Misión Colombia Bogotá Norte
Here are free resources about the Colombia Bogotá North Mission:
Aquí están algunos recursos gratuitos sobre la Misión Colombia Bogotá Norte:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Colombia LDS Missions.
Bogota North Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Colombia Bogota North Mission. We try to keep this info up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Colombia Bogota North Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Colombia Bogota North Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date LDS.org map for the Bogota North Mission:
Bogota North Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Colombia Bogota North Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
Bogota North Mission Groups
Here are Colombia Bogota North Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Bogota North Mission.
- Mision Colombia Bogota Norte Facebook Group (4,464 members)
- Mision Bogota Norte, Presidente Canals 2000-03 Group (146 members)
- Bogota Colombia North Mission Facebook Group (143 members)
- Colombia Bogota North Mission Facebook Group (116 members)
- Mision Colombia Bogota Norte (Epoca Mazal) Group (48 members)
- Mision Colombia Bogota Norte 2005-2011 Group (11 members)
- Bogota North Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group (5 members)
- Mision Colombia Bogota Norte 2008-2010 Group (3 members)
- Mision Colombia Bogota Norte (1995-1997) Group (1 member)
Bogota North Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Colombia Bogota North Mission!
Shirt designs include Colombia Bogota North Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Colombia Bogota North missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Bogota North Mission gifts
*Click here to see our new shirt design for the Colombia Bogota North Mission:
Bogota North Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Bogota North LDS Mission.
- 2015-2018, Robert Laney
- 2012-2015, Mark F. Andelin
- 2009-2012, Grant J. Hacking
- 2000-2003, Omar Canals
- 1997-2000, Pedro Cardona
- 1994-1997, Roberto Mazal
- 1991-1994, William L. Riley
- 1988-1991, Bruce F. Carter
- 1986-1988, Frank E. Barrett
- 1983-1986, David H. Pratt
- 1980-1983, James Dunn
- 1977-1980, Kurt M. Olson
- 1974-1977, David K. Richards
- 1971-1974, William J. Calvert
- 1968-1971, Stephen L. Brower
Colombia LDS Statistics (2016)
- Church Membership: 193,350
- Missions: 5
- Temples: 1
- Congregations: 264
- Family History Centers: 51
Helpful Articles about Colombia
Bogota North Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Colombia Bogota North RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
*Click here to take a survey to help pre-missionaries going to your mission.
When did you serve?
- 2014-16 (Alec)
- December 2011-November 2013 (Gustavo)
- 1995-1997 (Guillermo)
- 1982-1983 (Marcile)
- 1977-1979 (Bill)
Which areas did you serve in?
- Bogota, tocancipa, bucaramanga, barranca, tunja (Alec)
- Bogotá, Aguazul Casanare, Facatativa, y Bucaramanga. (Gustavo)
- Bucarramanga, Bogota, Ibague, and Florencia. (Marcile)
- Bogota, Bucaramanga, Tunja. San Gil. Sogomoso. Ebagae, Cucuta. (Bill)
What were some favorite foods?
- Ajiaco, arepas, papa rellena, bandeja paisa, (Alec)
- Bandeja paisa, Empanadas, Arepas. (Gustavo)
- Empanadas, fruit juices, the soups were excellent. (Guillermo)
- Pina, paticones, arrepa con queso, pan de queso, obleas, arroz con pollo, carne asada, empanadas, arroz con Frijole, and los jugos (marraqulla!!) y los helados! (Marcile)
- Carne asada, arrepa, rice, tamerindo. (Bill)
What was a funny experience?
- Being patted down by police (Alec)
- Cuando podiamos usar bicicletas y hacer competencias con mi compañero o cuando en los P-days salíamos en las bicicletas y subiamos por una montaña. (Gustavo)
- We were looked at as DEA or CIA undercover agents by a lot of adults so when walking down the streets people would shout “Gringos go home!” school kids thought we were rock stars and always wanted us to talk to them in English and teach them American football. (Guillermo)
- The ants got into everything. They were attracted to my bag of cough drops by the sweet smell? Unfortunately many of them overdosed on the goodness and passed into the next existence. (Marcile)
What was a crazy experience?
