Life in Burlington, Vermont, explained by people who’ve lived in Burlington:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Burlington)
Burlington Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Burlington?
- Everything is so close. (John, 4 years)
- Convenience of offerings (shopping, groceries, movies, etc). (Cynthia, 26 years)
- People. (Michele, we lived near Burlington for 30 years)
- The vibe. The culture. The diversity. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Burlington?
- People hanging out on church street and crime. (John, 4 years)
- No 24 hour affordable transportation. (Cynthia, 26 years)
- Politics. (Michele, 30 years)
- Recycling trash everywhere. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Burlington?
- Flynn theater, eco, waterfront, boating, skateboard park. (John, 4 years)
- Picnicking. (Cynthia, 26 years)
- Symphony, hiking, biking, Shelburne Museum, restaurants. (Michele, 30 years)
- Walk, people watch, dog parks. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington’s Reputation
What’s Burlington known for?
- Champ. (John, 4 years)
- Lake Champlain. (Cynthia, 26 years)
- There lake. (Michele, 30 years)
- Church st and the festivals. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington Crime
What’s the crime like in Burlington? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Bad, but not talked about. (John, 4 years)
- Low, but there. Downtown parks. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington Advice
Any advice for people moving to Burlington?
- Expensive. (John, 4 years)
- Bring lots of $. (Michele, 30 years)
- Watch for pedestrians. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Burlington (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Watching sunsets by the waterfront. (John, 4 years)
- First night (New Years Eve). (Michele, 30 years)
- Always loved taking kids to Mardigra parade. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington’s Future
How do you think Burlington will change over the next 10 years?
- Grown up, more commercial. (John, 4 years)
- Grow more.. (Michele, 30 years)
- More crime. More drugs. Less help for lower income groups. More higher income population. (Shelly, 40 years)
Burlington Facts
Any other interesting facts about Burlington?
- Largest city in VT. (John, 4 years)
- You used to be able to drive on Church St and Battery Park. (Shelly, 40 years)