in Arvada was the best BBQ I’ve ever had! There are Wendy’s restaurants everywhere, and I took a lot of breaks there! Butterfield’s Ice Cream in Parker was the best ice cream ever! Took some breaks there with my companion. (Emily)
- California Burrito @ Almanzas in Laramie and Cinnamon French Toast @ Silver Grill in Fort Collins. (Lindsey)
- Cougar. (Scott)
- Steak and potatoes! (Austin)
- Beefsteak, french fries, hamburger, Mexico food, soda, smoothies, fruits, salad, nuts, roast beef and hot chocolate
- Subway. (Brandon)
- Pizza and carne asada. (Bryce)
- Pizza, pancakes. (Jeremy)
- Mexican food, Hawaiian food. (Ben)
- Milanesa. Molletas. Flautas. Tortas. (Cheyanne)
- Mashed potatoes, chicken, casseroles, Mexican food. (Collette)
What was a funny experience?
- My companion were walking in a snowfall from one end of the area to the other to try making an appointment. We had a spontaneous snowball fight at the crosswalk light, and all of the people in cars just stared at us. After another half mile, she tried throwing a snowball at my back, but she slipped in the snow and almost ripped her pencil skirt. (Emily)
- Too many to mention just one. (Scott)
- Driving our car down a muddy dirt road and losing the clean car award because we forgot the clean the engine compartment. (Austin)
- Riding a bicycle, tracting, to see my companion how she ate raw crab meat etc. (Selenge)
- We walked up to a door and a little girl answered. Her mom started yelling and she slammed the door and said “we’re already Christians”. The companion that I was with yelled back “well you sure don’t seem like it” and we both cracked up laughing, turned around and walked away. (Brandon)
- One of the elders hugging Elder Perry at a mission tour. (Bryce)
- I once taught a lesson to a 95-year-old woman. After the lesson, the member who came with us realized he had locked his keys in his car, and the woman offered to drive us to our next appointment. After the member and my companion had gotten into the car, she took off without me, my car door still open. I ran after the car as she reached the exit of the housing complex and stopped, but then she took off again! My companion insists he was trying to get her attention, but that she had her hearing aids turned off. It wasn’t until she made it to the intersection with the main street that she noticed and said, “Oh look! We should go pick him up.” (Jeremy)
- Tracting in the snow was always a blast. (Ben)
- My companion and I were tracting in a trailer park and there was this trailer where the main door was open but the screen door was closed and there was loud music playing and a woman was dancing and mopping the floor. So we decided to knock the door to talk to her; while staring at us the whole time, she used the mop handle to turn off the music and then she slowly walked over to the door. Never breaking eye contact, she slowly pushed the door closed and locked it. Best tracting day ever! (Cheyanne)
- We were chased off a porch by a man with a banana. Another man thought we were sent to him because he was praying for a wife. (Collette)
What was a crazy experience?
- Monday, we headed out to the Mission Office (2 hours away). We were pretty tense because the roads weren’t the greatest. The weather started getting bad. We turned on the windshield wipers. That was fine until we heard a noise and looked up to see our WHOLE DRIVER’S SIDE WINDSHIELD WIPER BREAK OFF AND FLY AWAY!!!! We said a prayer and God protected the windshield for a while. Then, it got bad so we pulled over and made our own with paper towels and a hair tie. There was one point we were on the verge of tears and we couldn’t see ANYTHING. Our windshield was frozen, the one wiper wasn’t working and we had to roll down the windows AND stare out. PULL OVER NOW. We pull over and I swear to you we hit the guardrail. We didn’t though, ANGELS are real! We got to the office safely, miracle! I met my new companion, then we got news we wouldn’t be leaving to Laramie. Um WHAT? I have no clothes or anything. Ok, I can do it. One night. So we went to the President’s house with five other Sisters and about four Elders. President Toombs, “How many of you thought you would have a sleepover on your mission?” We all got back to Laramie around 4 p.m. Thursday! Three days later. (Lindsey)
- Driving with a companion who didn’t know how to drive in snow. (Scott)
- Logging in the mountains of Wyoming. Cattle branding late in the season in Wyoming. (Austin)
- Riding a bicycle with very high speed on big busy street or at dark. And visiting to druggy guys’s apartment etc. (Selenge)
- Went hiking in the bluffs in Nebraska. (Brandon)
- Mountain biking at Vedivo in Wyoming. (Bryce)
- There were several tornadoes and massive hail storms during the course of my mission, one of which my companion and I were caught in. Our car received body damage because of the hail stones. (Ben)
- Tracting in downtown Denver. Enough said. (Cheyanne)
- Once we were teaching a female investigator and her alcoholic husband was very drunk. At first he didn’t want us to leave, but we just walked out the door, didn’t even stop to put our shoes on. (Collette)
What was a spiritual experience?
