Life in Wilmington, Deleware, explained by people who’ve lived in Wilmington:
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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Wilmington)
Wilmington Favorites
What’s your favorite thing about living in Wilmington?
- It’s affordable and close to everything. Lots of beautiful parks. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Convenient to PA. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Neighborhoods. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington Least Favorites
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Wilmington?
- Crime. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Too much bureaucracy to address crime. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Poor education. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington Things To Do
What are fun things to do in Wilmington?
- City parks. Brandywine zoo. Festivals. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Italian, Greek, Polish festivals, bars, cigar lounges, variety of restaurants. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Arts Festival- walk Brandywine. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington’s Reputation
What’s Wilmington known for?
- Crime and the Italian festival. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Drugs and crime unfortunately. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Formerly corporate centers. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington Crime
What’s the crime like in Wilmington? (hot spot areas, etc.)
- Pockets of violent crime. Petty crime city wide. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Depends on where you live, but not nearly as bad as outsiders believe. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Annoying. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington Advice
Any advice for people moving to Wilmington?
- Lock your car doors. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Research the area, make friends with the nosy neighbor, learn who is your city rep and be involved. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Put children in private/charter schools– join a church, any church. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington Stories
Share an experience you’ve had in Wilmington (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).
- Caught an elderly man with a walker stealing my neighbor’s packages. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Too many to recall, but the best ones were hanging out with friends and being able to walk home giggling. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Shopping on Market Street; going to movies, library- taking kids to lunch and museums. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington’s Future
How do you think Wilmington will change over the next 10 years?
- Hard to say. City council is inept and not addressing problems. Progress will be in spite of our elected officials. (Kevin, 4 years)
- Hopefully for the better. I moved away two years ago and have seen some positive changes in my old area. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Hopefully, the Riverfront will continue to bring people to the city. (Joan, 72 years)
Wilmington Facts
Any other interesting facts about Wilmington?
- Lots of great festivals. (Kevin, 4 years)
- A super small city with so many ethnic identities. You can cover Greek, Italian and Quaker areas with a 5 minute walk. (Brandy, 11 years)
- Lots of history to explore! (Joan, 72 years)