- Being shot at after a barranca vs bucaramanga soccer game. (Alec)
- Cuando salimos a visitar a unos miembros en bicicleta y sus casa estaban como a 2horas de hida y 2horas de vuelta, casi se nos fue toda la tarde en esa visita pero fue reconfortante el poder visitarles por primera vez en mucho tiempo y hacerles saber que para nosotros eran importantes. (Gustavo)
- Riding around Barrancabermeja trying not to proselytize in the wrong neighborhoods that were a strong hold by the guerrilla. (Guillermo)
- There were very few times that I felt we were in any actual danger. Sometimes walking home at night through certain areas was accompanied by uncomfortable feelings, (especially as sisters) but in my experience I feel that we protected by numerous guardian angels, especially as we were doing our best to live by gospel standards and mission rules. One time my companion and I were riding a bus back to Florencia from our Zone Conference in Ibague when the bus broke down on a jungle road. People were upset and starting to complain. We had our cassette tape player with us, and I had recently bought a cassette tape and book in Spanish of the children’s story of Walt Disney’s “The Rescuers” We played the tape, and everyone calmed down until another bus was able to come and take us all the rest of the way back to Florencia. (Marcile)
- I was attacked for my watch and I ended up fighting the attacker to get it back. Communist group ANAPO was very dangerous. (Bill)
What was a spiritual experience?
- Watching an investigator walk after a blessing we gave him for his severely injured back. (Alec)
- Con mi entrenador estabamos tocando puertas en un dia que habia sido de mucha lluvia y estabamos desanimados porque las citas se nos habian caido y casi nadie nos habría las puertas cuando de repente sentimos que debiamos tocar en un callejón y tocamos las puertas y cuando estamos por salir sentimos que no habiamos tocado todas las puerta y que nos hacia falta una, regresamos y emcontramos a un señor que estaba cocinando él dejó de cocinar para poder escucharnos resulta que él habia hablado con misioneros 20 años atras pero luego de la primera visita nunca volvieron y al poco tiempo se bautizó. (Gustavo)
- We had our first discussion with a family invited and committed them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and also pray about Joseph Smith. The next day we stopped by to follow up with them ready to read since we thought they hadn’t read. To our surprise they read and pray and told us that they got confirmation that everything was true. We extended baptism invitation and all 4 of them got baptized 2 weeks later! (Guillermo)
- There were many spiritual experiences. The most wonderful times were when the Spirit was strongly testifying with us as we taught the gospel and testified of it’s truthfulness to sincere and humble investigators. And of course, the spirit was always very strong at the baptismal services of these investigators. (Marcile)
- Meeting wonderful people who were so welcoming. (Bill)
What are some interesting facts about the Bogota North Mission?
- The temple is in the mission. (Alec)
- Los personas son muy amables y siempre me recibieron muy bien y me sentí muy bendecido de poder estar en sus hogares. (Gustavo)
- Cucuta was once the capital of Colombia. (Guillermo)
- I’m not really big on facts and figures, but Colombia is one of the most beautiful places on earth. I loved the climate, the architecture, the people, and the food, especially the wonderful variety of fruit! I was able to learn some of the history of the country, and it is fascinating. There are many wonderful historical sites and ancient cultural sites that are wonderful to visit, but realize that you won’t have the time and opportunity to visit them all during your mission. (Marcile)
- The bus system was very good. So were the taxis. (Bill)
What was the weather like?
- You could find hot, cold, warm, dry, rain, hail. (Alec)
- En Bogotá es templado pero cuando llueve si llueve con fuerza y aparte que casi siempte tuve que durante el año que estuve ahi siempre tuve que salir con mi mi sobrilla. Fuera de Bogotá el clima varía puedes ser muy caliente entre los 40 y 48 grados asi como los 5 o 10 grados. (Gustavo)
- Varies from the hot and humid climate in Cucuta and Barrancabermeja, to the cooler and cold in Bogota and Boyaca. (Guillermo)
- I loved the weather! Some days were a bit too warm and humid for some people’s tastes, but I will gladly take those days over cold and snow any time. I mostly served near the coast and near the jungle, but Bogota can be much cooler. During the “winter” rainy season it rains almost every single day. I’ve never seen such strong heavy rain or such interesting thunder and lightening storms any where else. Definitely be prepared for rain . . . umbrellas and good sturdy weather resistant shoes will be your best friends. (Marcile)
- Always warm with the exception of Bogota and Tunja. (Bill)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- They are very loving people, even if they don’t want to listen. (Alec)
- Me gustó su forma de tratar a los demas sin tener ningún interes. Siempre tenían tiempo para escuchar a mi compañero y a mí. (Gustavo)
- People were beyond friendly and willing to listen. (Guillermo)
- The weather, the food, the culture, the beauty, the kind and loving people . . . (Marcile)
- They were most friendly. But you must accept them on their terms and schedule. (Bill)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- Buy good shoes not fancy ones. Bring a good rain jacket and umbrella. Plenty of short and long sleeve shirts. Bring long sleeve sweaters not vests. (Alec)
- Llevé sueters o abrigos para usar durante la noche en Bogotá. (Gustavo)
- Pack both long and short sleeve white shirts and very comfortable shoes. (Guillermo)
- Keep it simple. Choose your favorite shades/colors that will mix and match well. Choose wrinkle free, strong, sturdy clothing that is made to last and be washed by hand, possibly on a cement washboard. You’ll probably get very tired of wearing the same things over and over again, but it’s only for a few years.