- Teaching the Restorations 210% by the Spirit to a family of three one hour before the week was over after setting the goal of finding a family of three before the end of the week. It was AMAZING!!! (Emily)
- There was a lot of them. I think one that stands out to mind was teaching a less active member. My trainer and I had been out 7 weeks collectively. We both didn’t know what we were doing and that’s why I think the spirit was so strong. We had to rely on the spirit because we didn’t know what else to do. The lesson ended with tears and a commitment to start coming back to church! (Lindsey)
- Teaching the gospel every day and being able to study the scriptures for more than 2 hours every day. (Scott)
- After baptizing Rob Davenport, he dropped his white shirt in the water. His bishop came in to check on things and saw Rob’s shirt was wet. Without hesitation, the Bishop took the shirt off his back and gave it to Rob so he could have a dry shirt on his special day. This cemented Rob in his new ward and in the church. (Austin)
- Taught with full Spirit and help of God the restoration, plan of salvation to Judas guy and Katolic family when my English was poor. (Selenge)
- Can’t say…too personal, all I can say is that I was praying. (Brandon)
- All the people we helped into the waters of baptism. (Bryce)
- The baptisms I had were always the highlight of my mission. (Ben)
- There are so many! My favorite was with an inactive woman. She had told us it had been a long time since she had felt the Spirit and she was really struggling. We were talking to her about ways to bring the Spirit back and after sharing a passage of scripture and my testimony, she was in tears. When we asked her what she was feeling, all she could say was “I feel it, I feel Him.” Through sobs. It was so powerful and we were all crying. (Cheyanne)
- Obviously, there were too many to count. Coming to my mind now, is the Spirit that filled the room every time we shared Joseph Smith’s account of the first vision. (Collette)
What are some interesting facts about the Denver North Mission?
- The boundaries change once in a while. You have HUGE city, but also some VERY country areas. Be prepared for diversity! Aurora has one of the highest numbers of refugees in the nation–most of the ones I met were from Ethiopia or Laos. President Soares of the 70 is the 70 over our mission. (Emily)
- 1) Towering 800 feet above the North Platte River, Scotts Bluff has served as a landmark for peoples from Native Americans to emigrants on the Oregon, California and Mormon Trails to modern travelers. 2)Rebecca Winters, one of the few people to be buried in a marked grave along the Mormon Trail. Rebecca Winters grave is located approximately 2 miles east of Scottsbluff on Highway 26. 3) In the University of Wyoming Library they have a rare edition of the Book of Mormon. (Lindsey)
- It almost split into 2 missions before they lowered the age to serve. (Scott)
- There were weeks in Wyoming where it didn’t get above freezing. Our south boundary stopped at I-70 and the northern boundary went 60 miles north of Laramie, Wyoming. (Austin)
- My President became SANTA. (Selenge)
- At the time, we covered all of northern Colorado, southern Wyoming and the panhandle of Nebraska, over 200 missionaries and over 100 baptisms a month. It took 8 hrs to go from one side of the mission to the other. (Brandon)
- Windy and brown, also only really 2 seasons, winter and construction. (Bryce)
- Marijuana is legal there so you come across people who struggle with that often. (Collette)
What was the weather like?
