Missão Brasil Curitiba
Here are free resources about the Brazil Curitiba Mission:
Aqui estão alguns recursos gratuitos sobre a Missão Brasil Curitiba:
- Mission address and phone number
- Mission map
- Missionary blogs
- Facebook groups
- LDS Mission t-shirts and gifts
- List of past mission presidents
- Cultural articles written by returned missionaries
- Survey with RMs
*Other Mission Pages: Brazil LDS Missions.
Brazil Curitiba Mission Address
Here’s a recent address for the Curitiba Mission. We try our best to keep this information up to date, but it’s a good idea to check the mission address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office.
Escritório da Missão Brasil Curitiba
Av. Iguaçu 1460
Bairro Água Verde
CEP: 80240-030
Curitiba –PR
Phone Number: 55-41-3010-3523
Mission President: President Douglas K. Hart
Brazil Curitiba Mission Map
Here’s a link to the mission map for the Brazil Curitiba Mission (LDS). To access the official, up-to-date LDS.org map for the Curitiba Mission, simply
Brazil Curitiba Missionary Blogs
Here’s a list of LDS missionary blogs for the Curitiba Mission. This list includes the missionary’s name, URL and when their blog was updated.
*Download free app for LDS missionaries learning Brazilian Portuguese
Brazil Curitiba Mission Groups
Here are Curitiba Mission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni of the Curitiba Mission.
- Missao Brasil Curitiba Facebook Group (1,481 members)
- Missao Brasil Curitiba Facebook Group (899 members)
- Missao Curitiba 1992-95, Pres. Sebastiao Oliveira Group (780 members)
- Missao Brasil Curitiba- Pres. Cowley- 1980-1983 Group (297 members)
- Morrison Curitiba Mission Facebook Group (167 members)
- Missao Curitiba – Pres. Swensen 86-89 Group (117 members)
- Missao Curitiba 2004-2007 (Pres. Webster) Group (105 members)
- Missao Curitiba Facebook Group (41 members)
- Missao Brasil Curitiba 09-12 Facebook Group (30 members)
- Curitiba Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group (21 members)
- Brazil Curitiba Mission Facebook Group (7 members)
Brazil Curitiba Mission T-Shirts
Here are T-shirts for the Brazil Curitiba Mission!
Shirt designs include Brazil Curitiba Mission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. LDS Mission shirts come in all sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, up to 4XL. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you.
*Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. The designs on mission t-shirts may also be printed on other LDS mission gifts, including: Brazil Curitiba missionary aprons, Christmas stockings, ties, pillow cases, teddy bears and Christmas ornaments.
*Click here to browse Curitiba Mission gifts
*Click here to see our new shirt design for the Brazil Curitiba Mission:
Brazil Curitiba Mission Presidents
Here’s a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the Curitiba LDS Mission.
- 2016-2019, Douglas K. Hart
- 2013-2016, Anderson M. Monteiro
- 2010-2013, Derek L. Cordon
- 2007-2010, Paulo M. Araujo
- 2004-2007, David R. Webster
- 2001-2004, Samuel D. Morrison
- 1998-2001, David F. Paulsen
- 1995-1998, Adhemar Damiani
- 1992-1995, Sebastiao Lourenco de Oliveira
- 1989-1992, L.D. Covington
- 1986-1989, Robert R. Swensen
- 1983-1986, Jerry F. Twitchell
- 1980-1983, Duke Cowley
- 1978-1980, Wilford A. Cardon
- 1975-1978, Roger Beitler
- 1972-1975, O. Nelson Baker
- 1969-1972, Sherman H. Hibbert
- 1968-1969, Lloyd Hicken
- 1967-1968, Thomas Jensen
- 1964-1967, C. Elmo Turner
- 1961-1964, Finn B. Paulsen
- 1959-1961, Asael T. Sorensen
- 1958-1959, Wm. Grant Bangerter
- 1953-1958, Asael T. Sorensen
- 1946-1947, William Seegmiller
- 1931-1935, Reinholt Stoof
Brazil LDS Statistics (2016)
- Church Membership: 1,326,738
- Missions: 34
- Temples: 6
- Congregations: 2,038
- Family History Centers: 341
Helpful Articles about Brazil
Brazil Curitiba Missionary Survey
Here are survey responses from Brazil Curitiba RMs, to give you a snapshot into what it’s like to live in the mission.
