Life in Blackfoot, Idaho, explained by people who’ve lived in Blackfoot:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Blackfoot)
Blackfoot Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Blackfoot?
- Camp Hippo. (TJ, 4 months)
- Haven’t found anything yet. (Connie, 7 years)
- Sense of community. (Kayla, 16 years)
- Small town and Jenson Grove. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- Wagon Wheel Cafe. (Loney, 27 years)
- The small town and the people. (Brent, 54 years)
- Not a lot of people. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Blackfoot?
- Nothing for kids to do- NOTHING. (TJ, 4 months)
- No communication and no real friends. (Connie, 7 years)
- Limited things to do without driving out of town or spending a ton of money. (Kayla, 16 years)
- Not much for teens to do. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- I don’t want to say on here. (Loney, 27 years)
- Wish we had more shopping. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Blackfoot?
- Celebrate Blackfoot. (TJ, 4 months)
- My husband would say the bars. (Connie, 7 years)
- Swim at the swimming pool. (Kayla, 16 years)
- Walk, bike, Jenson Grove and soon watch movies. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- Going to Pocatello or Idaho Falls. (Loney, 27 years)
- The lake, horses, basketball, softball, baseball, soccer. (Brent, 54 years)
- Jenson Grove. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot’s Reputation
What’s Blackfoot known for?
- Potato. (Connie, 7 years)
- Not a whole lot that I know of. (Kayla, 16 years)
- The fair and not having enough things for kids to do. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- Potatoes. (Loney, 27 years)
- Potatoes. (Brent, 54 years)
- Potato museum. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot Crime
What’s the crime like in Blackfoot? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Cops everyday down our road-N 400 W. (TJ, 4 months)
- Drugs and drunken driving. (Connie, 7 years)
- Crime seem low to me, mostly just accidents and people acting stupid. (Kayla, 16 years)
- You mean crack foot. Drugs are pretty bad here. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- Once know as “Little Chicago”. (Loney, 27 years)
- More than it should be. But fairly safe. (Brent, 54 years)
- We don’t hear much about it but it’s there. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot Advice
Any advice for people moving to Blackfoot?
- 1/2 hr drive to do anything. (TJ, 4 months)
- Don’t move here. (Connie, 7 years)
- Make sure you have a vehicle that’s good on gas so you can travel to other towns for entertainment. (Kayla, 16 years)
- Don’t. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- Don’t. (Loney, 27 years)
- Enjoy every moment. (Brent, 54 years)
Blackfoot Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Blackfoot (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Celebrate Blackfoot fireworks were amazing! The music story theme brought a tear to my eye. (TJ, 4 months)
- Best so far is getting married with a twist as law officers helped my husband set me up. (Connie, 7 years)
- Most of my fun memories are from childhood. Playing at the different parks we have scattered around town. (Kayla, 16 years)
- Growing up. (Brent, 54 years)
- Family and friends working together to help each other was a every day thing. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot’s Future
How do you think Blackfoot will change over the next 10 years?
- It is growing. (TJ, 4 months)
- Really don’t see anything different but we are getting a movie place. (Connie, 7 years)
- I’m not sure. I hope Blackfoot finally has the historic downtown area full of business and I hope the members of the community will be more interactive with all the events, large and small. (Kayla, 16 years)
- More crime. (Tawnya, 21 years)
- Doubt it. It hasn’t changed in 50+ years. (Loney, 27 years)
- I hope not much. (Brent, 54 years)
- Too many people. (Paula, 68 years)
Blackfoot Facts
Any other interesting facts about Blackfoot?
- Maybe same amount of bar equals the amount of religious stuff. (Connie, 7 years)
- Blackfoot holds an amazing mixture of people in it’s community. I have lived here since I was only three years old and I have met many people from many walks of life in our crazy little town. (Kayla, 16 years)