- More bipolar than anywhere I’ve been before! (And I’ve lived in TX and UT.) The summers are hot and dry, probably averaging upper 90s and lower 100s most days. Winters are SUPER crazy. You can have a blizzard, sunshine then rainfall all in one day before the sun sets! Most of the blizzards don’t happen until February/March then go until the week after Mother’s Day. Colorado gets more than 300 days of sunshine per year. (Emily)
- All types of weather. Be prepared for anything! It could be short weather one day and blizzard the next. (Lindsey)
- Hot in summers 80-100 degrees. Cold in winter. Could get -20 in some areas. But I’m from Canada with -40 or lower. (Scott)
- Very cold winters but it’s hard to beat a great spring or summer day in the mountains. I saw and touched snow in some form almost every month of my mission. (Austin)
- Snow snow snow….I miss you Colorado. (Selenge)
- Cold and snowy…very dry…no humidity. (Brandon)
- All over the place, could be really nice in the morning and then hail by noon and snow in the evening in the middle of July. (Bryce)
- Dry always. Hot in the summer, bitterly cold in the winter. High altitude yields strange weather patterns, and due to air currents tornadoes and other severe weather are not uncommon. (Ben)
- Warm in the summer and freezing in the winter. (Cheyanne)
- Very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Winter nights can be difficult in the cold but thankfully a majority of the days are sunny. (Collette)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- Fort Collins is a beautiful town. I love Old town, that was probably the coolest place I served. Laramie was awesome because the people and Grandma Thompson was such an inspiring lady. There are great people in the areas I served. (Lindsey)
- They are awesome. Members are great and helpful if you keep their trust. (Scott)
- I was well taken care of by all members when I served. (Austin)
- Boulder, Cheyenne, Loveland. I love all of the people who helped me up. They always offer us by food and my senior missionaries sent me a little box with some Christmas gift. Members always signed on the dinner calendar which is so nice. I like to share a dinner message with Spirit in their warm quiet and beautiful homes. I love Bishop Zane, Bishop Marler, Brother York, Weaver etc. There are so many people I like and love
Sister Anna Scott gave me a doll which I still keep. (Selenge)
- Most people were interested except the richy rich places, which is normal. (Brandon)
- Most were pretty nice. (Bryce)
- I loved how open they were and how receptive and ready for the gospel they were. The place was so beautiful! The people were indescribable. (Cheyanne)
- I grew up in America so the people were very familiar. People are open and easy to love. As far as the place, whenever I was having a bad day, the perfectly fluffy clouds and beautiful mountain sunsets made me happy again. (Collette)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- Layers! Good, sturdy waterproof snow boots! I was on foot from January-August, and my boots wore through by March or April. Make sure necklines don’t go more than three fingers below your collarbone. Maxi skirts, as long as they don’t cling to your figure or go past your ankles, are okay in this mission. Just don’t wear them in the MTC. You don’t need a blazer, but it’s nice to have when general authorities visit. (Emily)
- Bring warm clothes! (Lindsey)
- Don’t buy a winter coat until you are there. Leaves more room in your suit case. (Austin)
- Over prepare for winter. If you end up with too much, then you can help an elder in need. (Austin)
- Gloves, winter hiking boots, umbrella, pads for flat tires for the bicycles, a money for buying some beef if you are coming from non United States area. (Selenge)
- Gloves, definitely Thermal G’s, a trench coat that is warm and boots. (Brandon)
- Warm clothing and good boots. (Bryce)
- Insulated and water-proof boots are a must for winter months (Oct-May). Rain gear is great for when on bike. Light-weight jackets are great for the varied temperatures and constant weather changes. (Ben)
- Pack for a wide range of weather, it’s so unpredictable there. (Cheyanne)
- For sisters, bring several neutral skirts that can go with a lot of cute tops. Thick socks, boots, gloves, hand warmers, etc. (Collette)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- One of the most important lessons I learned was self confidence. I was called on a mission because people needed me for me. Not to be some minion robot. Sometimes I did things that were unconventional. I learned that some people aren’t going to like you. That’s ok. People are always going to criticize, judge, critique but at the end if the day all that matters to me is what God thinks. It became more apparent that I learned to be happy with myself. (Lindsey)
- I got my wife. I literally met my wife on my mission. (Scott)
- A hot wife and lifelong friends. An unshakable testimony. (Austin)
- Gift of tongues, I found myself that who am I…I saw my eternal love at the temple…but I live far from him now, but I still believe in God that he can be able to bless me. Even though we live far from each other I feel he loves me too..I believe it will be accomplished someday. Luke 1:37 (Selenge)
- We were able to be part of 3 baptisms while I was out. (Brandon)
- Too many to count. (Bryce)
- I gained a stronger testimony, I gained some amazing new friends, and I have more knowledge of the gospel than I could have ever dreamed of. (Cheyanne)
- It is difficult to put into words the blessings that come from serving a mission. It is an experience that simply does not compare easily to any other. I always loved my Savior, but there, I became a witness of His Atonement in ways I didn’t know I could. I developed lifelong habits by seeing first hand how badly people need the Book of Mormon; you cannot afford to miss a day of studying it. The list could go on. (Collette)
What are some skills you gained?