You’ll probably be moving often, so don’t take things you don’t need! (Marcile)
- Dress lightly with light clothes. Get expensive prescription sunglasses and sunscreen for your face and head. You’re next to the equator and the sun is very strong. (Bill)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- More obedience, patience, and a desire to help others. (Alec)
- Ahora mas servicial y aprendí a escuchar la voz del Señor y a alinear mi voluntad con la de Él. (Gustavo)
- The opportunity to start my eternal family. (Guillermo)
- I believe that my mission prepared me to be a better wife, mother, and more compassionate and understanding of others. Though my Spanish is far from perfect, I use it often both at work and at church. I learned that I can do hard things, and that the Lord is always there to help. Prayer works. (Marcile)
- Was able to get a wonderful career and was married 7 weeks after returning home. Still married (temple marriage). (Bill)
What are some skills you gained?
- Teaching, leadership, arepa and hot chocolate making.
- Aprendí a hablar en público sin temor alguno, aprendí a planear para mí vida, a ser más ordenado, a cocinar y a planchar mi ropa. (Gustavo)
- Taking people, leadership, overcoming and accepting rejection. Planning. (Guillermo)
- To not be afraid to speak up and talk to strangers. To be prepared to teach or talk any and every Sunday. To get along with companions from another culture, who don’t speak English, and whose interests and personalities were totally different from mine. I really learned about give and take and compromise, and listening to the Spirit. (Marcile)
- Learned how to work with people and learned Spanish. (Bill)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- I wish I understood the mission rules better and I had studied the lessons better. (Alec)
- Me hubiese gustado saber más acerca de la cultura de es país. (Gustavo)
- The goals that are set. (Guillermo)
- I did not plan on serving a mission until about six months before I was called. I sometimes wish that I had decided to go earlier so that I could have been better prepared financially. However, my parents were very supportive of me in every way, including financially. I never would have been able to serve as a missionary without their support. I’m very grateful to them that I was able to serve my mission to Colombia. If you are not currently reading the Book of Mormon every single day, start doing that right now. It is the most important book on the earth today. We did not have Preach My Gospel, but this book is also a wonderful tool. Read and study and learn all you can from it now. Speak the language. Learn to think and pray in Spanish. It is beautiful! (Marcile)
- How to go into the jungle and teach the Indians. (Bill)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Bogota North?
- Forget your expectations. (Alec)
- Aprendan a escuchar los susurros del espíritu, lean El Libro de Mormón antes de entrar al CCM, confien en su presidente de misión y en su compañero y aprendar a ver a las personas no como son ahora sino como lo que pueden llegar a ser. (Gustavo)
- Love the people unconditionally. Try the food at least once. Talk to everyone they are willing to listen. (Guillermo)
- The people of Colombia are for the most part very loving, generous, humble and kind. Of course there is both good and evil found most everywhere in the world, but for the most part, the people of Colombia will welcome you and love you. Many are waiting for their promised blessings as children of Israel and will recognize the truth of the gospel and the Book of Mormon. It may be difficult for some to leave their cultural heritage of the Catholic Church, but remember that they do have a strong faith in God/Jesus Christ, even if they do not yet understand or accept the full truth of the restored gospel. Learn to love them as they are, and to serve them, and you won’t be able to NOT love them and have the strong desire to share the blessings of the fullness of the gospel and of the temple with them. They are very blessed to have temples in their own land now. When I served, very few members were able to afford to travel to the temple. These are blessings that the country and people of Colombia have waited for for many years. You will be able to help many wonderful people to understand the importance of the temple covenants and prepare themselves to receive them for themselves and for their ancestors. This is the most important work on the earth! (Marcile)
- Pack with smart wear, cottons no poly. Learn how to pack light. Two pairs of breathable shoes. (Bill)
What was a funny language mistake?
- I said I was hot. “Estoy caliente” it really means I am horny. (Alec)
- La pronunciación de ciertas palabras que se escriben de distinta forma y pueden llegar a sonar de forma similar pero que si no se tiene cuidado pueden significar otras cosas y eso cambia el significado de toda la oracion. (Gustavo)