When did you serve?
- 2006-2008 (Lance)
- 2005-2007 (Amanda)
- 2003-2005 (Michael)
- 2001-2003 (Gedeon)
- 1983-1984 (Eulitonio)
What areas did you serve in?
- Cascavel, Toledo, Marechal Candido Rondon, Sao Jose dos Pinhais, Curitiba. (Amanda)
- Curitiba, Londrina, Cascavel. (Eulitonio)
What were some favorite foods?
- Rice/beans with farofa, churrasco, pizza rodizio, passionfruit anything. (Lance)
- Brazilian pizzas and their dessert pizzas (in the training center I tried chocolate banana and cheese pizza…weird but good!), corn popsicles (also in the training center), pasoca, fresh mangoes, passion fruit and passion fruit mousse, drinkable yogurt, Guarana, rice and beans (they make it better than we usually do!), salgadinhos (little meat filled pastries they fried), and pao de queijo (cheesy bread) which my kids devour whenever I make them. (Amanda)
- Cheese bread, passion fruit móse, rodízio de pizza, kuat, stogenuf. (Michael)
- Panqueqs with maple, Lazanha. (Gedeon)
What was a funny experience?
- Not understanding the conversation when they asked my companion where his ancestors came from (England, but it was also what he was studying at college), I assumed they were asking about what I was studying and I said ophthalmology. The members just stared at me like I was crazy. (Lance)
- There are lots of funny stories, so it is hard to choose one. In my last area we lived in an apartment with mailboxes you had to open with a key. Ours got stuck, so we didn’t open it for a while. When we finally opened it, we found two electric bills that hadn’t been paid. The most recent bill was the more expensive one so we paid that first. It turned out that since we didn’t pay the older one, they cut our electricity. We spent the next few days filling out all of our nightly paperwork by candlelight! (Amanda)
What was a crazy experience?
- I didn’t have anything crazy, just walking passed drunk people/prostitutes who cat call you or want to talk to you. (Lance)
- One night my companion and I were talking and trying to find a particular address when we turned onto a very quiet street. We hadn’t walked far when we both felt a change in the mood and immediately stopped walking. It caught us off guard because it was so sudden, but we turned around and went looking for a different address. I don’t know what was on that street, but I remember the distinct and strong feeling that we shouldn’t go down it. (Amanda)
What was a spiritual experience?
- Teaching the first lesson to a investigator family and them feeling the Spirit strongly and trying to describe to us what they were feeling at the time. Being able to baptize a full family and seeing them enjoy living the gospel and sharing it with their friends. (Lance)
- We were teaching a young girl at her home with parents’ permission, until one day she said her mom wouldn’t let her learn from us anymore. We were very sad, but gave a final lesson about how much Heavenly Father loved her and would bless her as she continued to seek Him out. She was willing to say the final prayer, and gave the sweetest, most sincere, and humble prayer I have ever heard, like a child truly trying to reach out to her Father. It left me in tears. I want to pray like that. (Amanda)
What are some interesting facts about the Curitiba Mission?
- Temple was dedicated my second to last month and some of the missionaries were able to be tour guides. Curitiba has one of the best bus systems in the world. (Lance)
- There is a very poisonous spider in that area (aranha marrom, or brown spider). It is very small, and I hardly ever saw it. But our Mission President gave us instructions on how to avoid them when we entered the area. Also, there is a tree there that is unique to Parana. It is called the Araucaria and looks a bit like an umbrella turned inside out. I didn’t like it much at first, but I came to really love it. There is a big one right outside the temple. (Amanda)
What was the weather like?