- Riding a bike. Patching an inner tube. Loving people. Picking a horse’s hooves. Leading a horse. Leading donkeys. (Emily)
- How to study scriptures Something I learned early on in my mission is that I need to be grateful. I was going through a hard time. In those hard times we tend to look at everything negative and question where are our blessings are. I was advised to look for miracles and blessings that happened that day. Every night as I wrote in my journal, I would write something that happened that day that I was grateful for. Sometimes it was small, sometimes I had to search really hard. But there is something always there. And something changed, my attitude and outlook did. (Lindsey)
- How to talk to strangers better. (Scott)
- I’m able to talk to anyone I meet. (Austin)
- Communicate with people, ride a bicycle and so many more. (Selenge)
- Being able to talk to people and empathize with them about much of what they’ve gone through. (Brandon)
- Being able to really talk to anyone. (Bryce)
- I got over my fears of talking to strangers. I learned Spanish. I feel I’m more confident in the knowledge I do have if the gospel. (Cheyanne)
- The ability to hold/start up a conversation with anyone. I am a fairly outgoing person, but a mission still stretched me out of my comfort zone. Also, I learned how to follow the Spirit. (Collette)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- Everything! What the winters would be like. Buy my own bike so I didn’t just repair others’ all the time. The importance of a progress record. You can take an mp3 player and CDs, just don’t use them in the MTC. Triple check to make sure you have chargers for everything. (Emily)
- You aren’t going to be perfect, you are going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. Do your best and you will be blessed. It will end and you will think about your mission everyday. Live with no regrets. (Lindsey)
- How to read and understand people better. (Scott)
- The mission is about people. It didn’t matter if they were active, inactive, or investigating; I served anyone I could. (Austin)
- Humble yourself before God!!! (Selenge)
- I wish I would have been able to go back after getting sick. (Brandon)
- Read over Preach My Gospel more. (Bryce)
- Study Preach My Gospel more. Within its pages are the answers to most of the questions you will have as a missionary. (Ben)
- It’s okay to make mistakes. If you don’t, you aren’t trying hard enough. (Cheyanne)
- This is a difficult question to answer; everyone learns things so unique to them. I wish I knew that you can’t live your whole mission in a day and to have patience with myself. (Collette)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Denver North?
- Do NOT write in the area book in pencils or pens of any colors other than dark blue or black–it’s full of professional documents, and future missionaries won’t be able to read your records if you write in oranges and pinks. (Emily)
- STUDY PREACH MY GOSPEL!!!!!! If you haven’t read the Book of Mormon. This is a must! Do not play video games for your mission preparation. Don’t be a hinder to the work. (Lindsey)
- Pray every day all day. (Scott)
- Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun. Some of the best spiritual memories I have came from unorthodox ways of going about the work. (Austin)
- Pray, memorize your scriptures and memorize the Restoration well. Don’t think that you are a great person. Don’t try to become a senior companion!! Be good, keep up hard work!!! Don’t spend too much time at the restrooms or at the mirror, it’s God’s time not yours. (Selenge)
- Remember to share your testimony as often as you can, convert people to the Book of Mormon, not you! and Follow the Spirit. (Brandon)
- Get ready and just dive right in. (Bryce)
- Have fun and love the people because they already love you and don’t even know you. (Cheyanne)
- Live every day of your mission like its the only day you get. Don’t walk by anyone, give God everything you have. Some days it may seem that everything you have is waking up at 6:30 and surviving until 10:30, but you still do that. If you are disobedient, you will not be happy. You will experience your highest highs and you lowest lows. A majority of my mission was filled with the joy, but I don’t deny that some days/weeks/maybe months are hard. (Collette)
What was a funny language mistake?
- My companion from the Pacific thought the phrase was “heck oh no” not “heck no”. (Scott)
- I had a companion talk about the golden “bananas” instead of the golden plates. (Austin)
- In Spanish the word for true is verdadero, and the word for green is verde. There was a missionary that bore his testimony and said he knew the church was green. (Cheyanne)