Marana, Arizona

Life in Marana, Arizona, explained by people who’ve lived in Marana:

*Click here to share your experience living in Marana*

*Response format = Answer (Your name, How long you’ve lived in Marana)

Marana Favorites

What’s your favorite thing about living in Marana?

  • Quiet neighborhood. (Alyssa, 1 year)
  • That it tends to be low crime in most areas. (Anonymous, 6 years)
  • Small town feel. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • The slow pace. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • The weather. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • It is just far enough from Tucson. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana Least Favorites

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Marana?

  • No streetlights in the communities, no nearby grocery store. (Alyssa, 1 year)
  • Right now, it’s the road construction going on. (Anonymous, 6 years)
  • Not much things close to home to do, but it’s expected being in a rural area. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • Lack of shopping. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • How far away everything is. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Road work. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana Things To Do

What are fun things to do in Marana?

  • Parks. (Alyssa, 1 year)
  • The splash pad and parks. (Anonymous, 6 years)
  • Hike, walk. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • Go on long walks. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Shop, movies, biking, hiking, parks. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana’s Reputation

What’s Marana known for?

  • Development. (Alyssa, 1 year)
  • Farm town. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • Cotton. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • Their cotton fields. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Farming. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana Crime

What’s the crime like in Marana? (hot spot areas, etc.)

  • Low in most areas but higher in the lower income areas of town where there seems to be more instances of drug related and petty crimes. (Anonymous, 6 years)
  • Low. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • Low. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • Mostly drugs. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Not sure. MPD does a great job of protecting us. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana Advice

Any advice for people moving to Marana?

  • Continental ranch and dove mountain are nice places to live. (Anonymous, 6 years)
  • Enjoy family life and activities. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • Shop online. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • Add the Facebook page for Gladden farms. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Always have weed spray, a duster and a bottle of water. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana Stories

Share an experience you’ve had in Marana (fun, crazy, dangerous, etc.).

  • Town activities. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • One time a snake got into our garage, my neighbors and I tried getting it out using everything we could and probably looked insane. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • The Town of Marana is always putting on local events. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana’s Future

How do you think Marana will change over the next 10 years?

  • More stores. (Alyssa, 1 year)
  • It’s going to grow even more. (Anonymous, 6 years)
  • Grow more in population and businesses coming while keeping focus on Marana heritage. (Anonymous, 9 years)
  • Retail. (Anonymous, 12 years)
  • I think we will have more shops nearby so not everything is so far away. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Expand town limits, add more civil services/infrastructure, population will continue to grow. (Mike, 20 years)

Marana Facts

Any other interesting facts about Marana?

  • It’s a very friendly community. (Savannah, 13 years)
  • Pima Cotton is the best there is. (Mike, 20 years)