Missão Brasil São Paulo Leste
Here are free resources about the Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission:
Aqui estão alguns recursos gratuitos sobre a Missão Brasil São Paulo Leste:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Brazil LDS Missions.
Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Sao Paulo East Mission. We try to keep this info up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the mission address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission
Rua Caa-Acu, 229
03171-020 Sao Paulo – SP
Phone Number: 55-11-2694-5185
Mission President: President Roy W. Silcox
Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Sao Paulo East Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date LDS.org map for the mission:
Sao Paulo East Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Sao Paulo East Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
*Download free app for LDS missionaries learning Brazilian Portuguese
Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission Groups
Here are Sao Paulo East Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the mission.
- Missao Brasil Sao Paulo Leste Facebook Group (696 members)
- Missao Sao Paulo Leste Facebook Group (627 members)
- Presidente Moreira 2009-2012 Missao Sao Paulo Group (361 members)
- Missao Brasil Sao Paulo Leste Group (242 members)
- Missao Brasil Sao Paulo Leste Facebook Group (118 members)
- Missao Sao Paulo Leste (2003 a 2006) Group (88 members)
- Missao Sao Paulo Leste Reencontro Facebook Group (88 members)
- Eu Fiz Missao Brasil Sao Paulo Leste (Celestial) Group (79 members)
- Servir Missao Em Sao Paulo Leste 1998-2000 Group (55 members)
- Missao Brasil Sao Paulo Leste 1992 a 2013 Group (53 members)
- Sao Paulo East Mission Facebook Group (50 members)
- Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission! Facebook Group (28 members)
Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission!
Shirt designs include Sao Paulo East Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Brazil Sao Paulo East missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Sao Paulo East Mission gifts
*Click here to see our new shirt design for the Brazil Sao Paulo East Mission:
Sao Paulo East Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Sao Paulo East LDS Mission.
- 2015-2018, Roy W. Silcox
- 2014-2015, Don L. Andrew
- 2012-2014, Ronald Alan Ferrin
- 2009-2012, Joaquim J. Moreira
- 2006-2009, Craig D. Wilkins
- 2003-2006, James Dale Urry
- 2000-2003, Edson de Marques
- 1997-2000, Richard Walker
- 1994-1997, Leobardo Saenz Espinosa
- 1991-1994, Willis Clark Fails
Brazil LDS Statistics (2016)
- Church Membership: 1,326,738
- Missions: 34
- Temples: 6
- Congregations: 2,038
- Family History Centers: 341
Helpful Articles about Brazil
Sao Paulo East Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Brazil Sao Paulo East RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
When did you serve?
- 2010-2012 (Cali)
- December 2002-December 2004 (Angelo)
- 1997-1999 (Deusivete)
What areas did you serve in?
- Escrever em Vila Curuçá Itaim Paulista satélite em São José dos Campos Itambé Ja rdim Paulista São Mateus. (Angelo)
- Parque Paulistano, Ubatuba, SP Mogi das Cruzes SP Mogi Centro, Burgo Paulista, Taubaté SP Jardim Ipanema, Liberdade, Jardim Helena e Jose Bonifacio. (Deusivete)
What were some favorite foods?
- Pasta, chicken and bananas, pizza n marguerita pizza!, pastel, mousse, feijão :). (Cali)
- Lasanha. Pizza. (Angelo)
- Pizza, Lasanha. (Deusivete)
What was a funny experience?
- Sleeping on the roof. (Cali)
- Mais engraçada que eu tive foi de um snake de um companheiro meu que Deus fez agir como 007 fugindo dela todos os dias. (Angelo)
- Minha chegada na missão 1° dia com Elder Dutra e o irmão da bexiga, falando de uma tal de cagibrina. (Deusivete)
What was a crazy/dangerous experience?
- Walking through the favela pela noite. (Cali)
- Quando um ladrão entrou em nossa casa durante a noite quando estávamos dormindo e levou meus documentos que estava exatamente próximo aos meus pés. (Angelo)
- Não tive. (Deusivete)
What was a spiritual experience?
