Rochester, New York

Life in Rochester, New York, explained by people who’ve lived in Rochester:

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*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Rochester)

Rochester Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Rochester?

  • Family. (Tina, 28 years)
  • Beautiful parks, historic architecture, super easy to get from Point A to Point B. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Low cost of living and great cultural resources. (Don, 45 years)
  • Being able to walk or take public transportation. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Rochester?

  • Not affordable housing, no resources for single people. (Tina, 28 years)
  • Expensive airline fares from the city, very high taxes, high rents (it’s much cheaper to buy if you can manage a down payment). (Marie, 35 years)
  • High property taxes and oppressive weather. (Don, 45 years)
  • All the zombie homes. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Rochester?

  • Movies, beach. (Tina, 28 years)
  • Visit the conservatory in Highland Park; stroll along the boardwalk at the beach in Charlotte; pig out on the super cheap breakfast at Pat’s Coffee Mug; attend the Lilac Festival in May; enjoy world-class art at Memorial Art Gallery and International Museum of Photography; catch a $5 double feature at the Cinema Theatre. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Museums. (Don, 45 years)
  • Go to park. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester’s Reputation

What’s Rochester known for?

  • Garbage plates. (Tina, 28 years)
  • Lilacs and photography. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Great colleges, great museums, Wegman’s and Kodak. (Don, 45 years)
  • Kodak film, Genesee beer. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester Crime

What’s the crime like in Rochester? (hot spot areas, etc.)

  • Horrible- it’s everywhere. (Tina, 28 years)
  • The crime in some areas, especially in parts of the north side, is still quite high, although we’ve been dethroned (fortunately) as the Murder Capital of New York State. But most neighborhoods are pretty safe as long as you’re smart about it. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Beautiful parks, historic architecture, super easy to get from Point A to Point B. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Rochester has a very high crime rate as compared per capita to other cities. (Don, 45 years)
  • Everywhere. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester Advice

Any advice for people moving to Rochester?

  • Don’t. (Tina, 28 years)
  • The Southeast Quadrant is the best place in Rochester to live! And plan to bundle up from November to March (well, actually, we had to stay bundled up through April this year!). (Marie, 35 years)
  • Bring a warm winter coat. (Don, 45 years)
  • Own instead of rent. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Rochester (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • More people are going to be pushed out as rent gets higher, taxes go up  food goes up, but the cost of living stays the same and doesn’t equal out and more crime. (Tina, 28 years)
  • So fun to participate in RIT’s annual “Big Shot,” where hundreds of people come out after dark and wield flashlights to enable the photography department to create a spectacular night image. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Outdoor concerts, Lilac festival. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester’s Future

How do you think Rochester will change over the next 10 years?

  • There’s a new, largely youngish group of activists and visionaries who are working hard to improve the downtown area and urban access to the Genesee River — and I think they’ll succeed. (Marie, 35 years)
  • Downtown will change but miss Midtown. (Carol, 55 years)

Rochester Facts

Any other interesting facts about Rochester?

  • We are one of only four cities that have multiple parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. And let’s not forget that both Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas lived here and now rest in the beautiful Mt. Hope Cemetery. (Marie, 35 years)