- Pretty hot/humid in the summer time the more interior you went. Almost snowed in the winter time. (Lance)
- Very hot and humid. We sweat a ton in the summer and drank “boiling” water from our water bottles. In the winter is was cold, but I did fine wearing long sleeves and a jacket. Lots of rain in the spring (we walked through water up to our thighs during one rainstorm). (Amanda)
Any things you really like about the area/people?
- The food was amazing and the members were very loving of the missionaries especially when they could see that we were trying to work hard. (Lance)
- They are very friendly and love to talk about God. They are generally very humble people who don’t rely on things so much to be happy and who are willing to sacrifice for others even when they don’t have much. Good people who will even feed you or give you a drink even if they’re not interested in your message. (Amanda)
Any packing/clothing advice?
- I only needed a sweater for the winter time. Pack good socks and shoes. I didn’t use an electric blanket even though I packed one. (Lance)
- Pack good shoes! You will need them. (Amanda)
What blessings did you receive from serving a mission?
- Better testimony, understanding how the gospel blesses the lives of those who live it. Seeing lots of different members with varying testimonies and seeing how they are blessed. (Lance)
- It taught me that by following the Spirit, Heavenly Father can magnify my simple efforts to be meaningful for someone. It gave me confidence to do hard things. It strengthened the appreciation I have for my family. Gave me deeper compassion and (hopefully) greater humility (why complain about my circumstances when I’ve seen far worse?). Increased my willingness to try new things. Increased my love of the gospel. (Amanda)
What are some skills you gained?
- Better people skills, how to take charge of tasks that I would usually assume my parents would do (paying bills, etc). Some leadership skills in helping motivate peers. A somewhat better ability at playing soccer. (Lance)
- Confidence to speak and worry less about what others might think. Taught me a new language. It also broadened my knowledge and experience in the gospel since I was able to work with a large group of people with a wide range of trials and struggles. Helped me learn to listen with understanding and look people in the eye. I think back on my mission often. (Amanda)
What do you wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission?
- That you should learn to enjoy your companions no matter what their flaws are. Don’t focus on the negatives and just have fun with them. Focus on the positives. Become more friendly to the members, try to make it so they will remember you after you leave the area because you were a great missionary. Don’t stress out about not speaking the language and just try. The more you initiate conversations, the easier it is to understand the answers instead of just trying to understand a conversion between other people talking. (Lance)
- I wish I had been more bold. In one area, we had three teenagers from one family get baptized. The gospel was new to them. They wore everyday clothes to church, and not long after being baptized one Irma (sister in the ward) criticized them. They were a poor family, and it was hard enough for them to travel to church. The mother was very offended, and the kids did not go back to church. We were so sad. I wish I had been bold enough to approach that sister and explain (lovingly) what had happened and the hurt caused. Maybe an apology would have helped. (Amanda)
Any advice/testimony for pre-missionaries going to Curitiba?
- Become familiar with the lessons in Preach My Gospel, you don’t have to know them perfectly, but the more that you know, the less you worry. (Lance)
- Study all you can. Pray hard. Then work harder. My mission was like a mini life all in itself. I have seen patterns from that time that are being repeated today, and I believe I will continue to see them the rest of my life. Missions are AMAZING. We try so hard to do good for others, and then we are paid back a hundredfold after we return. It is worth every sacrifice. (Amanda)
What was a funny language mistake?
- I was giving a talk about 20 months into my mission, fully fluent. I had a word that I used a bit in everyday talk that meant screwed. No one had ever told me that the Portuguese version of screwed is a lot more profane and so I was swearing over the pulpit a few times in the talk. (Lance)
- I told one of the sisters that I really liked her “macaron” (pronounced like “mack-uh-hone” thinking I was saying macaroni/pasta. They laughed because they said it sounded like I was talking with a little kid’s pronunciation. You’re supposed to say it like “mack-uh-hown.” Another time, I rattled off several sentences to a man standing in a field, asking if he’d like to receive a visit from us and hear our message. He looked over at my Brazilian companion and said, “What is she saying?” and inside I was grumbling, “Don’t you speak Portuguese? THAT is what I’m speaking!” (Amanda)