- O batismo do Rafael depois de ouvir um apóstolo do Senhor. O fé simples dele é incrível. O batismo de um casal velho que estava procurando a igreja muitas décadas e deram a ala um espírito de amor puro. Os jovens de Vila carrão abraçaram cada pessoa nova como realmente uma rainha ou rei no Reino do Pai Celestial. Esses jovens são meus heróis. (Cali)
- Tem várias experiências espirituais 12 horas que não vou não sou de relatava som de colocar no meu diário para ficar de registro dia para meus filhos meus netos. (Angelo)
- Quando levamos pesquisador para conhecer o templo e somente visitar os jardins os fizeram ser batisados. (Deusivete)
What are some interesting facts about the Sao Paulo East Mission?
- It was the highest baptizing mission when we were there. The racial makeup is very diverse- Black, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, etc. The city is one of the 10 largest in the world. The people are ready for the Gospel. (Cali)
- Lugar maravilhoso tem museu do Ipiranga praça da Sé Ibirapuera . (Deusivete)
What was the weather like?
- Warm. August was about the only “winter month” when I would recommend a jacket and blankets, because the homes are not heated. (Cali)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- The bustle and strong work ethic from the time they are young. They love people and sacrifice for their fellow man. They love soccer and it was great to see the passion. They have a belief in God that softens many hearts. The food is good-looking, even if they say so themselves. They are encouraging to be around. I just love them. (Cali)
- Gosto muito das pessoas onde eu passei que servir me ajudaram muito sempre me amaram me ajudar de todas as formas eu tenho um grande carinho por ela. (Angelo)
- Gostei de muitas pessoas especialmente na 1° Marisa e Cida super mães. (Deusivete)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- Bring American candy if you have a hankering or are looking to make friends with youth. 3×5 cards- they don’t have any, but are fascinated by paper products. They love music and that includes your mission companion, who would love it if you brought him/her Jenny Phillips, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Nashville Tribute Band, etc. It’s a pretty industrialized place and you can find most everything, so I wouldn’t worry too much. (Cali)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- Love of people, appreciation for planning, schedules and study, a testimony of raising a family in the Gospel, life-long friends, language skills, intimacy with the Spirit and my relationship with Him in learning truth has grown. (Cali)
- As bênçãos que eu recebi foi de tênis é muito experiente de saber liderar líderes me comunicar bem com as pessoas e poder ajudar as pessoas a desenvolverem seus atributos. (Angelo)
- Falar com as pessoas. (Deusivete)
What are some skills you gained?
- Walking, speaking, summarizing, teaching, planning, accomplishing goals. (Cali)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- Be as comfortable in your skin as possible and the Lord will work with you. He truly knows you- even more than your parents, your siblings, your leaders who tell you who you are, so don’t worry, be happy. (Cali)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Sao Paulo East?
- Só Alegria. Batizar. Learn the lessons, your people are ready.
Rely on the members, they want to help you. (Cali)
- Se você tá aí pronto pra servir missão vá Não seja fraco seja forte qualquer missão é pros forte e tem que fazer o melhor não fazer coisas ruins indiferença missão é servir com amor com carinho e fazer o melhor possível pra crescer progredir fazer com que as pessoas encontram evangelho. (Angelo)
What was a funny language mistake?
- Keep the genders of the Grandma and Grandpa straight. They still sound the same to me, I can spell them…I still can’t figure out how they sound different (you can always work on your Português) Avó = Grandma. Avô = Grandpa. (Cali)
Michael (Brazil Sao Paolo East Mission)
–Paraphrased from Michael’s mission interview–
A Gigantic Mission
The mission is gigantic and is in northern Brazil. You have a bunch of states along the north of Brazil. The entire top half of Brazil was one mission, but they have carved it up since then. A lot of the Amazon forest runs through the mission. The Amazon river runs through the state. There are dozens of islands included, including one of the largest islands in the world which has buffalo on it. I always wanted to go there.
Work to be Done
The church is growing like crazy and catching like wildfire. There is so much work to be done and areas being opened up all over the stake. About six of these stakes are just in the capital city. There are three distant zones. You have to take a plane to travel between them. I spent about half of my mission in these distant zones so you spend a lot of time without getting to see your mission president. You want the church to spread out and take hold everywhere. You get to go on a lot of good adventures. One zone could only be reached by taking a boat along the Amazon river.