
Here’s a free collection of resources about autism (autism spectrum disorder).

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Autism Survey

We’re surveying people about their experiences with autism. Here will be a collection of their responses.

*This information is not meant to replace medical advice, and the information gathered via surveys may or may not be correct. Hopefully it will be helpful to you!

*Response format = Answer (Name, Age)

**Click here to share your experience with autism**

Autism Symptoms

What symptoms have you experienced?

Autism Causes

Is there anything you believe contributed to or caused your autism?

Autism Facts

What are some interesting facts about autism?

Autism Pain Management

What’s your experience with autism-related stress and stress relief?

Autism Difficulties

What are the hardest aspects of living with autism?

Autism Advice

What encouragement/advice can you give others who have autism?

Autism Diet and Exercise

What’s been your experience with diet and exercise?

Autism Recommendations

Anything you’d recommend for someone with autism?

Autism Resources

What specific resources have you found most helpful?

Autism Stories

Share an experience you’ve had related to living with autism.